4818 opiniones

Seth Godin's Freelancer Course

Become Remarkable, Find Better Clients, and Do Work That Matters--the classic set of lectures
Seth Godin
27.865 Estudiantes inscrito
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Contents and Overview

This course begins with an introduction into what it means to be a freelancer, regardless of what industry you work in.

You'll realize that you have the opportunity to take control of your career, regardless of your previous experience, by seeing the world the way your clients do.

Seth walks you through choosing your clients and how to be at the right place at the right time to find them. By pushing yourself to produce remarkable work, the clients will start coming to you.

Each short, intense (and sometimes funny) lecture helps you identify ways to build your reputation and promote your business so you can step out of invisibility. You'll make your work more valuable, and you'll know how to price your work to attract and retain clients.

You have the opportunity to become a well-known specialist in your field. You'll learn the foundation that consistently generates client leads that translate into a higher freelancer income.

Also included: In-depth answers to FAQs that Seth has collected from his audience in preparation for this course. The FAQs will help clarify common concerns that freelancers have, as well as provide insight into overcoming everyday challenges.

Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to complete exercises that will help you forge a path you can easily follow. You'll get as much out of this course as you choose to put into it.

By the end of this course, you'll know what you need to do to pave your way towards a more lucrative and fulfilling freelancing career. You'll be confident enough to be your own boss, and you'll know how to put your goals in motion.

Whether you're currently freelancing full-time or you're stuck in a job that you want to get out of, Seth shows you what it takes to be an accomplished freelancer—or, as he calls it, “a warrior without a king.”

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Por supuesto. Si tienes conexión a Internet, los cursos de Udemy están disponibles en cualquier dispositivo y en cualquier momento. Si no tienes conexión a Internet, algunos instructores también permiten a sus estudiantes descargar las clases del curso. Eso depende del instructor, así que asegúrate de que te cae bien.
4818 opiniones
Estrellas 5
Estrellas 4
Estrellas 3
Estrellas 2
Estrellas 1
Garantía de devolución del dinero en 30 días
Detalles del curso
Vídeo 4 horas
Certificado de aprovechamiento
Acceso total de por vida
Acceso por móvil y TV
Better Version Academy - Aprende de por vida
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