110127 opiniones

Automatice las cosas aburridas con la programación en Python

A practical programming course for office workers, academics, and administrators who want to improve their productivity.
Al Sweigart
1.106.577 Estudiantes inscrito
  • Descripción
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  • Reseñas

If you're an office worker, student, administrator, or just want to become more productive with your computer, programming will allow you write code that can automate tedious tasks. This course follows the popular (and free!) book, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python.

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python was written for people who want to get up to speed writing small programs that do practical tasks as soon as possible. You don't need to know sorting algorithms or object-oriented programming, so this course skips all the computer science and concentrates on writing code that gets stuff done.

This course is for complete beginners and covers the popular Python programming language. You'll learn basic concepts as well as:

  • Web scraping
  • Parsing PDFs and Excel spreadsheets
  • Automating the keyboard and mouse
  • Sending emails and texts
  • And several other practical topics

By the end of this course, you'll be able to write code that not only dramatically increases your productivity, but also be able to list this fun and creative skill on your resume.

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¿Puedo llevarme mis cursos a todas partes?
Por supuesto. Si tienes conexión a Internet, los cursos de Udemy están disponibles en cualquier dispositivo y en cualquier momento. Si no tienes conexión a Internet, algunos instructores también permiten a sus estudiantes descargar las clases del curso. Eso depende del instructor, así que asegúrate de que te cae bien.
110127 opiniones
Estrellas 5
Estrellas 4
Estrellas 3
Estrellas 2
Estrellas 1
Garantía de devolución del dinero en 30 días
Detalles del curso
Vídeo 10 horas
Certificado de aprovechamiento
Acceso total de por vida
Acceso por móvil y TV
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