Un negocio secundario es una forma estupenda de ganar dinero extra y, además, puede ser muy divertido. Pero encontrar el negocio secundario adecuado puede ser difícil, sobre todo si no tienes ni idea de por dónde empezar.
Tener algo más de dinero puede darte un poco de aire para respirar en tiempos financieros difíciles o puede darte más libertad para gastar en cosas que te gustan. Sea cual sea el motivo por el que quieres ganar más dinero, crear un negocio secundario es una buena forma de conseguirlo.
Most people would love to start a side hustle, but many just don’t know where to start. And when you don’t know where to start, you’ll not come very far. Every journey starts with the very first step, no matter if you’re just going to the mall or want to travel the world. The decision to start something, proper planning and then executing the plan are always key. But it takes courage and self-discipline. At the end of the day, great things in life never come easy.
En este artículo, vamos a ver algunas de las mejores maneras de encontrar un trabajo extra que sea perfecto para ti. También vamos a echar un vistazo a algunas de las actividades secundarias más populares que hay, y le daremos algunos consejos sobre cómo empezar hoy.
Figure out what you’re good at
There’s no denying that everyone has different skills and abilities. Some people are natural-born salespeople, while others have a knack for problem-solving. However, just because you’re not a natural-born salesperson doesn’t mean you can’t be good at sales. The key is to find an area that you’re good at and that can lead to a side hustle idea.
In the first step, just take a few hours or days to think about the things in life that you love and that you’re good at. In general, these two elements tie perfectly together. Because we as human beings are almost always better at things we like or love than those that just need to be done. And the opposite is true as well. When you’re good at something, a sport, hobby or certain skill, chances are you like to engage in those areas.
Think about the tasks and areas of life that come naturally to you. Do people always come to you for advice? Do people compliment you on your problem-solving skills? Are you known for being an expert in a certain area? These are all clues that can help you pinpoint your strengths. Are you good at any type of sport? You don’t need to be an Olympic swimmer or runner to start a blog about running or swimming and give others valuable tips and insights.
Remember, this is just the first step. So brainstorm everything and anything and write down every single idea that crosses your mind. Crazy thoughts are not only allowed, but I would also like to encourage you to think outside the box. Don’t leave anything out. When you’re good at cooking, baking, walking your dog, communicating with kids, telling jokes and getting others laughing, building stuff with Legos, slot car racing, driving your car or if you’re just interested in cars, wood carving, fishing, tennis, writing, reading, teaching, knitting, sewing, cleaning the house, collecting stamps or coins, planning parties or collecting money for charity, just keep writing down ideas. Allow yourself to dream big. There are no limits at this step. I hope you got the picture. Or do you need some more examples?
Investiga posibles actividades paralelas que se ajusten a tus habilidades
Once you’ve identified your strengths, it’s time to start thinking about how you can use them to create a successful side hustle. Are there any problems that people regularly come to you for help with? Is there a way you can use your knowledge to create a product or service that people would pay for? The key is to think outside the box and really tap into your strengths. With a little creativity, you can find a side hustle idea that’s perfect for you.
Most people have a hobby or skill that they’re passionate about. What if you could turn that passion into a money-making venture? That’s the beauty of a side hustle- it allows you to make money doing something you love.
Research potential side hustles that match your skill set. Are you an avid baker? You could start a baking business from home. Or write a blog about baking with recipe ideas. If you don’t mind stepping in front of a camera, youtube may be a great opportunity to start a baking channel. Or you could just bake some muffins at home and sell them at a local store in a form of a joint venture where you share the profit.
Are you a whiz with computers? You could offer freelance computer services to businesses in your area. The sky is the limit when it comes to side hustling opportunities. If you love to surround yourself with dogs, why not offer dog sitting to people around you? When you’re good at communicating with children, maybe writing a book for kids or around certain parenting challenges might be a good idea.
In today’s digital world, you can turn any idea and skill set into a digital asset and business. Writing a blog around your hobby can take some time before you earn money with it, in most cases a minimum of a whole year, but the upfront costs of getting started are almost nonexistent. Creating youtube channels is completely free. All you need is your phone camera and maybe a tripod and microphone. Creating content on Instagram, TikTok, etc. doesn’t cost anything at all, but once you have accumulated an audience, you can make money relatively easily.
La gente busca cosas en google, bing u otros motores de búsqueda cada segundo. Y buscan constantemente las mejores respuestas a sus preguntas. Así que no importa lo pequeña que creas que es tu afición, seguro que hay una audiencia esperando a que la alimentes con contenidos.
Reduzca sus opciones y elija una para empezar
After you’ve brainstormed a list of possible side hustle ideas, it’s time to start narrowing them down. The key is to find an idea that you’re passionate about and that you know you can be successful with. To help you narrow down your options, consider these factors:
– Can you see yourself doing this long-term? If not, it’s probably not worth pursuing.
– Do you have the skills and knowledge to make this happen? If not, you’ll need to do some research or take some classes to get up to speed.
– Is there a market for this? In other words, are people actually willing to pay for what you’re offering? If not, you’ll need to rethink your idea.
– What kind of service or product can you sell to the audience? Research exactly where the pain points are and you’ll get a much better understanding of your target market.
- ¿Hay competidores en su sector? Si es así, ¿qué puede hacer para destacar entre la multitud?
- ¿Cuáles son los costes iniciales? Puedes permitirte poner en marcha este negocio paralelo?
- ¿Necesita una licencia comercial o algún otro permiso para empezar?
- ¿Cuáles son las ganancias estimadas? ¿Se puede realmente ganar dinero con esta idea?
You don’t need to have all the answers to these questions, but they’re a good starting point. Use them to help you narrow down your options and pick one side hustle idea to focus on.
I don’t want to discourage you from taking action, but if you want to succeed, you need to properly aim before firing your gun. If you need venture capital from a bank, they always require you to make a business plan. All I want to do is encourage you to make a little business plan for yourself. It doesn’t need to be long and printed on glossy paper. It’s all about asking the right questions and getting the answers that lead you to a good decision on whether the niche is a good one to enter.
Once you’ve considered all of these factors, pick the side hustle idea that feels right for you and get started.
Cree un plan de acción y cúmplalo
After you’ve decided on the niche, skill and side hustle you want to start, it’s time to create a detailed plan of action. Having a step-by-step guide will make it much easier to get started and stay on track. To begin, list out every single task that needs to be done in order to get your business up and running. This may include research, developing a brand identity, creating a website, building a social media following, creating marketing materials, etc. Once you have all of the steps listed out, it’s time to start working on each one. Be sure to set realistic deadlines for each task and do your best to stick to them.
Empiece por lo más obvio: elegir la forma empresarial adecuada. ¿Quiere empezar como empresario individual o registrar una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada o incluso una sociedad anónima? Elija un nombre para su empresa y regístrelo. Si necesita una licencia comercial, investigue los requisitos locales y consígala también. Ahora también es un buen momento para abrir una cuenta bancaria y poner las finanzas en orden.
After you got that all down, it’s time to get your first client. That is a huge milestone and you should be really excited. But how do you get your first client? The easiest way is to reach out to your network of family and friends and see if anyone needs your services. If not, you can try cold-emailing or even going door-to-door in your target market. Whatever you do, just make sure you’re putting yourself out there and getting the word out about your business.
The most important thing is to just get started and take action. It’s easy to get caught up in the planning phase and never actually get around to starting your business. But if you want to be successful, you need to take the leap and just start working on making your dream a reality.
If you’ve decided to become a dog sitter, talking to friends with dogs and other dog people about your new business is always a good idea. You should call some dog trainers and introduce yourself and your idea to them in person. They usually have new customers and clients for you right away. Leaving flyers and business cards at local shops can also be a good idea to get attention from dog parents in your area.
If you’re offering a new service or product, it’s always best to start with a small group of people who are willing to give you feedback and help you improve. These can be friends, family, or even people you meet at networking events. Once you’ve got a few satisfied customers, ask them to leave reviews on your website or social media pages. These testimonials will be helpful when you’re trying to attract new customers.
If you can afford to spend some money, social media marketing can help you get a lot of eyeballs on your offer quickly. You can also look into online advertising, but be sure to do your research so you don’t waste your money on ads that aren’t effective.
If you chose to take the digital route and create a blog, youtube channel or Instagram business, it’s time to reach out to business owners in the same niche for collaborations, or friends that have a large following that might want to feature you on their page. You can also look into guest posting on other people’s blogs or partnering with companies for sponsored content. These are all great ways to get your name and your business out there in front of a larger audience.
Just relying on google to index your blog and get you thousands of people to your blog articles may be a bit much to ask for when starting a new website. This task will need patience, but it can be done and can give you great results if you keep going and don’t give up.
Perseverar en las primeras etapas, cuando las cosas son difíciles
As you work through each task on your list, things will start to come together and your side hustle will begin to take shape. At this step it’s important to keep going. Don’t stop, no matter what. Yes, there will be obstacles, hurdles and bumps along the road. But don’t let that stop you from achieving your goals. Stay focused on what you’re trying to accomplish and don’t give up.
Every successful person has faced challenges and adversity, but they’ve persevered through the tough times to come out stronger on the other side. When you’re working on your side hustle and things are tough, it’s important to stay focused and keep going. Don’t let obstacles and setbacks stop you from achieving your goals. Persevere through the early stages, when things are tough, and you’ll be one step closer to success.
Every journey has its obstacles, and every worthwhile goal requires dedication and effort. When you’re working hard to make your dream a reality, there will be times when things are tough. You might feel like giving up, but it’s important to persevere through these early stages. Keep going, no matter what. Remember why you started down this path and don’t let anything stand in your way. Things will get easier as you go along, but at this stage it’s essential to stay focused and keep moving forward.
This section of my article is maybe the most important one. And you need a strong will, dedication and a good portion of self-motivation to overcome certain road bumps. When times get tough and you are about to quit, take a step back and take a look at your plan, your lists and remember why you started your side hustle. Think positive. Don’t ask yourself “what if it all goes wrong?”, but rather” what would it mean if this gets a huge success?” Don’t listen too much to people from the outside. They don#t know your situation and they don’t need to live your life. You should better focus on what you want to achieve.
Celebra tus éxitos, por pequeños que parezcan
Success is a state of mind. It’s something you create by setting goals and then taking action to achieve them. The journey to success is often filled with obstacles and setbacks, but it’s important to remember that every step forward is a victory.
When starting a side hustle, it’s essential to maintain a positive mindset and celebrate even the smallest successes. This positivity will be a huge booster, keeping you motivated and focused on your goals. It’s also important to reward yourself for your successes. This can be something as simple as taking a break after completing a tough task or treating yourself to a new book or piece of equipment. Whatever form it takes, celebrating your successes is an important part of achieving your goals.
Whenever you get rewarded for something, your body produces dopamine, which is a feel-good hormone. Dopamine will help you to feel good about what you just accomplished and it will also motivate you to keep going. Yes, this is a form of self-manipulation, but in a good way. When you got your first client, website visitor, contractor or youtube subscriber, don’t waste this opportunity to celebrate. this is a huge milestone and there are certainly many more to come.
Rewarding yourself doesn’t mean buying a new Rolex or Ferrari for every new subscriber. Don’t get me wrong. It can mean allowing you to leave the office 10 minutes earlier and reward yourself with ice cream. Or with talking 5 extra minutes during lunch break to enjoy the sun outdoors. If you love good food, that’s an awesome way of rewarding yourself for getting tasks done. And it’s a great motivator. So use your imagination and celebrate every small victory on your way to success.
I hope you found this article helpful. If I only got you thinking about your skills and passions, that’s already a huge success for me. And if you are now motivated to start your side hustle, even better!
Recuerda que el primer paso siempre es el más difícil, pero una vez que empieces, las cosas serán más fáciles y agradables. Así que sal ahí fuera y haz realidad tus sueños.
Si tienes alguna pregunta o comentario, no dudes en dejarlo a continuación. Me encantaría saber de ti 🙂 .