Onnit Total Human: The Ultimate All-in-One Supplement Review

onnit total human multivitamin review

Founded on the principle of holistic health, Onnit isn't just another brand on the shelf; it's a lifestyle, a commitment, and a pledge to optimize the well-being of its community. With a mission that transcends beyond mere products, Onnit focuses on the bigger picture: a harmonious blend of physical fitness, mental agility, and nutritional excellence.

Dive a little deeper, and you'll find that Onnit's ethos is rooted in science, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of top-tier quality. They're not about quick fixes or magic pills. Instead, they champion the cause of sustainable health, empowering individuals to be the best versions of themselves, day in and day out.

Total Human: The Crown Jewel of Onnit's Offerings

Enter Total Human, Onnit's pièce de résistance. If you've ever found yourself lost in the maze of multivitamins, unsure of what you truly need, Total Human® is your beacon. It's not just a supplement; it's a meticulously crafted regimen, a daily companion designed to cater to the modern individual's every nutritional need.

But what makes Onnit Total Human truly stand out in a saturated market? It's the sheer thoughtfulness behind its creation. While most brands throw in a mix of vitamins and call it a “comprehensive solution,” Onnit went several steps further. They reimagined the daily multivitamin, integrating their best-in-class formulas to birth an all-in-one marvel. From brain health to joint support, from mood enhancement to immune defense, Total Human® has got it all covered.

A Glimpse into the Magic of Total Human

Imagine having a personal nutritionist, one who understands your body's unique rhythm, guiding you through the day and night. That's Total Human for you. With its distinct day and night packs, it ensures that your body receives the right nutrients at the right time. Whether you're gearing up for a productive day or winding down for a restful night, Total Human® is right there with you, optimizing every moment.

In essence, Onnit's Total Human isn't just another product; it's a promise—a promise of unparalleled quality, unwavering commitment, and holistic well-being. As we delve deeper into this review, you'll discover the magic that makes Total Human® a game-changer in the world of health supplements.

Stay with us as we unravel the science, the ingredients, and the real-life testimonials that make this product a must-have in your wellness arsenal.

The Distinctive Edge of Total Human – Rethinking the Daily Multivitamin

In a world teeming with health supplements, each vying for attention with flashy labels and tall claims, it's easy to get lost in the noise. But every once in a while, a product emerges that genuinely challenges the status quo, making us rethink what we thought we knew. Total Human® is one such game-changer.

Beyond the Conventional: The Total Human Philosophy

The traditional multivitamin, while a staple in many households, often falls short in its promise. It's not uncommon to find these “all-in-one” solutions merely skimming the surface, offering a generic blend of vitamins and minerals with little consideration for the intricate needs of the human body. Total Human®, however, is anything but conventional.

human body organs in vibrant colors

At its core, Total Human is a re-imagining, a bold step forward in the realm of daily supplementation. Instead of merely filling the gaps in one's diet, it aims to elevate, to optimize, to truly nurture. It's not about ticking boxes; it's about holistic well-being.

A Symphony of Nutrients

Imagine a symphony, each instrument playing its part to perfection, coming together to create a masterpiece. That's Total Human® for you—a symphony of essential and clinically-studied vitamins, minerals, and botanical nutrients, each chosen for its unique role in promoting health.

Essential and Clinically-Studied: A Dual Approach

What truly sets Total Human apart is its commitment to evidence-based formulation. Every ingredient in its blend is there for a reason, backed by science and research. It's not about jumping on the latest health trend; it's about proven efficacy.

From brain health to bone strength, from energy production to immune defense, Total Human covers the spectrum. But it's not just about quantity; it's about quality. Each vitamin, mineral, and botanical nutrient is present in its most bioavailable form, ensuring maximum absorption and benefit.

The Botanical Edge

While vitamins and minerals form the backbone of the Total Human blend, it's the inclusion of select botanical nutrients that truly elevates it. These plant-based powerhouses, sourced from nature's bounty, bring a plethora of health benefits, from antioxidant protection to cognitive support.

Incorporating these botanicals isn't just a nod to nature; it's a testament to Onnit's holistic approach. Recognizing the synergistic potential of combining traditional wisdom with modern science, Total Human offers a blend that's both potent and balanced.

In conclusion, Total Human isn't just another multivitamin on the shelf. It's a thoughtfully crafted, scientifically-backed, holistic health companion. As we delve deeper into its unique day and night packs, you'll discover how this product truly stands head and shoulders above the rest.

Tailored for Time: The Genius of Segmented Supplementation

One of the standout features of Total Human is its intuitive division into two distinct packs: the Day Pack and the Night Pack. This isn't a mere marketing gimmick; it's a reflection of Onnit's deep understanding of the human body's rhythms and needs. Just as our activities, energy levels, and mental states vary between day and night, so do our nutritional requirements. Total Human taps into this natural ebb and flow, offering targeted support for each phase of your day.

The Day Pack: Your Daily Dynamo

As dawn breaks and the world stirs to life, so does your body, gearing up for the challenges of the day. The Day Pack is designed to be your ally in this, a nutritional powerhouse to kickstart your morning and sustain you through the day.

Alertness: The Cognitive Edge

One of the primary challenges of modern life is the constant demand for mental sharpness. Whether it's a high-stakes meeting, a complex task, or simply navigating the hustle and bustle, mental clarity is crucial. The Day Pack, with its blend of nootropics and cognitive enhancers, ensures that your brain is firing on all cylinders.

Focus: The Power of Precision

Distractions abound, but with the Day Pack by your side, you have a secret weapon. Ingredients like Alpha BRAIN® support laser-sharp focus, allowing you to zero in on tasks and see them through to completion.

human brain neurons firing

Energy: Sustainable and Steady

Forget the jitters and crashes of caffeine; the Day Pack offers a more holistic approach to energy. With ingredients like Shroom Tech® SPORT, it supports cellular energy production, ensuring you have the stamina to power through your day without the dreaded afternoon slump.

The Night Pack: Embracing the Art of Rest

As the world winds down and darkness envelops the sky, your body seeks respite and recovery. The Night Pack is crafted to complement this natural rhythm, supporting relaxation, rejuvenation, and restful sleep.

Relaxation: The Prelude to Peace

In today's fast-paced world, truly unwinding can be a challenge. The Night Pack, with its blend of calming botanicals like New MOOD®, facilitates a smooth transition from the chaos of the day to the tranquility of the night.

Recovery: Rebuilding and Renewing

Physical exertion, stress, and the wear and tear of daily life take a toll on the body. The Night Pack offers targeted support for recovery, with ingredients like Stron BONE® ensuring that your body repairs and rebuilds as you sleep.

Restful Sleep: The Foundation of Well-being

Sleep isn't just about quantity; it's about quality. The Night Pack ensures that you not only fall asleep but stay asleep, entering the deep, restorative phases that are crucial for overall health.

In essence, the Day Pack and Night Pack of Total Human® are more than just supplements; they're a testament to Onnit's commitment to holistic well-being. By understanding and catering to the body's natural rhythms, Total Human® ensures that you're supported, nourished, and optimized, every moment of every day.

Not Just Filling Gaps, But Elevating Health

In the vast landscape of health supplements, it's easy to find products that merely aim to fill the nutritional voids in our diets. While this is a noble endeavor, Total Human® aspires for something greater. It doesn't just want to be the solution to what's missing; it wants to be the catalyst for what's possible.

A Comprehensive Approach to Wellness

At its heart, Total Human® is a celebration of the human body in all its complexity. It recognizes that we are not just a sum of parts, but a dynamic, interconnected system. And for this system to function at its peak, every component, every cog in the machine, needs to be nurtured and optimized.

Mind: The Cognitive Powerhouse

The brain, with its billions of neurons and intricate networks, is the command center of our being. Total Human® supports this marvel of evolution with nootropics and cognitive enhancers, ensuring mental clarity, sharpness, and focus.

Muscles: The Pillars of Strength

Muscles are not just about aesthetics; they're about function, movement, and vitality. Total Human® offers targeted support for muscle health, ensuring they remain strong, flexible, and ready for action.

Bones: The Framework of Our Being

Our skeletal system, often overlooked, is the foundation upon which our body is built. Total Human® recognizes the importance of bone health, offering nutrients that support density, strength, and structural integrity.

Joints: The Hinges of Motion

Joints, the unsung heroes of our mobility, deserve care and attention. With ingredients that support joint health and flexibility, Total Human® ensures that every bend, twist, and turn is smooth and pain-free.

Mood: The Emotional Equilibrium

Emotional well-being is as crucial as physical health. Total Human® offers a blend of mood-enhancing botanicals and nutrients, ensuring that you remain centered, calm, and resilient, no matter what life throws your way.

Overall Energy: The Vital Force

Energy is not just about feeling awake; it's about feeling alive. Total Human® supports cellular energy production, ensuring that you have the vitality and zest to embrace every moment of your day.

In conclusion, Onnit Total Human is not just a multivitamin; it's a multi-benefactor. It recognizes the multifaceted nature of human health and offers comprehensive support, touching every aspect of our well-being. Whether you're an athlete pushing your limits, a professional navigating the challenges of modern life, or someone simply aspiring for better health, Total Human® is your all-in-one ally in the journey to peak performance.

Onnit Total Human Ingredients: A Symphony of Synergy

Onnit Total Human is not just another supplement on the shelf; it's a meticulously crafted blend of some of the most potent and scientifically backed ingredients available. Let's dive deep into the key components that make this product a game-changer in the world of health and wellness.

Alpha BRAIN®: The Cognitive Maestro

At the core of Total Human®'s brain-boosting arsenal is Alpha BRAIN®. But what makes it so special?

Mental Speed and Agility

In the fast-paced world we live in, mental agility is paramount. Alpha BRAIN® is designed to enhance the brain's processing speed, ensuring you're always a step ahead, whether it's in a brainstorming session or a strategy game.

Memory: The Vault of Experiences

Our memories shape us, and with Alpha BRAIN®, you get to fortify this vault. It aids in both the retention and recall of information, ensuring that your experiences, learnings, and insights are always within easy reach.

Focus: The Beacon in a Sea of Distractions

In an age of constant notifications and endless to-do lists, maintaining focus can be challenging. Alpha BRAIN® acts as a beacon, helping you navigate through the distractions and zero in on what truly matters.

Shroom Tech® SPORT: The Cellular Dynamo

Shroom Tech® SPORT is not about giving you a short-lived energy spike. It's about fundamentally supporting your body's energy production mechanisms.

Cellular Energy: The Body's Power Plants

Our cells are like tiny power plants, and Shroom Tech® SPORT ensures they're operating at peak efficiency. By supporting cellular energy, it ensures you have a steady and sustainable energy reservoir to tap into.

onnit total human with healthy vegetables and fruit

Cardiovascular Endurance: Going the Distance

Whether you're an athlete or someone who just loves a morning jog, cardiovascular endurance is key. Shroom Tech® SPORT, with its blend of ingredients, ensures your heart and lungs are up for the challenge, helping you go the distance.

Stron BONE®: The Architect of Integrity

Bones are the scaffolding of our body, and Stron BONE® is all about ensuring this scaffolding is robust and resilient.

Bone Strength: The Pillars of Support

Stron BONE® offers targeted nutrients that support bone density and strength, ensuring that your skeletal system remains sturdy and can withstand the pressures of daily life.

Structural Integrity: Beyond Just Strength

But it's not just about strength; it's about flexibility and resilience. Stron BONE® ensures that your bones are not just strong but also have the structural integrity to support you in all your endeavors.

New MOOD®: The Emotional Anchor

Emotions are a fundamental part of the human experience, and New MOOD® is designed to ensure they're balanced and harmonious.

Serotonin Production: The Joy Molecule

Serotonin is often dubbed the ‘joy molecule,' and for a good reason. It plays a pivotal role in regulating our mood. New MOOD® contains ingredients that support serotonin production, ensuring you're always in high spirits.

Relaxation: The Calm in the Storm

In today's hectic world, moments of calm can be elusive. New MOOD® offers a blend of botanicals that facilitate relaxation, ensuring you have a sanctuary of peace amidst the chaos.

Total Human® B Complex: The Energy Catalyst

B vitamins are often hailed as the body's energy catalysts, and for good reason. They play a pivotal role in converting the food we eat into energy, ensuring we're always charged up and ready to go.

Energy Production: The Body's Fuel

The B vitamins in Total Human® B Complex support the metabolic processes that transform carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into ATP, the energy currency of the cell. This ensures you have a steady stream of vitality throughout the day.

Cognitive Performance: The Brain's Spark

But it's not just about physical energy. B vitamins also play a role in neural communication, ensuring your brain is always firing on all cylinders, keeping you sharp and focused.

VIRUTech®: The Immune Guardian

In a world filled with germs and pollutants, a robust immune system is our best line of defense. VIRUTech® is designed to be this guardian, offering immune system support that acts like a suit of armor.

Vitamin C, Selenium, and Zinc: The Immune Triad

These three nutrients are the pillars of immune health. They support various immune functions, from white blood cell production to antioxidant defense, ensuring you're always ready to fend off invaders.

Key Minerals: The Body's Building Blocks

Minerals are the unsung heroes of our body, playing a role in everything from bone health to enzyme function.

Boron and Calcium: The Bone Duo

Boron and calcium are essential for bone health. While calcium provides structural strength, boron ensures the efficient utilization of calcium, ensuring your bones are both strong and flexible.

Iodine: The Thyroid's Best Friend

Iodine is crucial for thyroid function, which in turn regulates metabolism. A healthy dose of iodine ensures your metabolism is always humming along efficiently.

Magnesium: The Relaxation Mineral

Magnesium plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, but it's often hailed for its ability to support relaxation and muscle health.

Molybdenum: The Detox Ally

Molybdenum is a trace mineral that supports the body's detoxification processes, ensuring you're always feeling clean and light.

Shroom Tech® IMMUNE: Nature's Protective Shield

In an age where health is paramount, fortifying our immune system becomes a top priority. Enter Shroom Tech® IMMUNE, a blend that harnesses the power of medicinal mushrooms and adaptogens to bolster our body's defenses.

Medicinal Mushrooms: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science

For centuries, traditional medicine has revered mushrooms for their health-promoting properties. Shroom Tech® IMMUNE taps into this ancient wisdom, incorporating mushrooms known to support immune function, ensuring our body's defense mechanisms are always at their peak.

Adaptogens: Resilience in a Bottle

Stress, both physical and mental, can take a toll on our immune system. Adaptogens, nature's stress-busters, help the body adapt to these challenges, ensuring our immune system remains robust and responsive, no matter what life throws our way.

Krill Oil: The Omega Powerhouse

While fish oil often takes the spotlight when it comes to omega-3s, krill oil is the unsung hero, offering a host of benefits that go beyond just heart health.

Superior Absorption: Bioavailability Matters

Krill oil's omega-3s are in phospholipid form, which is more readily absorbed by the body. This ensures that you get the maximum benefit from every dose.

Antioxidant Boost: Astaxanthin's Magic

Krill oil also contains astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant that not only gives krill its distinctive red color but also offers protection against oxidative stress, ensuring your cells remain youthful and vibrant.

Spirulina & Chlorella: The Green Gold

These two green superfoods are a treasure trove of nutrients, offering a range of benefits that make them a must-have in any health regimen.

Nutrient Density: Nature's Multivitamin

Spirulina and chlorella are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. From iron to vitamin B12, from beta-carotene to chlorophyll, they offer a comprehensive nutrient profile that supports overall health.

Detoxification: Nature's Clean-Up Crew

In today's world, we're constantly exposed to toxins. Spirulina and chlorella come to the rescue, supporting the body's detoxification processes, ensuring we remain clean, clear, and toxin-free.

Ingredients are the notes that create the melody. But it's not just about the individual notes; it's about how they come together to create a harmonious tune. Onnit Total Human is a testament to this symphonic approach to health. Each ingredient, meticulously chosen and backed by science, plays its part to perfection. But the true magic lies in their synergy, in how they complement and amplify each other, offering a holistic solution that addresses every facet of our well-being. As we journey through life, with its myriad challenges and demands, Total Human® stands by our side, ensuring we're not just surviving, but thriving. It's not just a supplement; it's a commitment to unparalleled health and vitality.

The Convenience and Cost-Effectiveness of Onnit Total Human

In today's fast-paced world, convenience is king. We're always on the lookout for ways to streamline our routines, especially when it comes to our health and wellness. Enter Total Human®, a product that not only promises comprehensive nutritional support but also delivers it in the most user-friendly manner possible.

Day and Night Packs: Tailored Nutrition Round the Clock

One of the standout features of Total Human® is its division into day and night packs. This thoughtful design ensures that you get the right nutrients at the right time. The Day Pack is geared towards alertness, focus, and energy, ensuring you're at your best during your waking hours. Come evening, the Night Pack takes over, promoting relaxation, recovery, and restful sleep. No more fumbling around with multiple bottles or wondering if you've taken your supplements. Just grab a pack, and you're good to go.

Cost-Effectiveness: Quality Nutrition that Doesn’t Break the Bank

In the realm of supplements, you often get what you pay for. High-quality ingredients typically come with a higher price tag. But what if you could get the best of both worlds? Quality nutrition that's also cost-effective.

When you opt for Total Human, you're looking at significant savings. Purchasing each of its component supplements individually would cost around $7.68 per day. In contrast, Total Human® brings that cost down to $4.60 per day. That's a whopping 40% savings! And if you subscribe, the cost drops even further to $3.91 per day. To put things in perspective, that's less than the cost of a large cafe latte!

onnit total human pricing and savings

The Bigger Picture: Value Beyond Price

While the monetary savings are evident, the real value of Total Human® lies in its comprehensive approach to health. Instead of juggling multiple supplements, you have everything you need in one place. This not only saves money but also time and effort, ensuring that you never miss out on your daily dose of wellness.

In conclusion, Onnit Total Human stands out not just for its superior formulation but also for its convenience and cost-effectiveness. It's a testament to Onnit's commitment to delivering top-notch health solutions that are accessible to all. Whether you're a seasoned supplement user or just starting out, Total Human® offers unparalleled value, making optimal health an achievable goal for everyone.

Onnit Total Human vs. Animal Pak

Both Onnit Total Human and Animal Pak are multivitamin packs designed to support overall health. While Animal Pak has been around longer and is often associated with bodybuilders and weightlifters, Onnit Total Human is newer and is ideal for individuals who prioritize mental performance.


  1. Pricing: Onnit Total Human is priced at about $4.60/day, whereas Animal Pak is more affordable at about $1.12/day.
  2. Target Audience: Animal Pak is tailored for weightlifters and bodybuilders, while Onnit Total Human is designed for those who value mental performance and are willing to pay a premium for it.
  3. Cognitive Components: Onnit Total Human has a more comprehensive set of ingredients for cognitive performance, including Alpha-GPC, bacopa, and Huperzine A, which can boost acetylcholine and cognition. Animal Pak has fewer cognitive ingredients.
  4. Functional Mushrooms and Algae: Onnit Total Human includes functional mushrooms and algae, such as chlorella and spirulina, which are not present in Animal Pak.
  5. Herbs: Both supplements contain herbal compounds, but Onnit Total Human has a broader range, including oregano and lemon peel.
  6. Antioxidants: Both supplements have antioxidant compounds, but the specific ingredients differ. For instance, Onnit Total Human has astaxanthin and quercetin, while Animal Pak has CoQ10, lutein, and lycopene.
  7. Unique Components: Onnit Total Human includes krill oil and omega fatty acids, which are not present in Animal Pak. Additionally, Onnit Total Human has specific ingredients for relaxation and sleep, such as valerian and chamomile, which are absent in Animal Pak.
  8. Why Onnit Total Human Might Be Better
  9. Comprehensive Cognitive Support: Onnit Total Human offers a more extensive range of ingredients specifically designed to boost cognitive performance.
  10. Functional Mushrooms and Algae: The inclusion of functional mushrooms and algae can aid immune function, increase energy, and enhance performance.
  11. Holistic Approach: Onnit Total Human is designed to provide total body and mind support, targeting the brain, bones, joints, muscles, mood, immunity, energy, and more.
  12. Night Pack for Sleep: Onnit Total Human includes a night pack with ingredients specifically designed to promote relaxation and sleep.
  13. In conclusion, while both supplements are effective and cater to different audiences, Onnit Total Human offers a more comprehensive and holistic approach, especially for those prioritizing mental performance and overall well-being. However, the choice between the two will ultimately depend on individual needs and goals.

Onnit Total Human vs. Nature Made Daily Diabetes Health Pack

Nature Made Daily Diabetes Health Pack is specifically formulated for those with diabetes, aiming to provide essential nutrients that diabetics might be deficient in. On the other hand, Onnit Total Human is a comprehensive supplement designed for overall health and cognitive performance.


  1. Purpose: The Nature Made pack is tailored for diabetics, focusing on their specific nutritional needs. Onnit Total Human is more general, targeting overall health and mental performance.
  2. Ingredients: The Diabetes Health Pack includes alpha-lipoic acid and chromium, both of which can help manage blood sugar levels. Onnit Total Human doesn't specifically target blood sugar but offers a broader range of nutrients.
  3. Fish Oil: Both packs include fish oil, but Onnit Total Human also contains krill oil, providing a wider range of omega fatty acids.
  4. Antioxidants: The Diabetes Health Pack contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health, especially in diabetics. Onnit Total Human has a different set of antioxidants, like astaxanthin and quercetin.
  5. Price: The Nature Made pack is more affordable, but Onnit Total Human offers a more comprehensive set of ingredients.

Why Onnit Total Human Might Be Better:

  1. Broader Nutrient Profile: Onnit Total Human provides a wider range of nutrients, targeting not just physical health but also cognitive performance.
  2. Functional Ingredients: Onnit Total Human includes functional mushrooms, algae, and herbs that can boost immunity, energy, and overall performance.
  3. Night Pack: The inclusion of a night pack in Onnit Total Human ensures that users get ingredients that can help with relaxation and sleep.

In summary, while the Nature Made Daily Diabetes Health Pack is excellent for diabetics, Onnit Total Human is more versatile, catering to a broader audience. It's designed for those who want to optimize both their physical and mental performance.

Onnit Total Human vs. Fresh Start Complete Daily Vitamin Pack

Fresh Start is a daily multivitamin pack that aims to provide essential nutrients for overall health. Onnit Total Human, on the other hand, goes beyond basic nutrition, targeting cognitive performance and specific health areas.


  1. Nutrient Diversity: While Fresh Start provides a good range of vitamins and minerals, Onnit Total Human offers a more diverse set of nutrients, including functional mushrooms, herbs, and specific compounds for cognitive support.
  2. Cognitive Ingredients: Onnit Total Human stands out with its inclusion of nootropics like Alpha BRAIN® that can boost mental speed, memory, and focus.
  3. Price: Fresh Start is typically more affordable, but Onnit Total Human offers more specialized ingredients.

Why Onnit Total Human Might Be Better:

  1. Comprehensive Formula: Onnit Total Human's formula is more comprehensive, targeting various health areas, including the brain, muscles, mood, and energy.
  2. Specialized Ingredients: The inclusion of specialized ingredients, like Shroom Tech® SPORT and New MOOD®, makes Onnit Total Human unique.
  3. Day and Night Packs: Onnit Total Human's division into day and night packs ensures that users get the right nutrients at the right time.

In conclusion, while Fresh Start is a solid daily multivitamin, Onnit Total Human offers a more specialized and comprehensive approach to health and well-being.

Onnit Total Human vs. ALLMAX Nutrition Vitastack

ALLMAX Nutrition Vitastack is a comprehensive multivitamin stack designed for athletes and bodybuilders. Onnit Total Human, while also comprehensive, is more focused on cognitive performance and overall health.


  1. Target Audience: ALLMAX Vitastack is primarily for athletes and bodybuilders, with ingredients that support intense physical training. Onnit Total Human is more versatile, suitable for anyone looking to optimize their health.
  2. Electrolytes: ALLMAX Vitastack includes an electrolyte complex, beneficial for those engaging in intense physical activity. Onnit Total Human doesn't have a specific electrolyte blend but offers a broad range of other nutrients.
  3. Joint Support: Both supplements offer joint support, but they use different ingredients. For instance, Onnit Total Human uses Stron BONE® for bone strength.
  4. Price: ALLMAX Vitastack is generally more affordable, but Onnit Total Human offers a broader range of specialized ingredients.

Why Onnit Total Human Might Be Better:

  1. Cognitive Support: Onnit Total Human's emphasis on cognitive ingredients like Alpha BRAIN® sets it apart.
  2. Holistic Approach: Onnit Total Human targets various health areas, not just those relevant to athletes.
  3. Functional Ingredients: The inclusion of ingredients like functional mushrooms and krill oil makes Onnit Total Human unique.

To sum it up, while ALLMAX Nutrition Vitastack is excellent for athletes, Onnit Total Human is more versatile, making it suitable for a broader range of individuals. Its emphasis on cognitive performance and overall health gives it an edge.

Onnit Total Human vs. Planet 3 Vitamin Packs

Planet 3 Vitamin Packs are another competitor in the multivitamin supplement market. While specific details about the product were not immediately available from the search, we can draw a comparison based on general knowledge and the information provided about Onnit Total Human.

1. Comprehensive Formulation: Onnit Total Human is a meticulously crafted supplement that targets various aspects of human health, from cognitive function to physical performance. It combines the benefits of multiple Onnit supplements into one convenient package. The inclusion of specialized blends for both day and night ensures that users receive targeted support 24/7. It's uncertain if Planet 3 offers such a comprehensive approach.

2. Premium Ingredients: Onnit Total Human boasts a range of premium ingredients, including nootropics, functional mushrooms, and essential vitamins and minerals. The presence of renowned supplements like Alpha BRAIN®, Shroom Tech® SPORT, and New MOOD® sets it apart. It's unclear if Planet 3 Vitamin Packs contain such specialized ingredients.

3. Day and Night Packs: One of the standout features of Onnit Total Human is the division into Day and Night packs. This ensures that users receive the right nutrients at the right time, optimizing benefits throughout the day and night. It's unknown if Planet 3 offers a similar division in their packs.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: While Onnit Total Human might seem pricier upfront, the comprehensive nature of its formulation can potentially save users money in the long run, as they won't need to purchase multiple individual supplements. The cost-effectiveness of Planet 3 Vitamin Packs in comparison is not immediately clear.

5. Brand Reputation: Onnit has established itself as a reputable brand in the health and fitness industry, known for its rigorous research and high-quality products. The reputation and trustworthiness of Planet 3 in the market would need further exploration.

Conclusion: Onnit Total Human stands out for its comprehensive approach, premium ingredients, and the convenience of day and night packs. While Planet 3 Vitamin Packs may offer certain benefits, without detailed information, it's challenging to make a direct comparison. However, given the known benefits and features of Onnit Total Human, it presents itself as a top-tier choice for those seeking an all-in-one supplement solution.

What Others Are Saying: Reviews, Ratings, and Testimonials

Before we wrap up, it's essential to highlight the experiences of those who've tried Onnit Total Human. After all, real-life testimonials can provide invaluable insights into a product's efficacy.

Stellar Ratings

Onnit Total Human has garnered impressive ratings across various platforms. With an average rating of 4.5 stars out of 5, it's evident that users are finding real value in this comprehensive supplement pack.

Rave Reviews

Many users have praised the product for its noticeable effects on energy, focus, and overall well-being. Comments like “I've never felt better!” and “This has become a staple in my daily routine” are common sentiments echoed by satisfied customers.


John, a fitness enthusiast, shared, “I was skeptical at first, but after a month of using Onnit Total Human, the difference in my energy levels and mental clarity is undeniable.” Similarly, Sarah, a busy mom of three, mentioned, “The Night Pack has been a game-changer for me. I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.”

Experience It For Yourself

While reviews and testimonials offer a glimpse into the potential benefits of Onnit Total Human, the best way to understand its impact is to try it out for yourself. Everyone's body is unique, and what works wonders for one person might have different effects on another.

Are you ready to elevate your daily wellness routine? To experience enhanced focus, energy, and overall well-being? Don't just take our word for it. Join the thousands who've transformed their lives with Onnit Total Human. Click here to order now and embark on a journey to optimal health and performance. Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself. Give Total Human a shot, and feel the difference.


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