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Side Hustle Bootcamp

Five Strategies to take your Side Hustle from Dream to Reality—and even to Full-Time Gig
50 Students enrolled
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Are you struggling to get a passion project off the ground? Has it been stuck in your head or notebook for longer than you’d like to admit, but with all the responsibilities of daily life, it just hasn’t gotten very far? I totally get this, because, this was me for years before I started to really take my career into my own hands about 7 years ago. Twice I’ve turned side hustles into my full time gig, each time making my livelihood fit me better and better. And now, it’s happening a third time.

If you are ambitious but a little disorganized— a serial “idea person” that spins your wheels in planning and dream but has trouble taking action — let’s talk. This was me. My nickname as a kid was “space cadet.” For a long time I was known as a daydreamer, not a woman of action. But that’s exactly what I’ve become: a successful entrepreneur. I’ve done it by creating frameworks to wrangle my creative and often undisciplined nature. I am so excited to teach you these super-practical, non-fluffy framework for transformation.

In this course, we will go through my 5-step plan to get any side hustle up and running. And we will be going through the process together, quite literally. I’ll be taking my own side hustle and transforming it into the next iteration of my full-time career, using these techniques that have worked for me in the past when I made similar transformations.

The course starts with my story; I’ll give you the scoop on how I got my career to the pretty amazing place it is at today: self-employed and earning six-figures doing what I absolutely love. I’ll explain how making this course fits into my VERY META masterplan, and why all the profits from this course are going to New Story Charity. That’s right, when you purchase this course, you’ll be supporting an amazing organization that is 3D printing sustainable housing the communities in the world who need it most. Learn more here at newstorycharity dot org.

As we work through each of the five strategies, I’ll give you stories from my past and present career transitions. But we will also be joined by three semi-fictional characters, each with their own side hustles. This diverse cast of characters will help you get ideas for how to apply the framework to your own situation.


The first strategy attacks the most obvious challenge: your day job. The Grind. The 9-5. It’s a real buzz kill, huh? And a total energy drain. How can you give your side hustle attention, even when your job seems take it all?


The second strategy attacks the overwhelm that you are probably feeling. How can we break up your goal into daily doable tasks and get you on a weekly schedule that accelerates your progress?


The third strategy brings teaching into the mix—one of the best tools to combat imposter syndrome and gain the confidence that you’ll need to rock your side hustle. The great stoic philosophy Seneca wrote, “While we teach, we learn.” So true! But how do you start teaching when you feel like you have no authority?


The fourth strategy is such an overly-obvious no-brainer. To finish, you need deadlines. But when no external force creates deadlines for our side hustles, it’s up to us to self-impose them. How can we create realistic deadlines—big and small—and stay true to them?


In the final strategy, we bring it all together to learn how to step into your new role NOW. When your goals feel so far away, when you feel like you’ll never become that version of yourself that you imagine, how do you harness contentment with where you are—ultimately to encourage faster progress?

I hope you join me in this journey. I’ve had to stumble through multiple versions of my career to get to where I am today—excited about work in ways I never thought possible. My hope is that this course creates a smoother and more direct path for you.

Life is too short to work for someone else’s dream. So go out there and give your own dream the hustle it deserves!

How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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