Welcome to Better Version Academy

Our mission is to empower individuals to become the best versions of themselves. We believe that by learning practical, real-life skills and advice, you can create a better version of yourself.

At Better Version Academy, we offer top-notch advice and inspiration on improving your business acumen, productivity, personal finances, spirituality and human psychology. We strive to deliver tools and resources that will help you learn how to improve in all areas of life. You can also join our growing list of online courses na dour engaging community of like-minded individuals who are always looking for ways to become even better versions of themselves.

Our team is made up of experienced professionals, teachers and writers who are passionate about helping others reach their goals and become their ideal selves. We invite you to explore our website and discover the many services Better Version Academy has to offer – from articles and videos to one-on-one coaching sessions and complete programs – so that you can find what works best for you.

Welcome aboard the journey to being your best self! With regular guidance from our experts at Better Version Academy, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an even better version of yourself.

What you can expect

High Quality Articles, Accurate Information & Fact-Checked Content

Experts in their fields with tons of expertise

Rigorous Review Processes before articles get published


Our Writers

We choose all of our writers carefully for their experience, expertise and authority before hiring them. Our goal is to provide the most accurate information to you, so you can trust each piece of information that we publish.

Brian Morrison author at betterversionacademy.com

Brian Morrison

Expert for Finances & Side Hustles & Career Coach

Brian Morrison is a dedicated and passionate writer and career coach. He firmly believes in the power of education and helping others reach their full potential. He specializes in writing about personal finances, side hustles, and career advancement. With his expertise, he provides valuable insights that help his readers make wise decisions and achieve their goals. Brian has over 10 years of experience in the field and has been featured in numerous publications. At Better Version Academy, we are proud to have Brian as part of our team – his commitment to helping people become better versions of themselves is inspiring!

Melinda Velacruz Author at betterversionacademy.com

Melinda Velacruz

Life & Business Coach

Melinda Velacruz is a dynamic and inspiring life and business coach. She is passionate about helping people optimize their lives and businesses to reach their full potential. With her years of experience in the field, she provides guidance on how to create meaningful relationships, achieve success, and lead a fulfilling life. In addition, Melinda also enjoys exploring spirituality as she believes it helps people become more self-aware and develop inner peace. At Better Version Academy, we are honored to have Melinda as part of our team – her dedication to driving positive change is unparalleled!

Alan B. Warburton author at betterversionacademy.com

Allen B. Warburton

Money Coach & Investor

Allen B. Warburton is an experienced and knowledgeable money coach and investor. With over 30 years of experience, he provides invaluable advice on how to optimize money management and investments to help people grow their wealth. He has written extensively on the topics of budgeting, retirement planning, and financial literacy. His work has been featured in various publications, speaking engagements, and webinars. At Better Version Academy, we are thrilled to have Alan as part of our team – his expertise in helping people make smart investment decisions is second to none!

Lorraine Mullen author at betterversionacademy.com

Lorraine Mullen

Psychologist, Money & Lifestyle Coach

Lorraine Mullen is a dedicated psychologist, money and lifestyle coach. She is passionate about helping her clients take control of their lives by unlocking their full potential and living the life they have always dreamed of. With a strong spiritual orientation, Lorraine also has extensive knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the law of attraction. She has extensive experience in leading workshops and seminars on these topics, as well as offering one-on-one coaching sessions. At Better Version Academy, we are proud to have Lorraine as part of our team – her commitment to helping people reach their goals is unparalleled!

Nancy Hummel Author at betterversionacademy.com

Nancy Hummel

NLP Coach, Spirituality Expert, Reiki Master & Law Of Attraction Practitioner

Nancy Hummel is an accomplished author and coach, specializing in NLP, spirituality, Reiki, and the Law of Attraction. With a passion for helping people tap into their true potential and live their best lives, Nancy has dedicated her career to empowering individuals to transform their lives from the inside out. As a gifted writer, Nancy shares her profound wisdom through her published works, which have garnered praise and admiration from readers and critics alike. With her extensive knowledge and expertise, Nancy has built a reputation as a leading expert on personal growth and transformation. Whether you're seeking to overcome limiting beliefs, unleash your creativity, or discover your true purpose in life, Nancy's innovative approach will inspire and motivate you to achieve your deepest aspirations.

Editorial Guidelines

At Better Version Academy, we are committed to providing the highest quality content for our readers. We strive to bring engaging and meaningful stories, articles, blog posts and other content that can help our readers improve their lives. In order to ensure that our content meets the highest standards, we have established the following editorial guidelines:

  1. All content must be original and should not have been published elsewhere.
  2. Content must be well-written, accurate, and informative. It should offer comprehensive insights on topics related to improving personal finances, lifestyle optimization and self-development.
  3. Content should provide useful tips or advice that can help our readers take actionable steps towards improving their lives.
  4. Articles should be free of typos, spelling errors and grammatical mistakes; they should also flow logically with a clear beginning, middle and end.
  5. All authors must obtain permission from Better Version Academy before republishing any content written for us elsewhere online or in print media outlets.
  6. All authors must submit completed articles within the agreed upon deadline provided by Better Version Academy editorial team – failure to do so may result in forfeiture of payment for the article(s).
  7. All articles must include an author bio at the end of the article which includes a brief description about them as well as a link back to their website/social media page (where applicable).
  8. All external links included in the article must be valid sources of information which add value to the reader's experience by providing additional resources for further research on the topic at hand.

Product Reviews, Resources & Recommendations

At Better Version Academy, we believe in providing honest, unbiased reviews and recommendations. All reviews, resources and recommendations featured on our platform are based on independent research, testing and personal experience. We make sure to always test the products or services we review thoroughly and objectively. We strive to provide accurate information, resources and tools that will help our readers make the right decisions when it comes to improving their lives. We never accept payment for positive reviews or endorse any product without proper research and honest review.

Become A Writer

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If you think you have the skills and experience to become part of our team, please reach out by visiting our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you!

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