Cómo encontrar tiempo para trabajar en su lado ajetreo

consejos sobre cómo hacer tiempo para trabajar en su lado ajetreo

Even if you’re killing it at your day job, there’s a good chance you want to bring in some extra cash on the side. And there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, working on your side hustle is a great way to boost your income and set yourself up for long-term success. But it can be tough to find the time to work on your side hustle while you’re already balancing a full-time job. That’s why I’m here to share my tips for finding the time and energy to work on your side hustle even when you’re strapped for time.

I totally get it, you’re busy working your 9-5 job, need to manage family life, drive your kids to their soccer games, and maybe even find time for a social life. And that’s before you even think about working on your side hustle. But trust me, if you’re passionate about your side hustle and are willing to put in the extra effort, you should definitely find the time to work on it. This article gives you some valuable tips, tricks and food for thought to get you back on track, just in case you needed a little extra side hustle motivation.

Lo primero es lo primero: tienes que dedicar tiempo a tu negocio secundario. Eso significa reservar horas específicas cada semana para trabajar en tu negocio. Puede ser por la mañana temprano, antes del trabajo, por la noche, después del trabajo, o incluso los fines de semana. Sea cual sea el horario que elijas, asegúrate de cumplirlo en la medida de lo posible. Esto te ayudará a mantener la concentración y a evitar quemarte.

If you find it difficult to set aside specific hours each week, try batching your work. Batching is when you bunch similar tasks together and work on them all at once. For example, if you’re working on content for your side hustle, batching would involve writing all of your blog posts or articles for the week in one sitting. This can be a great way to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time.

Another tip is to make use of any downtime you have during the day. This could be your lunch break, your commute, or even those 10-15 minutes before your boss comes into your office for a meeting. Use this time to work on small tasks for your side hustle. This could involve replying to emails, working on social media posts, or even writing a few paragraphs of that blog post you’ve been meaning to write.

And last but not least, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Working on your side hustle can be tough and it’s important to make sure you’re taking care of your mental and physical health. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and taking breaks when you need them. This will help you avoid burnout and keep your energy levels up so you can continue working on your side hustle.

Remember why you chose your side hustle and why you’re passionate about it

When you first started your side hustle, you were likely driven by a sense of purpose. Maybe you wanted to make some extra money, or maybe you were looking for a creative outlet. Whatever your reasons, it’s important to remember why you started your side hustle in the first place. When the going gets tough, it can be easy to lose sight of your goals. But if you take a step back and remind yourself of your passion for your work, you’ll be motivated to keep going. After all, it’s that passion that will help you succeed in the long run. So don’t forget why you started your side hustle in the first place. It’s what will help you stay focused and motivated when times get tough.

Todo el mundo necesita encontrar su PORQUÉ. Eso significa que, cada vez que empieces una tarea, una nueva etapa en tu vida o necesites algo de motivación, piensa en lo que te motiva. ¿Por qué quieres tener éxito con tu negocio paralelo? ¿Es sólo el dinero o hay algo más? ¿Es la salida creativa o la oportunidad de ayudar a los demás?

Some people forget about their WHY, but if you keep yours at the forefront of your mind, it’ll be easier for you to find time to work on your side hustle. After all, your WHY is what will help you stay motivated when times are tough.

Calcula cuánto tiempo necesitas dedicarle cada semana

Before you can start making money from your side hustle, you need to figure out how much time you’re willing to invest in it each week and how much time your side hustle really needs to strive. This can be a tricky balance to strike, as you don’t want to overwork yourself and end up burning out. On the other hand, if you underestimate the amount of time required, you may not see the results you were hoping for.

To get an accurate sense of how much time you’ll need to dedicate to your side hustle, start by breaking down the tasks that need to be completed each week. Once you know what needs to be done, you can begin to realistically estimate the number of hours required. It’s also important to factor in some flexibility, as unexpected delays or problems can always pop up.

With a clear understanding of the time commitment involved, you can start setting boundaries and make sure your side hustle doesn’t take over your life. By taking the time to figure out a realistic schedule, you’ll increase your chances of success and ensure that your side hustle is something you enjoy doing.

Para tu familia, este paso puede suponer un gran cambio porque ahora puedes predecir mejor cuándo tendrás tiempo para ellos y cuándo estarás trabajando. Así evitarás discusiones y estrés en el futuro. Puedes planificar mejor tu vida diaria y pasar tiempo de calidad con tu pareja y tus hijos, en lugar de dejarte caer frente al televisor por la noche después de un largo día de trabajo.

If you have a partner, communicate with them about your side hustle and what it entails. They need to be aware of the time commitment required and how it might affect your relationship. It’s also important to set aside some quality time for each other, even if it’s just an hour or two every week. This way, you can avoid feeling like your side hustle is taking over your life.

There will be times when your side hustle requires more time than usual, but as long as you’re upfront about it with your loved ones, you should be able to manage your time effectively and still make room for the things that are important to you.

Bloquea ese tiempo en tu calendario

Now that you know how much time your side hustle needs every month, week and day, it’s time to start blocking off that time in your calendar. This is important because it will help you stay accountable and make sure you’re actually making time for your side hustle.

Si tienes un calendario de trabajo, puedes utilizarlo para programar tu tiempo de side hustle. O puedes utilizar una aplicación de calendario personal como Google Calendar o Apple Calendar. Solo tienes que asegurarte de bloquear el tiempo de una forma que te funcione y te ayude a mantener el rumbo.

You can also use this time to schedule other important things like family time, me-time and social engagements. By seeing everything in one place, you’ll be able to better manage your time and make sure your side hustle doesn’t take over your life.

Sharing a calendar with your partner and/or kids can also be helpful. This way, everyone knows when you’re working on your side hustle and can respect that time. It can also help avoid conflicts and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Levántate más temprano o quédate despierto más tarde para dedicar tiempo a tu negocio paralelo

The side hustle is the modern gold rush. It’s the opportunity to turn your passion into profit, and it all starts with a great idea. But having a great idea is only half the battle. The other half is turning that idea into a reality, and that takes time, hard work, and dedication. So what’s the best way to make time for your side hustle? Should you wake up earlier or stay up later? The answer is both. You need to be willing to sacrifice some of your free time in order to invest in your side hustle. That means giving up late nights out with friends or lazy Sundays in bed. But it will be worth it when you see your ideas come to life and start generating an income.

In order to make this tip work, you need to make sure you’re not too tired each morning or evening. Putting in early or late hours is a great way to work on your side hustle. But quality is always better than quantity. If you’re too tired to work effectively, you won’t get anything done and you’ll just end up frustrated. So make sure you get enough sleep and keep a healthy lifestyle. This way, you’ll be able to put in the long hours without sacrificing your quality of work.

Investing in a quality coffee maker is also a good idea. This way, you can have access to great coffee each morning or evening, and you won’t have to waste time waiting in line at a café. A good coffee maker will help you stay energized and focused, so you can get the most out of your side hustle time. This one is essential for me. I couldn’t live and work without my coffee.

Los suplementos también son una buena forma de darte un chute de energía. A mí me gusta tomar vitaminas B12 y D3, así como un suplemento de omega-3. Me ayudan a mantenerme concentrada y con energía, para poder aprovechar al máximo mi tiempo de trabajo. Me ayudan a mantenerme concentrada y con energía para aprovechar al máximo mi tiempo libre.

Lo sé, todo esto suena bien en teoría. Pero, ¿qué puedes hacer si tienes que trabajar dos horas más por la tarde pero ya te pesan los ojos?

There are a few things you can do to make sure you’re productive during those late-night side hustle sessions. First, try working in short bursts with breaks in between. This will help you stay focused and avoid burnout. You can also try listening to music or podcasts to stay energized and motivated. And lastly, make sure you have a clear goal for what you want to accomplish during that session. This way, you’ll be more likely to stay on track and get things done. And when all of this fails, rethink your strategy and find time for your side hustle during the day.

Trabajar en tu negocio paralelo durante la pausa para comer

When you can’t sacrifice sleep in the morning or evening, one way is to use your lunch break. This might mean working through your lunch hour or taking a shorter lunch so you can have more time to work on your side hustle. Keep in mind, though, that you need to take breaks and eat healthy meals in order to stay energized and focused throughout the day. So don’t skip lunch altogether. Just be mindful of how you’re using your time.

Working and eating at the same time might sound like a recipe for disaster. But if you’re careful, it can actually be quite effective. I like to work on my laptop while I eat lunch. This way, I can get some work done and still have time to relax and enjoy my meal. Just make sure you’re not working on something that requires too much concentration. otherwise, you might end up making a mess of your food.

Si tienes hijos, aprovecha la hora de la siesta para trabajar en tu negocio paralelo.

If you’re a parent, then you know how valuable naptime is. It’s a chance to get some peace and quiet and get things done around the house. But it can also be a great opportunity to work on your side hustle. Whether you have young kids or teenagers, use that time to work on your business. You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done when there are no distractions.

Aprovechar los tiempos muertos en el trabajo

Even if you have a busy job, there are usually pockets of downtime throughout the day. Maybe you have a few minutes here and there between meetings or projects. Or maybe you have an hour lunch break. Whatever the case may be, try to use that time to work on your side hustle. Even if it’s just for 30 minutes, it can be helpful in moving your business forward. And the more you do it, the easier it will become.

Of course, you don’t want to get caught working on your side hustle during company time. That’s not only unprofessional, but it could also get you in trouble. So be discreet about it and only use company time for side hustle work if you have permission from your boss.

Reducir el tiempo dedicado a la televisión o las redes sociales

TV and social media can be huge time-sucks. It’s easy to get caught up in scrolling through your feed or watching just one more episode of your favorite show. But if you want to make time for your side hustle, you need to be intentional with your time. That means cutting back on TV and social media time. Ask yourself what watching another episode on Netflix, Amazon Video or Hulu does for your future. Is it really worth an hour of your time? Or is working on your side hustle the better time investment?

The same goes for social media. It’s easy to get lost in the rabbit hole of Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I am all guilty of this myself. I love scrolling through memes, funny videos and articles on social media. But I’ve had to be intentional about when I allow myself to do this. I’ll set a timer for 20 minutes and then get back to work. This way, I can enjoy myself without letting it consume too much time.

If you want to make time for your side hustle, you need to be intentional with your time too. There’s no re-investment without an investment upfront. So you need to put in the hours now to see the results later. And eliminating distractions like TV and social media can help you make the most of your time.

Aprovechar los fines de semana y/o los días de vacaciones

Time is money, they say. If that’s the case, then weekends and vacation days are when we make our biggest profits. These are the days when we can finally focus on our side hustles and turn them into full-fledged businesses.

But too often, we let these precious days slip by without making any progress. We convince ourselves that we need to relax and recharge, but in reality, we’re just being lazy. The truth is, if we want to achieve our dreams, we need to use every day to move closer to our goals. That means turning our side hustles into real businesses on weekends and during vacations. It may not be easy, but it’s certainly worth it.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want you to sit in your hotel room on vacation and work on your side hustle the whole time. That’s not what I’m saying. What I am saying is that you should use some of your free time to make progress on your business. Even if it’s just a few hours here and there, it will add up and help you reach your goals faster.

Do you remember when I mentioned putting in a few hours early in the morning or late in the evening? That applies to vacations and holidays too. If you can get up a bit earlier or stay up a bit later, you’ll be surprised at how much progress you can make. Just be careful not to burn yourself out. Remember, vacations and holidays are supposed to be enjoyable. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself and make sure to take some time for rest and relaxation too.

Sea creativo con su tiempo

There are only so many hours in the day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative with your time and find ways to fit your side hustle into your busy schedule.

Una forma de hacerlo es agrupar tareas similares y trabajar en ellas durante un periodo de tiempo determinado cada semana. Por ejemplo, si tienes que escribir entradas para un blog, grabar vídeos o crear contenidos para las redes sociales, intenta hacer todas esas cosas de una sola vez. Así aprovecharás mejor el tiempo y evitarás sentirte abrumado por todas las tareas que tienes que hacer.

There are quite some strategies to use your time more wisely and in a more productive way. One of them that comes surprisingly is to NOT multitask. Studies have shown that working on too many things at once can actually make you less productive. So if you want to get more done, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention. You’ll be surprised at how much faster you’ll get things done.

Another way to be more productive with your time is to set a goal for each day or week. This will help you stay focused and on track, and it will also prevent you from getting sidetracked by irrelevant tasks. When you have a specific goal in mind, it’s easier to stay motivated and avoid distractions.

Las aplicaciones de productividad pueden ser una buena forma de tener una visión general de tus tareas y progresos. A mí me gusta usar Todoist, una app sencilla pero eficaz que me ayuda a mantenerme organizada y al día. También hay apps de productividad más completas como Asana y Trello, que pueden ser útiles si tienes muchas tareas y proyectos que gestionar.

Aprovechar el tiempo para desplazarse

El trayecto al trabajo es probablemente una de las oportunidades más desaprovechadas en lo que respecta a los negocios secundarios. La mayoría de la gente simplemente se sienta en el autobús o en el tren y navega por las redes sociales o juega en sus teléfonos. Pero, ¿y si te dijera que puedes utilizar ese tiempo para avanzar en tu negocio?

There are a few ways to do this. One is to listen to audiobooks or podcasts that will teach you something new that you can apply to your business. This is a great way to learn while you’re commuting and it’s also much less expensive than buying books or taking courses.

Otra opción es aprovechar los desplazamientos al trabajo para aportar ideas a tu empresa. Es un buen momento para pensar en nuevos productos, servicios o campañas de marketing. También puedes aprovechar para planificar la semana o el mes que tienes por delante. Y si vas en transporte público, puedes incluso trabajar si llevas un portátil.

So next time you’re commuting, instead of just zoning out, try to use that time to work on your side hustle. You might be surprised at how much progress you can make.

Delegue tareas en otras personas para tener más tiempo para trabajar en su negocio paralelo.

You’ve got a vision for your side hustle. You know what you want to achieve and you’re ready to put in the work to make it happen. But there’s just one problem: you’re already spread too thin. You’ve got a full-time job, family obligations, and a social life – all of which are eating into the time you could be spending on your business. The solution? Delegate, delegate, delegate.

Find others who share your vision and who are willing to lend a hand. Outsource tasks that are taking up too much of your time. And most importantly, don’t try to do everything yourself. When you delegate tasks to others, you free up more time to focus on the things that matter most – like growing your business.

In fact, I would go as far as delegating and outsourcing every task that doesn’t fit into my calendar or that I am not comfortable with. For example, I am not a fan of social media marketing, so I outsource that to someone who is more skilled and knowledgeable in that area. This has saved me a lot of time and energy, and it has also helped me grow my business much faster.

Haz una lista de las tareas que más tiempo consumen en tu empresa y busca a otras personas que puedan ayudarte con ellas. Acude a sitios como fiverr o upwork y publique un trabajo. Te sorprenderá saber cuánta gente está dispuesta y es capaz de ayudarte con tu negocio: todo lo que tienes que hacer es pedirlo.

But delegating tasks doesn’t only mean to give away tasks and jobs that you can’t or don’t want to do. Think about delegating housework, grocery shopping, and other mundane tasks to give you more time to work on your business. The math is simple. If you make $20 an hour when you work on your side hustle and can delegate a task for $10 to someone else, then it’s definitely worth it. And you’re setting yourself up for even greater success with every hour you put into your side hustle.

En resumen: si quieres tener más tiempo para tu negocio paralelo, empieza a delegar tareas en otras personas.

Reflexiones finales

I know firsthand how tough it can be to juggle a full-time job and a side hustle. But I also know that it’s definitely possible to make time for both. These are just a few tips that have helped me find the time to work on my business while still maintaining a full-time job. I hope they help you too.

Remember, your side hustle is your passion project – so don’t give up on it. Pursue it with everything you’ve got and don’t let anything get in your way. With a bit of hard work and dedication, you can make your side hustle a success.

Sé creativo con tu tiempo y piensa dos o tres pasos por delante y estoy seguro de que tu negocio paralelo será la próxima historia de éxito.

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