The Law of Attraction is an incredibly powerful concept that can help create the life you want. The basics are simple: think, visualize, and feel in a certain specific way to attract similar vibrations into your life. While this might sound merely philosophical and abstract, the true power of this concept lies in putting it into practice. Through meditation, visualization, setting intentions and becoming more aware of your inner state, you start to form a magnetic field around yourself that will draw what you wish for into your life. Popular books like ‘The Secret’ have made this topic popular, but successful trainers and coaches these days leverage this concept to achieve greater success than ever before. With dedication and commitment, anyone can make the law of attraction work for them; beginners just need to get familiar with it first.
If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck in a rut, or if you just haven’t been able to achieve the level of success that you want in life, then it’s time to start learning about the law of attraction. The law of attraction is a universal law that governs all things. It dictates that what we focus on expands. This means that if we focus on our dreams and goals, we will eventually achieve them. But it isn’t as simple as just thinking about what we want and then waiting for it to show up in our lives. There are specific techniques that we need to learn and practice in order to harness the power of the law of attraction. In this article, we will discuss the basics of the law of attraction and give you some tips on how to get started.
What is the Law of Attraction?
First and foremost, it’s essential to understand that the law of attraction is based on a very simple concept: like attracts like. This means that if we focus on positive thoughts and feelings, we will attract positive experiences into our lives. On the other hand, if we focus on negative thoughts and feelings, we will attract negative experiences into our lives. To make the law of attraction work for you, it is essential to be aware of your own thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Pay attention to how you feel when you think about certain things and try to focus on positive thoughts that will bring about positive results.
Like attracts like
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, which means that whatever we put out into the universe will be returned to us. This means that if we want success in our lives, then we need to focus on positive thoughts and actions that will lead us there. This could include visualizing your ideal life, setting goals and intentions for yourself, and taking action toward achieving these goals.
On the other hand, you need to be aware that the law of attraction works in all possible ways and directions. This means that you can attract success, love, joy, money, balance, health and more into your life. It also means that if you focus on negative thoughts and feelings, then those will be returned to you as well. You may have experienced this yourself or know someone who always talks, thinks and acts in a negative way. When those negative thoughts finally materialize, this individual often wonders why it happened.
You direct your energy where your focus is
The law of attraction works because you direct your energy in a certain direction. It’s important to understand that this energy goes where your focus is and whatever you think or feel will eventually become reality. This means that if we’re constantly focusing on our dreams and goals, then they will eventually become reality. However, if we’re constantly focused on negative thoughts, emotions and experiences, then these things will become our reality as well.
Energy can’t get lost
One of the laws of nature teaches us that energy is never lost or wasted. It just transforms its shape or form. Take electricity, for example. I mean the energy that comes through your wall outlet can be used to power your TV or a light bulb. The light bulb or your TV then changes the energy into light, pictures and heat. You see, it is not lost. I just changes its form.
Let’s get back to the law of attraction. Your brain produces energy as well. And the thoughts and feelings that come from this energy change their forms too. Remember, energy is never lost. That means the energy your brain, heart and chakras produce must be directed somewhere. Where it goes depends on what you focus your attention on. If we focus our energy and attention on positive thoughts and feelings, then this will be the reality that is created in our lives. Likewise, if we focus on negative thoughts and emotions, then these will become our reality as well.
The present is always perfect
No, this law doesn’t mean that your current situation is perfect, don’t get me wrong. It just means that whatever you are experiencing in the present moment is exactly what is supposed to be happening. And whatever that may be, it will provide you with the lessons and experiences you need to ultimately attract what you want into your life.
At the same time, it means that there’s always a way, chance and possibility of creating a better future. That’s because the law of attraction is constantly at work, waiting for our intentions and desires to be made known. With that being said, it’s important to focus on the present moment and accept it as perfect while being aware of what your future may look like.
The law of attraction works through us. We are in charge of how our lives will unfold. By understanding how this powerful concept works and putting it into practice, you can create an amazing life for yourself full of love, joy, success and abundance. The true power lies within you – all you have to do is tap into it.
How the Law Of Attraction Works
Now that you have an understanding of how the law of attraction works, it’s time to get more into the practical things.
If you have read the last section, you already know that the law of attraction is constantly working, whether you notice it or not. Whether you like the outcome or not and whether you want it or not, you are always attracting something into your life.
When the law of attraction is working right now and giving you everything you focus on, this means that you can influence what you attract into your life.
To do this, you need to become aware of what thoughts and feelings you’re having throughout the day. Make sure that these are in line with what it is that you want to manifest in your life as well as how you want to feel. Keep an eye on your inner state because it has a huge impact on how the universe will respond to your desires.
Everybody has beliefs, mottos, own experiences and values that shape the way we think. We have been conditioned to work a certain way and these patterns can be hard to break. But if you want to make the most out of life then it is important that you start changing those limiting beliefs and thoughts. Replace them with positive ones so that they will help instead of hinder your progress.
Focus on your own thoughts, language, body language and attitude throughout the day and always keep an eye on your inner state. Develop the habit of monitoring yourself as if you were watching yourself from the outside. Get a feeling for situations and scenarios that make you fall back in the old patterns and try to avoid these.
The power of positive thinking is a great ally when it comes to using the law of attraction. When you think positively about something, it will open up possibilities for more positive outcomes. This can help you come closer to your goals and dreams and make them reality in not too long.
By actively putting the Law of Attraction into practice, you can start feeling powerful shifts within yourself that will attract even more abundance into your life. So get out there and start believing in yourself and what’s possible – this is how true magic happens.
Get started using the Law Of Attraction
We’re getting closer and closer to being able to make the Law of Attraction work for you. Now that you understand how it works, it’s time to start putting it into practice.
The status quo
You need to understand that your current life, your current situation is a direct result of the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that you had in the past. So the first step of using the law of attraction is to get an overview of your status quo.
Start by making a list of what it is that you currently have in your life, both physically and mentally. All good things, such as relationships, successes, possessions and achievements – but also all bad things like hate, fear or regret. Understand where these come from and how they influence who you are today.
Set intentions
Now that you know where you stand right now it’s time to create new intentions for yourself. These should be clear statements of what you want to manifest in your future – abundance, health or any other goals for example. Be as precise and detailed as you can be. Don’t leave any detail out. This is extremely important for the later steps. The more detailed you can be and the more precise you can describe your desired outcome, the easier all of the next steps will be. Put them down on paper so that they become real and concrete for your conscious mind.
The next step is to visualize your intentions as if they already happened. Really immerse yourself in what it would feel like to have achieved these goals and think about the emotions that come with it. This will help you create a powerful visualization of what is possible, which will draw the right vibrations into your life. We’ll dedicate a whole section to the power of visualization down below. This is where the magic starts.
Become aware
Now that you have set specific intentions and visualized them, it’s time to become aware of yourself throughout the day. This means monitoring your own thoughts and feelings so that you can catch any signs of doubt or negative patterns as soon as they arise. Replace all these with positive affirmations to reinforce your new intentions and keep reinforcing them throughout the day, every day. To change beliefs, thoughts and feelings, you can either use a technique of reframing (visualization) or use affirmations. Again, we will talk about the power of affirmations later in this article.
The attitude of gratitude
Practicing gratitude is a great way to feed the law of attraction. Being thankful for all that you already have in your life instead of focusing on what you don’t have helps create a positive vibration and will attract more abundance into your life.
In today’s consumer world, we get distracted easily and can forget to give thanks for the small things – but it’s these little details that truly make up your life. So take a few moments each day to consciously appreciate all that you have and watch how your whole life starts to look different when you come from a place of gratitude. Are you healthy, have a loving family, a job that pays the bills, friends you can rely on, a car that drives you wherever you want to go or a pet that you love? All of this counts and should be appreciated.
Once you start to realize how much is already in your life, the more you can add to it using the Law Of Attraction. And that’s how true magic happens.
Daily meditation
Meditation is the key to unlocking your true potential. When you meditate daily, you create a powerful field of energy around you that attracts all that you desire into your life. You become more aware of what’s going on inside and outside of yourself – both in terms of positive and negative influences – which will help you get clearer about what it is that you want to manifest. Through meditation, you can also gain access to states of consciousness that are normally not available during regular day-to-day activities.
Meditating takes a lot of self-discipline and training. And you may need to meditate daily for weeks or months before you will start to notice its beneficial effects on your life. This is important to know upfront to not lose hope or faith in your abilities. The first few sessions are usually quite chaotic and your thoughts may wander all over the place. But with regular practice, you will become more and more aware of your inner self and gain a deeper understanding of why certain things happen in your life and how you can use that knowledge to manifest what it is that you want. So don’t skip this part and keep meditating daily. You’ll thank me later.
Fake it ’til you make it
What sounds like a joke is actually an incredibly powerful tool to manifest what you want in life. It’s all about acting as if you already have whatever it is that you are aiming for, and feeling those same emotions. You can do this by speaking differently and adding a new layer of confidence to your communication. You can dress up like the person you want to become or carry yourself in a certain way that reflects who you wish to be – even if it feels weird at first. This will help align your subconscious mind with your goals, which will create a strong field of energy around them making them more likely to manifest quickly.
The power of affirmations
What sets apart those people who say they know the law of attraction from those who actually use it successfully often lies in the quality of their affirmations. An affirmation is a statement that you make to yourself in order to reprogram your subconscious mind and align it with what you wish to manifest. For example, if your goal is to become financially independent – instead of saying “I want more money” or “I need more money”, you would state something like:
“I am now financially independent and I have all the abundance that I need”.
These types of statements help shift your mindset from lack-safety into a place of openness and abundance, which will attract new opportunities into your life. An affirmation works like a mantra and you can use it several times, heck even hundreds of times, each single day. And the more often you say it to yourself, the more you’ll believe it.
To create good affirmations, you could simply google them. But that’s not how they’re meant to be. Always remember, this is your life, your unique journey – and so your affirmations should be crafted to align with that. So get creative and write down what resonates with you, the more specific the better.
Take a pen and paper and begin writing down everything that comes to your mind. Be creative and don’t limit yourself. Let your thoughts and feelings flow. Look inside of you during your meditations and focus on the parts of your life that you are most emotional about. Then try to create an affirmation that always takes place in the present moment (present tense) where you give gratitude for the already happened change. Here are some examples from some areas of life:
If you want to attract more health into your life, you could use affirmations like these:
“I am full of health and vitality”
“I am surrounded by well-being and happiness”
“My body is healthy, fit and strong”
Wealth and Money
If you want to attract more wealth into your life, you could use affirmations like these:
“I am now a magnet for abundance and prosperity”
“I have all the money I need to live my best life”
“Every day in every way, I’m getting wealthier and wealthier”.
To attract more love into your life, you could use affirmations like these:
“I am now surrounded by unconditional love”
“My heart is filled with joy and happiness”
“I attract loving relationships into my life”.
These are just some examples of how powerful affirmations can be when used correctly. By repeating them as often as possible (either silently or out loud), they will start to shape your subconscious mind which in turn will draw what it is that you want into your life.
Affirmations are a great tool to combat negative thoughts and feelings. They work as magic counterspells. When you find yourself spiraling down into a state of fear or doubt, use one of your affirmations to shift your mindset. This will instantly shift your mind into positive thinking and onto the things that you want to attract rather than those you don’t.
Visualization – Where the magic happens
Visualization is a technique that has been around for centuries. It is a powerful tool that can help you manifest your goals and dreams into reality. The idea behind it is simple: by focusing on an image (or movie) in your mind of what you want to achieve, you will become more open to it happening in the physical world.
Visualization works because it helps bring clarity and focus to your intentions, thus creating a clearer path for manifestation. An easier way to think about visualization is as if you are drawing up a blueprint for something that does not yet exist – when done correctly, it will eventually show up in real life. For example, if you want to create a new career opportunity – visualize yourself already living that experience: where are you working? How do you spend your days? What do you do? The more specific the visualization, the better.
When you engage in visualization, it’s important to remain open-minded and to observe everything that is happening: are there any obstacles along the way? Is there something blocking your path toward achieving what you want? If so, how would you handle them? If not, then how can you make sure that nothing does get in your way? These questions are all part of the process and will help bring a greater understanding and clarity to your goal.
It’s all about motivation
Visualization has all it needs to keep you going – pure motivation. You can use it to see yourself already living the life you want, which will inspire and motivate you to take action. The more vivid and real your visualization is, the stronger this feeling will be.
I always encourage people to not only focus on an image but instead create a full movie of themselves living their dream lifes. In all detail. With all senses. So if you want to attract more money into your life, see yourself in a movie where you have all the money you need, where you do what you love and live your best life.
The more detailed the movie, the better. Feel how everything smells, looks and sounds like in this movie. Do you drive a new car? How do the leather seats feel, how does it feel to touch the steering wheel, the doors when you open them? Can you smell the new leather? Feel the wind in your hair and on your skin when you drive. The adrenaline that rushes through your veins when you push the gas pedal. Live in this movie as if it was real and you will soon see the first results start to show up in your life.
Whenever I lay down or sit down, close my eyes and practice the gift of visualization, I get up fully energized and motivated just after a brief session. It’s a direct source of inspiration and motivation that helps me stay focused on my goals. And I am sure you’ll feel the same way as soon as you start this yourself.
Re-program your brain
Through consistent practice, you can re-program your subconscious mind and start to attract what you truly want in life. Your brain will start to seek out opportunities for these things to manifest into reality. The more often you visualize the future that you wish for, the more likely it is to happen.
Your brain can’t tell the difference between an actual action, a physical experience or vivid visualization. That’s how athletes, top managers of big companies and successful entrepreneurs work with the power of visualization.
Confidence is key
Once you begin practicing visualization regularly, you will start to gain confidence in what you are seeking – and this will help bring you closer to the life of your dreams.
And this confidence carries over into other areas of your life as well. You start to feel more confident in the decisions you make and the paths you choose. This increased self-belief will give you the courage to take risks and pursue a life that is truly meaningful and fulfilling for you.
The most effective visualization techniques explained
Visualization is a big word. And, in fact, this is a whole concept rather than a technique of its own. There are dozens of techniques that help you visualize exactly what you want. In this section, we list only the most powerful and effective ones. Feel free to use them as you need in any kind of combination that you want. You can’t go wrong – unless you don’t try them out.
Mind Movies
No wonder this is the first technique I mention. Mind Movies are like short movies or slideshows that contain images and words related to the things you want. They serve as reminders of your goals and dreams, while also helping you connect with each one emotionally.
To get started, you simply create a mind movie by collecting images and words that represent your desired outcomes. Once you’ve collected everything, place it all on a timeline. Then watch or listen to the movie whenever you need some motivation.
Now the great part. You can, of course, create a real movie (video) for yourself and put it on your computer or phone to watch it wherever and whenever you want. But you can create even more powerful movies on your mind alone.
This is where the real creativity comes in handy. Create some time and space just for yourself, as if you are planning a meditation session. It doesn’t matter if you lie down or sit comfortably on a chair or pillow. Just use whatever feels good for you. Close your eyes and watch yourself on your mind in settings, situations and living a life that you want to attract. Be the watcher, from a 3rd person’s view. Be the creator, the producer of your own movie and create it exactly as you want. Change anything that you don’t like. Add music, colors, smells, feelings, weather conditions, people, objects or whatever you want. Just let it flow. Then switch to the 1st person and suck in all the emotions, feelings, smells, touches and tastes that you can. Feel them as if they were happening right now.
Gratitude Journal
The gratitude journal is another powerful technique for visualizing what you want in life. The idea here is simple: each day, write down all the things that you are grateful for in your life. It doesn’t have to be anything big – just something small and meaningful like the smell of freshly brewed coffee or the sound of birds chirping outside.
By expressing gratitude for these little things, you can start to create an emotional connection with them – which will help keep or get you into a positive frame of mind. This, in turn, will help you attract the things that you truly desire even more powerfully.
By reflecting on the good things in your life, more good things will happen. This in return creates a more and more happy present experience and gives you more things to be grateful for.
Dream Boards
Also known as vision boards, dream boards are a powerful visualization technique. They work by giving you something physical to look at every day, as a reminder of what you want to achieve in life. The idea is that by constantly seeing these images, your subconscious gets used to the concept of having these things in your life and starts working towards attracting them.
To create a dream board, simply collect any pictures or words that represent the things you want in life. Then stick them onto a poster board or pin them up on your wall – somewhere where they will catch your eye often. Whenever you look at the board remind yourself why this is important to you and what steps can be taken today toward achieving those goals.
In today’s digital age, you can easily create a super powerful vision board and out it onto your computer screen as a background image, using it on your phone as the lock screen or background. This is an easy way to remind yourself of your dreams and goals several times a day without actually “doing” anything special. I mean, you look at your screens dozens of times each day, so why not use this to your advantage?
I am sure I’ve said this before, but meditation is such an incredibly powerful tool. It not only helps you become aware of your inner thoughts and emotions, it also helps to keep them in balance.
When meditating, focus on the things that you want more of in life. Visualize yourself living a life filled with these things and be grateful for them as if they already existed. Feel the emotions associated with having these things in your life and use this feeling to charge up your visualization practice even more. Meditation can help to really make those dreams come true.
When meditating you take a more passive approach other to creating a mind movie. As you focus on your breath and inner self, try to catch images, thoughts, feelings or emotions that are either helpful or need transformation. You can then take these thoughts, beliefs and emotions and work with them to resolve inner conflicts, or reframe those images.
Reframing is a powerful way of giving negative images a different context. Do you know the Hollywood movie “Jaws”? I am sure you’ve seen that movie or at least parts of it. And I am sure you now have the sounds and music in your ears. Now imagine the same scenes with another soundtrack, like something really really happy and playful. All of a sudden the scene doesn’t seem so daunting and nerve-wracking, right? This is what can be achieved by reframing images, sounds, spoken words etc. with more positive vibrations.
And you can do this with any belief, image or recall that you have in your mind that is hindering you from achieving your best life.
By learning to reframe these thoughts, you become more powerful and attract the vibrations that you truly desire into your life. This is why I believe meditation can be such a powerful tool in manifesting your dream life.
Magic check or bill
This is maybe one of the best techniques to attract wealth and money into your life. What’s more fun than to get an unexpected bonus or huge check?
The idea behind this technique is simple: you take a blank check, write down an amount of money and fill in the rest as if it were already paid out to you. Then put it somewhere where you can see it often so that your subconscious mind gets used to the concept of having this money in your life.
But don’t just stop there – imagine how great it would feel if you actually had this amount of money. Feel all the emotions associated with having that kind of wealth and be grateful for it as if it was already yours. By doing this, you create a powerful vibration around yourself that will attract similarly positive vibrations into your life.
Work on your affirmations, goals and dreams lists
This step doesn’t mean repeating your affirmations right now. Instead, work on your list of affirmations and create new ones, change the ones you already have or modify them in any way you like. This is important because it helps to refine and fine-tune them until they become more powerful.
This also helps you to get a clearer idea about what kind of vibrations or feelings you are actually trying to attract into your life. Working on your list of affirmations can be a great way to gain clarity in this process.
You should, at all times, have a list of your goals, visions, dreams and affirmations in front of you. This will help to remind you of why you are doing all this and what your focus is at any given moment. If the list or your affirmations grow too large, create smaller lists that can be used as reminders throughout the day.
Treat the universe like a supermarket. Make a shopping list of everything that you want to attract. And always keep this list in your pocket – or in the cloud as an Evernote file.
By doing this, you will start to notice more and more of what you desire coming into your life. This is because you are putting out powerful vibrations that attract similarly positive ones into your life.
Impact of the Law Of Attraction
Besides helping you attract more and more things into your life, the Law of Attraction also helps you to become more aware of your inner state. This means that you will start to understand more and more about yourself, and this can have a great impact on your life.
Spirituality and personal growth
The Law of Attraction is not just about attracting material things into your life, but also spiritual growth. By working on your affirmations and becoming more aware of yourself, you will start to notice a shift in the way that you think and feel.
This can result in an overall feeling of being connected with the universe, which can bring about a great sense of inner peace and clarity. This connection with the cosmos can help you reach higher levels of personal growth.
Well-being and happiness
By putting out powerful vibrations that attract similarly positive ones into your life, you will start to feel more empowered and fulfilled. This will then open up new possibilities for growth and eventually manifest the life that you want for yourself.
By practicing gratitude and focusing on the positive side of your life, you will ultimately feel a lot better, happier and more content. With enough practice, this will become a natural state of being and you will be able to manifest anything that you desire.
The power of the Law of Attraction can help you create an abundant life filled with joy, love and happiness. All it takes is faith, determination, and the right techniques! So why wait? Get out there and start putting the law of attraction into action today.
Some last words
This article has been written to provide you with information on how to use the Law of Attraction in your life. We hope that it has helped you understand this powerful concept better and given you some ideas on how to put it into practice. Remember, the Law of Attraction is all about manifesting what you want in life. So take some time to think, visualize and feel your desires into reality. But that doesn’t happen overnight. Like everything else in life, it takes practice and time. With patience, dedication, and the right mindset, you can make it happen.
Please share your own thoughts, experiences and insights on the Law of Attraction in the comments. We’d love to hear from you. And if you have an inspiring story to tell, no matter how small, please do share it with us. Your story could be just what someone else needs to believe in themselves and manifest their own dreams.