Personal Development




Career Development
2.5 total hours
Are you struggling to get a passion project off the ground? Has it been stuck in your head or notebook for longer than you’d like to admit, but wit...
2.5 total hours
Personal Development
4 total hours
What’s the most important skill you can master? It’s learning to cultivate and sustain a high vibration. How much you achieve each day ...
4 total hours
Personal Development
2 total hours
If you have more things to do than you have time and frequently get overwhelmed with all your priorities and tasks, you are in the right place! I d...
2 total hours
A FEW OF MELISSA’S TESTIMONIALS “I have been a student of The Law of Attraction for some time now and this is the best t...
1.5 total hours
Personal Development
1 total hour
This Course is to educate you on how you can support yourself & your loved ones during stressful times in life. I will share with you some Time...
1 total hour
Career Development
3 total hours
Here are the comments from some of the students: “Me pareció súper interesante y da muchos ánimos e ideas aplicables a la búsqueda de empleo....
3 total hours
Personal Development
1 total hour
This course will help in creating money magnet mindset to attract abundance in our lives. It uses very powerful life changing NLP sub conscious rei...
1 total hour
Personal Development
1 total hour
Do you want to remove your limiting beliefs and blocks about money, and then learn how to attract more money using energy? If so, this course is fo...
1 total hour
Personal Development
4.5 total hours
Productivity Mastery 10X – The #1 Productivity System on Udemy! OVER 2,983 AWESOME REVIEWS!!! 4.6 STARS OUT OF 5!!! THANK...
4.5 total hours
Personal Development
4.5 total hours
10X SUPERHUMAN Habits – The No 1 Course on Building Good Habits on Udemy!With over 532 ratings, this is the HIGHEST ...
4.5 total hours
Personal Development
3.5 total hours
All of us work in a business environment that is constantly changing, is intense and is unrelenting.  This can lead to high levels of anxiety ...
3.5 total hours
Personal Development
13.5 total hours
In recent years, the term authenticity has faced a public relations crisis. The word ‘authenticity’ has lost meaning due to its overuse in pr...
13.5 total hours
Better Version Academy - Learn for Life
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