Side Hustle Ideas: 199 Ways to Make Extra Money in Your Spare Time

side hustle ideas, online side hustles, side hustle job, side hustle from home

Are you looking to boost your income and achieve financial freedom? Or do you want to save money for retirement, a new home, your own or children's education, a new car or an extravagant vacation? If so, you're not alone. Many people are turning to side hustles as a way to make extra money in their spare time. But what exactly is a side hustle?

A side hustle is any type of work, task or business that you do outside of your full-time job. It's a way to earn extra cash, pursue your passions and interests, and even turn them into full-time careers.

In this article, we'll explore 199 side hustle ideas that you can start today. Whether you're looking for online side hustles, side hustles from home, passive income ideas, apps that pay you cash, or sidehustle jobs somewhere in between, we've got you covered. So let's dive in and discover how you can start earning extra money on the side.

The Importance of Having a Side Hustle

In today's economy, having a side hustle is more important than ever. With the rising cost of living and stagnant wages, many people are finding it difficult to make ends meet with just one source of income. That's where a side hustle comes in.

Financial Security

Having a side hustle can provide you with an additional stream of income that can help you achieve financial security. Whether you're looking to pay off debt, save for a down payment on a house, or build up your emergency fund, having extra cash coming in can make all the difference.

Career Development

A side hustle can also be a great way to develop new skills and gain experience in areas outside of your full-time job. This can help you build your resume and potentially lead to new career opportunities down the road.

Pursuing Passions

Additionally, starting a side hustle can allow you to pursue your passions and interests outside of your regular work hours. Whether it's starting a blog about travel or selling handmade crafts online, having a side hustle can give you an outlet for creativity and self-expression.

Overall, having a side hustle is an effective way to increase your income, build your skills and pursue your passions. So why not explore some of these 199 ideas and see what works for you?

This article is meant to be your full resource, no matter where you're coming from. My goal is to put together the only guide that you need to read on the internet to get a full overview of all the different side hustle ideas that exist and can make you anywhere from $100 to $50,000 per month.

I will keep this article edited every now and then to keep it up to date. But whenever you think I might have missed a great opportunity to make some extra money, please reach out to me so I can implement it with my next update.

So let's stop talking and get to work!

Online Side Hustle Ideas

Online side hustles are extremely popular because of their flexibility. If you want to hustle on the side for extra cash from your home or anywhere else, check out these highly profitable ideas.

#1 Online Surveys

If you're looking for an easy way to make some extra cash on the side, online surveys can be a great option. One example of a popular survey site is Swagbucks.

Swagbucks is an app that pays users to take surveys on a variety of topics. These surveys can range from consumer opinions on products and services to political views and social issues.

To get started with Swagbucks, all you need to do is sign up for an account and complete your profile. This will help match you with relevant surveys based on your demographics and interests.

Once you've completed your profile, you'll start receiving survey invitations via email. Each survey typically takes between 10-20 minutes to complete and pays anywhere from $0.50-$5.00 or more (up to $250) depending on the length and complexity of the survey.

swaybacks screenshot online side hustle

#2 Start A Blog

The first step in starting a blog is choosing your niche or topic. This should be something that you're passionate about and knowledgeable in. It could be anything from cooking to travel to personal finance.

Once you've chosen your niche, it's time to set up your blog. There are several blogging platforms available, such as WordPress and Blogger, that offer easy-to-use templates and hosting options.

With your blog set up, it's time to start creating content. The key to successful blogging is consistency – aim to post at least once per week or more if possible.

There are several ways to monetize a blog once you've built an audience:

  1. Affiliate marketing: Promote products related to your niche and earn commissions for any sales made through your unique affiliate link.
  2. Sponsored content: Partner with brands or businesses in your niche for sponsored posts or reviews.
  3. Advertising revenue: Once you have enough traffic coming to your site, you can earn money through display ads or Google AdSense.

#3 Customer Interviews

Are you a good listener? Do you enjoy talking to people and learning about their experiences? If so, customer interviews could be a great side hustle for you!

Customer interviews are an essential part of market research. Companies use them to gather insights about their customers’ needs, preferences, and behavior. As a customer interviewer, your job is to talk to people and ask them questions about their experiences with a particular product or service.

What's great about customer interviews? You can make anywhere between $50-$150 an hour!

#4 Flipping Phones

Do you have a knack for finding good deals and making a profit? If so, flipping phones could be the perfect side hustle for you. With the right skills and knowledge, you can turn old phones into cash.

The first step in flipping phones is finding good deals. Check online marketplaces like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or eBay for used phones that are being sold at a low price.

Once you’ve purchased the phone, it’s time to clean it up and make any necessary repairs. Remove any stickers or residue from the phone and wipe it down with a microfiber cloth.

After cleaning and repairing the phone, list it for sale on online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon. It’s important to set a fair price that will attract buyers but still allow you to make a profit.

#5 Build A YouTube Channel

With over 2 billion active users, YouTube is one of the most popular platforms for content creators to share their work.

The first step in building a successful YouTube channel is finding your niche. What topics are you passionate about? What do you want to share with the world?

It’s important to choose a niche that you’re knowledgeable about and that has an audience. Research popular channels in your niche and see what types of videos they create.

Once you’ve found your niche, it’s time to start creating high-quality content. You can easily start recording videos with your smartphone at first, but consider upgrading your equipment as you gain more viewers and subscribers.

You can monetize your YouTube channel with ads, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing.

And with today's AI technology taking over the world by storm, there are options to not even show your face on camera if you don't want to.

#6 Affiliate Marketing

By promoting products or services online and earning a commission on sales, anyone can make money through affiliate marketing.

The first step in affiliate marketing is choosing your niche. This could be anything from fitness to beauty to technology. It’s important to choose a niche that you’re passionate about and that has an audience.

Research popular products or services in your niche and see if there are any affiliate programs available.

Once you’ve chosen your niche, it’s time to join affiliate programs. These programs allow you to promote their products or services and earn a commission on any sales made through your unique referral link.

After joining an affiliate program, it’s time to start promoting the products or services. This can be done through various channels such as social media, email lists, or blog posts.

Super affiliates make millions of dollars per year just by promoting products and services online. And nothing is hindering you from exploring this fantastic side hustle too.

#7 Selling NFTs

Have you heard about NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and their potential for making money online? If not, you're missing out on a great opportunity to turn your creativity into profit.

Before diving into selling NFTs, it's important to understand what they are. An NFT is a unique digital asset that is verified using blockchain technology. This means that each NFT is one-of-a-kind and cannot be duplicated or replicated.

NFTs can be anything from digital artwork, music, videos, or even tweets. They are bought and sold using cryptocurrency such as Ethereum.

The next step in selling NFTs is creating your own. This could be anything from digital art created by you or a digital version of physical artwork.

There are various platforms available where you can create and mint your own NFTs such as OpenSea, Rarible, or SuperRare.

For many online experts, NFTs are the next “Big Thing”. Many of them are predicting that it will be the next billion-dollar industry. So don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to make money online.

#8 Selling Printables on Etsy

Printables are digital files that customers can download and print at home. They can be anything from planner pages, wall art, stickers, or even party invitations. The best part is that once you create them, they can be sold repeatedly without any additional effort.

The first step in selling printables on Etsy is choosing your niche. This could be anything from organization and planning to home decor or party supplies.

Research popular products in your niche and see what types of printables are already being sold on Etsy. Some Etsy sellers earn $10,000 or more per month selling meal plan templates, household budget templates or habit trackers. So with a bit of creativity and experimentation, you can start making money from selling your own printables today.

selling printables on Etsy

#9 Becoming A Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants provide administrative or creative assistance to clients remotely. They can assist with tasks such as email management, social media management, bookkeeping, website maintenance and more, earning anywhere from $10-$50 per hour.

You can either join a VA company or start your own VA business. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can help you find clients and promote your services.

#10 Build An Online Course

Are you an expert in a specific field or have a skill that you want to teach others? Building an online course is the perfect way to share your knowledge and make money from it.

Platforms like Udemy or Coursera make it incredibly easy to get started. All you have to do is create your course content and upload it to their platform. Once it's live, you can start promoting your course and earning money every time someone purchases it.

Online courses are great for those looking for passive income as once the initial work is done, there's no more effort required from you.

The average Udemy instructor salary is a whopping $60,000 per year. New instructors start at $200 per month but can climb up the income ladder at lightning speed.

become a udemy instructor

#11 Start A Dropshipping E-commerce website

Dropshipping is where it all started for me once upon a time. And it is still a great option to start an online side hustle with minimal investment and maximum return.

Dropshipping is a type of business model where you don’t need to carry any inventory or manage any shipping. All you have to do is create your e-commerce store, find suppliers on websites like AliExpress/Amazon/eBay/Wayfair etc., add products to your website and promote them using social media marketing or PPC campaigns.

When someone buys from your store, you forward the order to your supplier and the supplier will ship the product directly to the customer. You keep the profit after deducting for the cost of goods and shipping (which you pay to the supplier).

Dropshipping is a great way to make money on the side and has been known to generate anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per month.

Shopify or WooCommerce are both great platforms to build an online store and start your dropshipping journey.

#12 Create A Niche Newsletter Library

Nobody can overview all the news available on the internet, but everybody wants to be in the know. If you have a unique point of view and can create a comprehensive newsletter library, there will be people who are willing to pay for it.

You can start by curating content from other sites, re-write important content in a more compact form and offer it to a very specific audience. Many people are willing to pay for the convenience of having their favorite topics summarized in one place.

You can build your library using platforms like Substack which makes creating newsletters as easy as writing emails — no coding required! You can charge a subscription fee for access to your newsletter library or offer it as part of a larger package.

#13 Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is an excellent way to start your own e-commerce business without the hassle of storing, packing and shipping products yourself.

The first step in starting an Amazon FBA business is choosing the right products. Research trending product categories on Amazon; identify gaps where you can offer unique value.

Once you've chosen your products, it's time to find a supplier. Look for reliable manufacturers/suppliers on platforms like Alibaba or Global Sources.

After finding a supplier, create a professional-looking product listing on Amazon with clear descriptions and high-quality visuals. Once you've created your product listing, it's time to ship your products to an Amazon warehouse. Use the FBA shipment creation tool in Seller Central to prepare shipments and schedule pickups from carriers like UPS or DHL.

#14 Graphic Design

If you have a passion for graphic design and want to make some extra money on the side, freelancing is an excellent option.

The first step in starting a freelance graphic design business is defining your services. Identify what types of designs you can create such as logos, business cards, social media graphics etc.

Once you've defined your services, it's time to build your portfolio. Create high-quality designs for fictional clients or offer discounted rates for real clients in exchange for permission to use their work in your portfolio.

Use platforms like Behance or Dribbble to showcase your portfolio and attract potential clients. Use social media platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn where potential clients may be present; join relevant groups/pages related to graphic design where people can discover you easily.

Starting with graphic design definitely has a learning curve. But once you've become a master with photoshop and illustrator, you can provide valuable services for a premium rate.

#15 Sell White-Label Products

Are you looking for a way to start your own business without having to create your own products from scratch? Then consider selling white-label products! White-label products are pre-made products that you can rebrand and sell under your own brand name.

White-label products offer a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to enter new markets and increase their revenue streams. Here are some steps to get started:

  1. Identify the product categories or niches that you want to focus on.
  2. Research suppliers who offer white-label products in those categories.
  3. Evaluate the quality of the products, shipping times, and pricing before making a decision on which supplier(s) to work with.
  4. Choose a branding strategy that aligns with your target market and create custom packaging and labeling for the products.
  5. Market your white-label products through various channels such as social media, email marketing, or influencer collaborations.
  6. Continuously monitor customer feedback and make improvements to the product or branding strategy as needed.

By following these steps, you can successfully sell white-label products under your own brand name and build a profitable business in no time.

#16 Create And Sell Kindle Ebooks

If you're a writer or have expertise in a particular subject, creating and selling Kindle ebooks can be an excellent way to generate passive income.

But even if you're not skilled in writing or simply don't want to write your own books, hiring a ghostwriter may be a viable option. Many freelance writers have access to Kindle publishing, so it's worth exploring your options.

Start by researching popular topics within your chosen niche. Then create an outline for the book and begin writing or hiring a ghostwriter to do the work for you. Once you've finished writing the book, it's time to format and upload it to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform.

After your ebook has been approved by Amazon, you can begin promoting it on social media and other platforms in order to generate sales. Many authors have been able to generate lucrative incomes through Kindle ebooks, so don't underestimate this side hustle opportunity.

#17 Freelance Writing

Freelance writing can be a fulfilling career for those who love to write and have a passion for storytelling. Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork can help you start your freelance writing business and begin connecting with potential clients.

When starting out as a freelance writer, it's important to define your niche. Many writers specialize in certain topics or industries such as health, tech, or travel. Once you've chosen a specialty, create an impressive portfolio of work that showcases your expertise and knowledge.

Consider guest blogging, creating content for your own blog or website, or offering free writing services to non-profit organizations. All of these will help you establish yourself as a writer, build credibility, and make valuable connections that could lead to paying jobs.

You can also join relevant writers' groups and forums to network with established writers and get advice from other professionals in the field. Many freelance writers have found success by hustling on the side and building an impressive portfolio of work. Take the time to develop your skills and you could soon be earning a full-time income as a freelance writer.

#18 Print On Demand T-Shirts

Starting a print-on-demand t-shirt business can be an excellent side hustle for those who love design and want to express themselves through creative clothing. Many sites allow you to design your own t-shirts and sell them online, with all of the printing and shipping handled by a third-party service.

Research popular designs that appeal to your target market. When creating designs, pay attention to trends and make sure they are unique enough to stand out from the competition.

Once you’ve created a design, upload it to popular print-on-demand sites like Printify or Teespring and start marketing your products online. Utilize social media platforms such as Instagram or Facebook to reach potential customers and create a loyal following.

Selling printed T-Shirts is evergreen and has been around for years now. And this trend is not going anywhere. You can start this hustle with little to no investment and make a decent profit margin with very little effort.

printing print on demand t-shirt business

#19 Proofreading

If you have an eye for detail and love to read, starting a proofreading side hustle can be a great choice for you.

Determine the types of documents you want to specialize in proofreading – this could be anything from academic papers to marketing materials.

Specializing in specific niches allows you to become an expert in that area, making it easier to find clients who need your services.

here are several ways to find clients for proofreading services:

  • Job boards like Freelancer or Upwork
  • Social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter
  • Referrals from previous clients
  • Cold emailing potential clients & networking with others within the industry.

#20 Video Editing

Video editing is a valuable skill that can be turned into a profitable side hustle. One way to stand out from the competition is by creating a unique and fresh intro for your clients' videos.

If you're new to video editing or are just tarting out, learn new techniques through YouTube tutorials, practice editing different types of videos, and experiment with different styles.

Creating a unique and fresh intro can set you apart from other video editors. Consider using animation, motion graphics, or even live-action footage to create an engaging introduction that captures viewers' attention.

Once you got the skills down, simply offer your services showcasing your work on freelance job boards, social media platforms and more.

#21 Online Data Analysis

If you love crunching numbers and analyzing data, starting an online data analysis side hustle could be the perfect opportunity for you. Many companies rely on data analysts to create accurate reports and identify trends in customer behavior.

Data analysis requires a high level of numeracy and analytical skills, so start by brushing up on your math and statistics knowledge. Many organizations also require data analysts to be familiar with specific software, so consider taking some courses in Excel or SQL.

Once you've honed your skillset, start looking for freelance jobs on job boards like Upwork and Freelancer. You could also reach out directly to companies that may need help analyzing their data. With the right skill set and experience, you could make a great living doing online data analysis.

#22 Create A Podcast

Creating a podcast can be a great side hustle for someone who loves to talk, share their thoughts and opinions, or wants to start a niche-specific online radio show. Many people have found success with podcasts, as they offer an interesting way to engage with listeners while making money on the side.

Before you get started, decide what type of podcast you want to create. Do some research and look into popular topics in your niche. You'll also need to decide on a format, such as interviews or solo episodes, that will work best for you.

Once you have an idea for your podcast, start recording and editing your episodes using free software like Audacity or GarageBand. You can then upload your podcast to platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. Many podcasters also create a website or blog to host their content and provide additional information on the topic they're discussing.

By creating interesting content and engaging with your listeners, you can start to build an audience for your podcast. As you grow, you can monetize your podcast by offering ad space and sponsored posts to generate additional income.

#23 Selling From Amazon To Ebay

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, selling items from Amazon to eBay can be a profitable side hustle. Many people are able to make a good living by purchasing items on Amazon and reselling them on eBay for a higher price. It's important to remember that this type of business requires patience, research, and dedication in order to be successful.

Start by researching what products are popular on eBay, and then find the same items on Amazon that you can buy at a lower price. Many Amazon sellers are willing to offer discounts when buying in bulk, so you may be able to get a better deal if you purchase multiple items at once. Once you have your items in hand, create listings on eBay and set a price that you believe is fair.

It's important to remember to take into account shipping costs when setting your prices, as well as any fees associated with selling on eBay.

#24 Transcribing Audio

Especially if you speak multiple languages, transcribing audio can be a great way to hustle on the side. Many companies, organizations, and individuals rely on transcribers to accurately document speeches, interviews, and more.

Transcribing audio requires attention to detail as well as an understanding of grammar and sentence structure. Many transcription services offer training courses that you can take to brush up on your skills. Many transcription services also provide software that you can download for free to start transcribing audio files.

#25 Manage Social Media Accounts

If you’re an active user of social media platforms, you can use your skills to help businesses manage their accounts. Many companies prefer to outsource their social media management tasks so that they can focus on running their business. This makes managing social media accounts a great sidehustle job for someone who already understands the nuances of online interactions and is comfortable working with clients.

Start by researching what services you can offer and deciding which platforms you want to work on. Many companies need help managing their social media accounts, such as coming up with campaigns and strategies, creating content, and responding to customer inquiries. You can also offer additional services such as graphic design or copywriting if that’s a skill you possess. Many freelance platforms specifically cater to social media managers and can connect you with clients who are looking for help.

#26 Become A WordPress Developer

If you’re tech-savvy, becoming a WordPress developer can be a great online side hustle. Many businesses are looking for experienced WordPress developers to help them create and maintain their websites.

Getting started as a WordPress developer requires some coding knowledge and experience in HTML and CSS. Many companies also prefer developers who have experience working with plugins, databases, and JavaScript. Many tutorials and online courses are available to help you brush up on your skills. You can also consider starting a blog or website of your own to showcase your work and demonstrate your abilities.

Once you have the necessary experience, you can offer various services like speeding up websites, database cleanups, restoring hacked sites, switching sites to new servers or hosts, and more.

#27 Resell On Facebook Marketplace

Finding stuff on Craigslist or buying stuff at (online) flea markets and garage sales and reselling it on Facebook Marketplace is another great side hustle.

Unique items that can be resold for a profit include vintage furniture, collectibles, antiques, and jewelry. Many people also find success reselling clothes and electronics.

To start your own online resale store, research what items are in demand on Facebook Marketplace and then search for them at garage sales or flea markets.

#28 Wayfair Dropshipping

Ok, we've covered dropshipping before, but this is not typical dropshipping from Amazon, eBay or Chinese websites.

I mean, what if you could use Wayfair as your supplier? Wayfair is such a big online platform that can make it hard for the average user to find specific items. When you can create a curated list of products from Wayfair and build a whole website(store around this sub-niche, you have a very unique and profitable dropshipping business.

The best thing is that you don't even need to buy the items beforehand, as Wayfair has a dropshipping program. All you need is to create an account, set up your store’s payment methods and backend processes, and start selling.

This is a much more profitable side hustle than most people realize and one that can give you a lot of freedom in the long run.

walfair dropshipping side hustle

#29 Write Resumes For Others

If you have writing or editing skills, you can offer resume-writing services to job seekers. Many people find themselves overwhelmed when they need to update their resumes, and having help from an experienced writer can make the process much smoother and more effective.

You will likely require some knowledge of resume best practices in order to write successful resumes for clients, but you can easily learn the basics online. Once you’ve done some research and have a few successful projects under your belt, consider joining resume-writing freelancer platforms or launching your own website to market your services. Many people are willing to pay top dollar for quality resumes that will help them get the job they want.

#30 Sell Personalized Jewelry

Personalized jewelry is an increasingly popular niche, and it’s easy to get started on your own. Many services offer personalized jewelry items, from custom-engraved necklaces to monogrammed bracelets.

You can start by setting up a website or joining an online marketplace like Etsy. Research the types of pieces that are in demand and create your own designs. Many online services offer tools for engraving names or initials on jewelry items, so there’s no need to purchase a laser engraver or other equipment.

You can also offer custom orders if you’re open to creating unique pieces upon request. Many customers are willing to pay extra for personalized items, so this is an excellent opportunity to earn some extra money on the side.

#31 Become A Text Chat Operator

If you are a confident communicator, then becoming a text chat operator is an excellent idea for raking in extra cash. Many companies hire online contractors to respond to customer inquiries via chat and provide helpful solutions.

You don’t need any special qualifications to become a text chat operator; all you need is good communication skills and the ability to stay calm in the face of customer complaints. Many companies offer flexible hours and pay per hour, so this is an ideal side hustle for those with busy schedules.

The main challenge here is that you’ll be dealing with customers all day, so if you don’t have thick skin or good problem-solving skills, you might not be cut out for this job. But if you’re great at customer service, this is an excellent way to make extra money from home.

#32 Sell Stock Photos Online

Do you have an eye for photography? If so, why not upload your photos to stock photo websites and make money from them? Many companies rely on stock photos to add visuals to their content, and there’s a growing demand for high-quality images with unique topics.

You don’t need any special equipment or qualifications to start, just a good digital camera and some know-how. Many stock photo websites also require photographers to submit their work for approval before it is published, so make sure you read up on the submission guidelines before you get started.

This side hustle requires some patience as you may not see results right away, but with consistent effort and the right photos, you can start earning money from your photography in no time.

#33 Streaming On Twitch

Do you like gaming? Many people are making a living by broadcasting their gameplay on the popular streaming platform Twitch.

Twitch is a great way to make money while doing something you love, as you can monetize your streams with donations and advertisements. Many experienced streamers also partner with game publishers and hardware companies in order to promote their products on their streams.

The key to success on Twitch is to put in the time and effort needed to build a loyal audience. Many streamers get started by simply streaming for fun, but if you’re willing to put in the work it takes to become popular, you can make some decent money from your channel.

twitch streaming side hustle

#34 Web Design

Web design is a great way to make extra money on the side, as many companies are looking for help with creating and maintaining their websites. Many of these projects don’t require any prior experience or qualifications; all you need is some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.

If you’re serious about this side hustle, you can also invest in some web development courses to learn more advanced techniques and stay up-to-date on the latest trends. Many web designers also offer their services on websites like Fiverr or Upwork, which is an excellent way to find clients and start making money quickly.

#35 Make Voiceovers

If you have a good speaking voice, why not put it to good use and make some extra money on the side? Many companies are always looking for talented voiceover artists for their commercials, podcasts, and other audio projects.

This side hustle requires minimal equipment; all you need is a good microphone and access to a recording program. Many voiceover jobs also pay based on the project, so you can expect to make anywhere from $50 to $500 per job.

#36 Offer Translation Services

Are you bilingual or multilingual? Many companies are looking for help with translating their products, services, and websites into other languages. Many translation jobs also offer excellent pay rates and flexible hours, so it’s a great way to make some extra money on the side.

#37 Online Consulting

Do you have specialized knowledge or experience that could be helpful to others? Many people are making a living by offering consulting services online. Many consultants also contract with companies in order to provide their expertise, and some work as independent contractors.

This side hustle can require a large investment of time and effort, but it can also offer an excellent income potential. Many consultants also find that this type of work gives them the freedom to work from home and set their own hours, which can be extremely rewarding.

#38 Create Lead Magnets For Businesses

Lead Magnets are pieces of content like an ebook, cheatsheet, audio file or template that are designed to attract potential customers. Many businesses are willing to pay a small fee for help in creating these pieces of content, as they can be extremely effective in capturing leads.

If you have some experience with copywriting or graphic design, this could be the perfect side hustle for you. Many businesses are always looking for help with creating lead magnets, so you can easily find work online and start making money in no time.

#39 Flip Collectibles

Do you have an eye for collectibles? Many people make a living by finding unique items and flipping them for a profit. This can include anything from vintage toys to rare coins, baseball cards, Trading cards and other collectibles. Many of these items are often available on sites like eBay or Craigslist, and they can easily be resold for a profit.

This side hustle requires minimal investment, as you can usually find the items you’re looking for without spending too much money. If you’re patient and willing to put in the work it takes to find rare items, this can be a great way to make some extra money.

#40 Sell Personalized Leather Items On Etsy

Leather walltes, handbags or other accessories are always in demand. Many people are now making a living by creating and selling personalized leather items on Etsy.

Just get yourself a laser engraving tool, order some walltes in bluk from places like Alibaba and start customizing them. Many people are now making a living selling personalized leather items like wallets, handbags, and other accessories on Etsy. This side hustle requires minimal investment, as you can usually find the items you’re looking for at wholesale prices and then just focus on marketing your products.

#41 Become An Online Teacher

If you're good at English, math or any other subject, you can make money by teaching it online. Many companies are now offering online tutoring services, and they’re always looking for experienced teachers to join their team. Many of these jobs also offer excellent pay rates and flexible hours, so this is a great way to make some extra money on the side.

#42 Test Apps & Websites

Many companies are looking for people to test their apps and websites before they launch. Many of these jobs offer excellent pay rates, and you can usually work from home or wherever you have an internet connection. This is a great way to make some extra money in your spare time, as it doesn't require any special skills or experience.

Sites like UserTesting, Userlytics or Enroll can connect you with companies looking for help with their tests. Some gigs pay you up to $100 per hour. Not bad if you ask me.

userlytics app testing

#43 Instagram & TikTok

If you love to participate in online challenges, dance contests or can give any sort of tips in a lifestyle-related topic, then you can make money out of it. Many businesses are now looking for influencers to help them promote their products and services on social media.

If you have a large following on Instagram or TikTok, companies will be willing to pay you to post sponsored content or showcase their products in your videos. You can also join influencer networks like Tribe or FameBit to find these kinds of opportunities. Many of these jobs can pay you up to a few hundred dollars per post, so this is an excellent side hustle if you’re looking to make some extra money.

And if you think that you need to start from scratch with 0 followers, just remember that even the big influencers of all websites once started with 0 followers and built their fellowship over months and years. And so can you.

#44 AirBnB Flipping

AirBnB flipping is a great way to make some extra money on the side. Many investors are now buying cheap homes in need of renovation, and then they’re renting them out on AirBnB for a profit. This requires an upfront investment, but if you find the right property then you can easily make back your investment and more. This is a great way to make some extra money without having to work too hard.

#45 Online Poker

If you didn't know it yet – Poker is a game of skill, not luck. That means that with the proper training and experience, you can make a lot of money from playing online poker. Many people are now making a living by playing online poker tournaments, so if you’re patient and willing to put in the work it takes to learn this game then this could be a great side hustle for you.

Poker pros like Daniel Negreanu or Blackrain79 have made millions playing Poker online. And now they offer courses and strategies on how to play online poker. This is an excellent way to make money on the side, and you can even have some fun in the process.

Daniel Negreanu masterclass poker

#46 Offer Small Business Marketing Services

Small businesses in your local area often don't have good websites, social media accounts or online marketing to attract new customers. If you're good at, or willing to learn, how to set up Google Ads, Facebook Ads or other online marketing strategies, then you can offer your services to small businesses in your area.

Just imagine you can drag more customers to a restaurant just because they get their name out for a few bucks per week. Or if you pull in 5 extra customers per month to a small store around the corner. Many of these businesses are desperate for help and they’ll be willing to pay you good money if you can show them results.

#47 Rent Out Extra Rooms Or Your Garage Through AirBnB

If you have an extra room or a garage that is not being used, then why not rent it out through AirBnB? That is a pretty easy buck for you to make without giving you much of a hassle. So you have plenty time left to pursue of (or more) of the other side hustle ideas I am laying out for you in this guide.

#48 Flip Furniture

Furniture flipping is one of my favorite side hustles. Many people are finding old furniture from thrift stores, garage sales, or even Craigslist and then restoring them and reselling them for a profit. You can find some great deals on furniture if you’re willing to put in the work to restore them. With a bit of creativity and elbow grease, you can make a nice side income from furniture flipping.

#49 Create A DIY Online Website

Do you love to craft things but are not willing to sell stuff through Etsy? Or do your kids enjoy making handmade items for Christmas, Easter or Birthdays? Why not create tutorials for the things you like and put together a recipe-style list of instructions and ingredients to create the product.

You can then offer these recipes on your own website for small money and get people to cick through to your website by showing your ideas on social media or YouTube. And if you attract followers along the way, you will have another monetizable source automatically. Not a bad side effect, don't you think?

#50 Start A Cooking Website & Sell Recipes

Cooking has been a huge niche ever since. And with inflation and busy schedules, people are always looking for easy cooking recipes. You can start a website that offers recipes along with videos or tutorials on how to make them. Many of these sites also offer meal-planning services which allows you to charge a monthly fee for your services. This is an excellent way to make money from home and get paid for your cooking expertise. Plus, who doesn’t love to eat good food?

The cooking niche also offers some great opportunities for Affiliate Marketing. I mean, there's always new equipment, kitchen gadgets and cookbooks you can refer people to and make a commission off of each sale.

#51 SEO Consulting

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important factors if you want to get organic traffic to your blog or website. Many businesses don’t understand how SEO works and they need someone to help them rank higher in the search engine results pages. This is an excellent side hustle for people who are knowledgeable about SEO, and it can be a very lucrative one.

Start by learning SEO tactics and strategies from the Pros. There are plenty of free tutorials online that can help you get started. Then, once you feel confident in your skills, start offering SEO services to clients in need of your expertise. Many businesses are willing to pay premium prices for someone who knows how to optimize their site and increase their organic rankings.

#52 Virtual Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is an important part of any business and it’s often an area that many small businesses neglect. Many entrepreneurs are looking for help with bookkeeping but don’t have the budget to hire a full-time employee for this role. That’s where you come in. You can offer virtual bookkeeping services from home and make a good side income.

All you need is some basic accounting knowledge and a computer with internet access. Many of the bookkeeping tasks can be done online so you don’t even have to leave your house. Plus, this is a great way to brush up on your accounting skills. With virtual bookkeeping, there are no limits to the number of clients you can have and it’s a great way to make money from home.

Tools like Xero or Quickbooks make it easy to manage the finances of your clients from anywhere. All you need to do is set up a good system, and you can easily keep track of all the financials for your clients in one place.

Xero bookkeeping tax preparation software

#53 Email Marketing Services

The money is in the list. That's an old marketing rule that still applies today. Many businesses are looking for help to grow their email list and need someone to manage their campaigns. There are plenty of businesses out there that have a good list of loyal customers already, but they don't know how to properly utilize this powerful asset.

Autoresponders like Klaviyo, Mailchimp or Drip can help you to create automated email sequences and drive revenue for your clients. Once you understand the basics of email marketing, start offering your services to businesses in need.

Having an understanding of copywriting, analytics and design are all helpful skills to have when it comes to email marketing. Luckily, you can learn every aspect of email marketing from the comfort of your home.

#54 Freelance Musician or DJ

Did you know that you could make money from your love of music? Many DJs and musicians are making a good side income by playing gigs or providing soundtracks for events. All you need to get started is some basic equipment and a good selection of songs. Many independent artists are also selling their own music online, so if you’re talented, this could be a great way to make some extra cash.

If you think you have what it takes to be a successful DJ or musician, start building your portfolio and marketing yourself online. Many of the most successful artists are self-taught and started out as bedroom producers before becoming international stars.

You can also create your own online music channel and monetize your content with streaming services like Spotify or Bandcamp. Many of the world’s biggest DJs and producers started out by creating their own music for free online, and it can be a great way to get noticed. Many venues are looking for fresh new talent so keep networking, promoting yourself and playing gigs in order to grow your fanbase.

#55 Virtual Event Planning & Coordination

Event planning is a great way to make money from home. Many people are looking for help with coordinating and organizing events, but don't have the budget to hire an in-house coordinator.

People often don't have the time or knowledge/skill to plan a great party. Weddings, special birthday parties, business events, conferences, and product launches all require a lot of planning.

You can find potential clients on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Upwork. Many event coordinators make good money from their own home helping to plan these events. You will need to be organized, creative and have great customer service skills in order to succeed in this industry.

#56 Online Personal Shopper/Stylist

More and more people are turning to online personal shoppers/stylists to help them find the perfect look. Many busy professionals don’t have the time or know-how to shop for themselves, so they hire someone who can do it for them. It’s a great way to make money from home if you have an eye for fashion and know how to put together a great look.

To become an online personal shopper or stylist, you will need to understand the latest fashion trends, have a good eye for detail and be able to offer great customer service. Many people who hire stylists expect them to help with wardrobe selection and even recommend clothes from certain stores.

This may be a prefect side hustle job for you if you love to read fashion magazines and love to shop the latest trends for yourself. Why not expand your skills and start making money from your expertise too?

#57 Crowdfunding Campaign Manager

Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have become popular ways to raise money for projects or causes. Many people are now hiring crowdfunding campaign managers to help them create a successful fundraising campaign.

To be a successful crowdfunding manager, you will need to understand marketing, branding and social media. Many of the most successful campaigns reach their goals due to having an effective strategy in place. You will need to be able to create engaging content, engage with potential donors and manage the entire campaign from start to finish.

If you have experience in marketing or crowdfunding, this may be a great way for you to make some extra cash on the side.

#58 Virtual Reality Developer

VR and AR (augmented reality) are becoming more and more popular as technology advances. Many companies are now hiring virtual reality developers to create immersive, interactive experiences.

This is a great side hustle for anyone who loves technology and gaming. You will need to have experience with coding and game development in order to be successful in this role. Yet, this field needs a lot of talent that is hard to find. Many companies are willing to pay good money for experienced developers with a passion for creating new, exciting experiences.

So, if you have the skills and experience then take this as an opportunity to make some extra money on the side! You may even find a full-time career in this field.

#59 Online Travel Agent

People are now turning to online travel agents to help them plan their trips. Many travelers don’t have the time or know-how to research destinations and book hotels, flights, tours and activities. Many rely on an expert for help planning their perfect vacation.

If you have a passion for traveling and researching different places around the world, then you may want to consider becoming an online travel agent. You will need to be organized and have great customer service skills in order to succeed in this field. Many travelers also expect their agents to offer good deals and discounts on bookings, so you will need to be knowledgeable about the best prices available.

If you love planning trips and helping others find their perfect vacation, then this may be the side hustle for you.

#60 Virtual Interior Designer

Interior design is an increasingly popular way to spruce up a home. More and more people are now turning to virtual interior designers for help decorating their living spaces.

To be successful in this field, you will need to have a talent for design, shapes and forms and style. Many virtual interior designers also use software to create 3D models or renderings of spaces before they are built, so you will need to be comfortable with certain types of technology.

This is a great way for you to make some extra money on the side if you have an eye for design and like helping people create their dream homes. Plus, you can make money from anywhere in the world making this an ideal side hustle for digital nomads.

#61 Remote HR Consultant

Finding talent for companies can be a difficult and time-consuming process. Many companies are now hiring remote HR consultants to help find the right candidates for an open position.

This is a great way to make some extra money on the side if you have experience in human resources, recruiting and employer branding. You will need to be organized, have excellent communication skills and understand the job market. Many companies are looking for experienced HR consultants to help them find the perfect employee.

#62 Online Nutritionist/Weight Loss Coach

Losing weight and getting fit will always be in demand. If you have a passion for health and fitness, then this may be the side hustle for you. You will need to have extensive knowledge in nutrition and fitness as well as understanding how the body works. Many clients expect their coach to provide meal plans and exercise regimes to help them reach their desired weight.

This is a great way for you to make an extra income if you love working with people and helping them achieve their health goals.

Personal trainers can cost a lot of money and hiuring one is not an option for most people. But what if you can offer the same experience online for a fraction of the costs and still make a good buck on the side?

#63 IT Support Technician

With more and more digital devices in our lives, everyday people can get overwhelmed with the technology they own. Solving their technical issues is certainly a great side hustle idea if you have a sense and understanding of computers and devices.

You can offer your services online or in person. People are looking for someone to help them with their devices, from setting up a new phone to solving a problem with their laptop. If you know how to troubleshoot internet connections, routers, Smart TVs, tablets, phones or other devices, then this may be the side hustle for you.

#64 Virtual Landscaping Service

Ok, this might be a bit unusual, but designing gardens, backyards and outdoor spaces is becoming more popular as people are spending more time at home. Many homeowners don’t have the time or tools to create their dream outdoor space, so having a virtual landscaping side hustle can be very profitable.

You will need to understand plants and gardening as well as be able to draw up landscape designs on programs such as AutoCAD. Many clients may also want a 3D render of their garden before they commit to the design, so having experience with 3D software is a plus.

#65 Domain Flipping

Yes, flipping again. This time with domains. Buying or reserving domain names cheaply and selling them to individuals or companies for a profit will probably not make you rich, but can be a good way to grab some extra dollars every now and then.

Domain registrars such as Namecheap, Godaddy or even Freenom offer you the possibility to buy domains for very low prices and then sell them for a profit. Many businesses are also looking to buy their own domain, so this is another great way to make money on the side. Just remember that finding a buyer may take time, so be patient.

domain flipping side hustle

#66 Virtual Life Coach

Life coaching offers the opportunity to help people reach their personal and professional goals. Many young professionals are now looking for a life coach to help them stay motivated, organized, and focused on achieving their dreams.

This is an ideal side hustle if you have a background in counseling or psychology, as well as excellent communication skills. Many clients will require you to be available when they need it, so a flexible schedule is important.

#67 Website Maintenance Services

Every website needs regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly and protect it from potential hackers or viruses. Many small businesses don’t have the resources to hire an in-house webmaster, so offering this service can be a great way to make some extra money on the side.

You will need to know your stuff when it comes to coding and website design in order to offer a quality service. Many clients may also want assistance with setting up their e-commerce sites, so having experience with managing online shops is an advantage.

#68 Public Relations Specialist

Writing press releases and announcements can be a great way to make money on the side. Many companies and organizations are always looking for professionals with public relations experience to help them promote their products or services.

You will need excellent writing skills, as well as an understanding of how media works and what makes newsworthy stories that people want to read. Most clients may also ask you to help them with their social media accounts, so having good knowledge in this area will be greatly appreciated.

#69 Video Game Tester

This is probably every boy's dream side hustle. But it's just not as easy as it sounds. You won't get paid to play your favorite games all the time. Sometimes you will have to play a game for hours and hours that you absolutely hate. And that is what most adults call “work”.

This side hustle requires keen attention to detail, as well as the ability to think critically and find solutions to problems. You will also need some technical skills such as understanding how video game coding works, so having some knowledge in this area is helpful.

Nevertheless, if you think you have what it takes and can handle long hours of testing, then this side hustle could be perfect for you. You will get paid to play games and at the same time help developers improve their products.

#70 Facebook Ads Manager

If you know how to use Facebook Ads Manager and Business Manager, then you can make money by helping businesses manage their campaigns. Many business owners understand the importance of marketing with Facebook Ads but don't have the time or know-how to do it themselves.

This side hustle requires you to be familiar with all the different types of ads and how they work, as well as knowing how to create effective campaigns that will help generate more leads and increase sales. You also need to be able to provide regular reports and analysis of the results in order to optimize performance. If you have the skills, then this could be a great way to make money on the side.

Facebook ads manager business side hustle

#71 Pinterest VA

Creating pins on Pinterest is a time-consuming task. Many businesses hire virtual assistants (VAs) to take care of this task for them. If you have a creative side and know your way around Pinterest, then this could be the perfect side hustle for you.

You will need to create attractive pins that stand out against other pins on the platform. You also need to have an eye for detail, as well as a knowledge of what images and text work best for different types of pins. Many clients also require you to monitor their accounts and respond to any comments or inquiries

#72 Twitter Ghost Writer

Twitter is a great platform for businesses to engage and communicate with their customers. Many business owners don't have the time or know-how to manage their accounts effectively, so they hire ghostwriters to write Tweets on their behalf.

This side hustle requires you to be creative, as well as have an understanding of the Twitter platform and how to create engaging tweets that will engage with followers. You'll also need to be able to write in the business's tone of voice and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. If you think you've got what it takes, then this could be a great way to make money on the side.

#73 LinkedIn Expert

Having the perfect LinkedIn profile is becoming increasingly important for professionals looking to network and market themselves. Yet, there are so many awful profiles on LinkedIn that could need some fresh paint.

Why not reach out to these individuals, businesses and organizations and offer your LinkedIn expertise? Clients may even require help with creating effective profiles, building their network, and finding job opportunities. Having a good understanding of the platform and how it works is essential for this side hustle.

#74 Landing Page Designer

Landing pages, squeeze pages or bridge pages are still awesome ways to promote single products or capture leads. Nonetheless, too many landing pages are designed in a bad way and don't sell or convert.

If you have a deep knowledge of copywriting and an eye for design, then this could be the perfect side hustle for you. You'll need to create attractive landing pages that are SEO friendly, as well as ensure it's easy for visitors to take action and make a purchase or sign up for services. If you can deliver results by building a better mousetrap, you'll be on your way to success.

#75 YouTube Channel Manager

Creating a YouTube channel is not the only way to make money from that platform. Other channels that produce great content need help managing their channels, uploading videos and optimizing them for search.

If you're familiar with the YouTube platform and have a good knowledge of SEO, then this could be a great side hustle for you. You'll need to create effective titles, descriptions, tags and thumbnails on each video to ensure it reaches its target audience. But if you can help a channel to grow organically on YouTube, you can certainly make a good living from this side hustle.

#76 Guest Post Writer

Backlinks are still one of the best ways to increase a website's rank on search engines. Many websites will pay for high-quality guest posts that include backlinks, but writing content that is both interesting and effective can be a challenge.

If you're an experienced writer who knows how to write compelling blog posts, then this could be another great side hustle for you. You'll need to research topics and write content that will engage readers and encourage them to click through to other websites, as well as ensuring all posts comply with the website's guidelines. If you can deliver results, then it won't be long before you're making extra money from this side hustle.

#77 Logo Designer

An eye-catching logo is often the first thing a customer will see when they visit a website or business. Many businesses are now looking for creative and professional logo designers to help them stand out from the crowd.

If you have an eye for design and know how to use tools like Adobe Illustrator, then this could be a great side hustle for you.

#78 Social Media Contest Manager

Contests are the best way to engage an audience and spread your content. Small businesses often don't have the time to utilize this powerful tool to their advantage.

Offer this service to small businesses, and you can make some money. You'll need to develop creative campaigns that deliver results for your clients. From formulating the concept, designing the idea, creating copy and managing entries, this side hustle requires both creative skills as well as organization.

#79 Keyword Researcher

Finding the right keywords to rank for or to advertise is both a science and an art. And it's probably the most important aspect of SEO.

If you're really good at finding profitable keywords that a business can rank for and make a profit from, you can offer this service either to the business directly, or to SEO consultants that could need help.

#80 Cryptocurrency Trader

Cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm, and while it's still a risky investment, many people are making money from trading cryptocurrencies. If you're into tech and are willing to put in some time to learn about the cryptocurrency markets, then this could be a great side hustle for you.

You'll need to research potential investments, track and analyze prices, as well as predict market trends if you want to make money from cryptocurrency trading. But if you become really good at predicting the near future, you could earn millions of dollars.

coinbase cryptocurrency trading side hustle

#81 Renting Your Garage Or Attic For Storage

Self-storage platforms like Storegan have taken off in recent years. Many people who have some extra space around their home, such as a garage or attic, can make money by renting it out on these sites.

It's a great way to make some extra cash without having to do any work. All you need to do is list your storage space and wait for people to rent it out. You can also set your own prices, so you're in control of how much money you make from this side hustle.

#82 Flipping Books

Apps like Bookscouter allow you to see what old books are worth.

All you need to do is find the right books at thrift stores, library sales, garage sales, etc., that you can then resell on these apps for a markup. It may take some time to find the right books, but if you're patient, you can make a lot of money from this side hustle.

#83 Online Property Manager AirBnB Co-Hosting

Helping others to rent their rooms, apartments or houses for short-term stays can be a great side hustle.

AirBnB co-hosts help property owners manage their properties, from listing them on the site to responding to inquiries and taking care of check-ins and checkouts. Many hosts pay good money for these services, so if you like helping others and want to make some extra cash, this side hustle could be for you.

#84 Renting Out Your Car

This is maybe a hybrid between an online side hustle and an offline thing. The online part involves a platform like HyreCar or Turo where you can list your car and make money.

The offline part involves taking care of the car, picking up potential renters, and doing things like filling up fuel or cleaning the vehicle before returning it back. Many people who rent out their cars on these platforms are making a steady side income from this hustle.

rent out your car hyrecar

#85 Part-Time Remote Working

With the rise of remote working, many companies are now offering part-time opportunities to work from home. Many of these online jobs don't require any special skills and can be done in your spare time. You could be a virtual assistant, customer service representative, copywriter or even a content writer.

Platforms like FlexJobs, Upwork or Fiverr are great places to look for these kinds of jobs. Many of them are flexible and you can work at your own pace.

#86 Temp Jobs On Craigslist

Craigslist has a section in the bottom right corner called “temp jobs”. This is where people post all kinds of tasks and jobs that need to be done for a fee. Many of these gigs are short-term and can be done in your free time.

temp jobs on craigslist

#87 Become Your Hometown Online Guide

Creating a newsletter, Facebook group or blog about your local city can be a great way to make some extra money. Many cities have become popular tourist destinations, and guides for these locations can often charge top dollar for their services.

From creating walking tours and itineraries to writing detailed reviews of restaurants, hotels, and attractions – becoming an expert guide in your hometown can be a great way to make some extra money.

#88 Online Yoga Classes

If Yoga is one of your hobbies, why not combine the two and make a side hustle out of it? Online yoga classes are a way to stay in shape without having to leave your home.

Creating an account on platforms like Yogaia or Udaya allows you to reach a global audience and you can charge per class. Many Yoga instructors have become successful this way and make a steady income through this hustle.

Offline Side Hustle Ideas

Online side hustles are awesome if you prefer to work from the comfort of your own home on your own schedule. But the real world has some great opportunities in stock for you as well.

#89 Mobile Notary Public Service

You can get a certification as a mobile notary public and offer your services to companies that need documents notarized. Certification is granted by your state and usually costs not even $100.

As a mobile notary public, you drive to you clients' homes or offices to sign and seal documents. Many companies pay well for these services, so it can be a good way to make some extra cash.

#90 Become a Pet Sitter or Dog Walker

If you love animals and want to spend some time with furry friends, consider becoming a pet sitter or dog walker! Many people nowadays are too busy to take their pets for walks and need someone else to do it for them.

You can easily create an online profile on platforms like Rover or Wag! to start making money from your hustle. Many pet sitters make a steady income from this side job, so it’s worth checking out if you love animals and have time in your schedule.

become a pet sitter with rover

#91 Become a Food Or Grocery Delivery Driver

With food delivery services becoming more popular, many companies are now offering side hustles as delivery drivers. Many of these gigs don't require any prior experience and all you need is a valid driver's license and car insurance.

If you like driving and have some spare time – this can be an ideal hustle. Many of these companies pay well and you'll typically make more money during peak hours.

Services like Instacart and DoorDash are great places to start when looking for gigs like this.

become an instacart shopper delivery driver

#92 Rental Properties

Investing in real estate is one of the oldest ways of earning money.

If you have some money to invest, consider buying property and renting it out. This can be a great way to make passive income over time – as long as you manage your investment properly.

It takes time and patience, but rental properties can be a great source of income in the long run.

Platforms like Roofstock or Zillow can help you find properties that fit your budget and make the process of buying a rental property easier.

#93 Flea Market Flipping

If you love to get up early on Sunday morning and visit flea markets, you could use that hobby to make some extra money. Flipping items you find at flea markets and selling them online for a profit is a great idea and some clever people have made hundreds of thousands of dollars with this method already.

This is a great way to make money from something you already love doing – plus, it's also a great way to learn more about the secondhand market and how to spot a great deal!

#94 Furniture Return Reselling

If you love vintage furniture and are an expert at spotting great deals, consider buying second-hand furniture from returns apps like Chairish. Many of these pieces are still in good condition but have been returned for some reason – usually because the customer changed their mind about the purchase.

You can buy them for a fraction of the price, fix them up and resell them for a profit. Many people have made good money from this hustle, so it's worth checking out if you love furniture and want to make some extra cash on the side.

Another option is to sign up for a service like Sharetown and become a reverse logistics representative. When customers return their items, you pick them up and resell them for a profit!

#95 Baking

Desserts like cakes, cookies, cupcakes or Muffins are all great treats to make and sell on the side. Many people love sweet treats but don't have time to bake them, so they're often willing to buy them from someone else.

You can easily open up an online store or start taking orders on sites like Facebook Marketplace and offer delivery within your area. Many bakeries also offer classes – so you can teach people how to bake their favorite desserts and make money from your side hustle!

If you have a knack for baking, this is definitely an option worth exploring.

#96 Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping is another great side hustle that requires very little effort. Many companies hire mystery shoppers to go undercover and provide feedback on their customer service, products and stores.

The job itself is pretty simple: you visit a store or restaurant, shop around and take notes on the experience – then report back to the company with your findings.

You'll usually get paid for your time, so it's a great way to make some extra money while shopping or dining out. Many companies offer this service online and you can find plenty of opportunities on apps like Field Agent.

become a field agent mystery shopper

#97 One-On-One Tutoring

Tutoring is one of the oldest side hustles around, and it's still a great way to make money on the side. Many parents are willing to pay good money for someone to tutor their children in various subjects like math, science or English.

You can advertise your services online or through local outlets like schools or libraries. Many tutors also offer remote services, so you can tutor students from all over the world without ever leaving your home.

If you're passionate about teaching and want to make some extra cash on the side, consider offering one-on-one tutoring services in your area. Marketplaces like WyzAnt or BookNook offer a great way to connect with potential students.

#98 Picking Up Trash

This might not sound like the most fun hustle in the world, but it's a great way to make some extra money on the side. Many businesses or homeowners are willing to pay people to clean up their yards or parking lots – and you can do it as often as you want.

You don't need any special skills for this job, just a willingness to get your hands dirty and some basic tools like gloves, trash bags and a garbage can.

#99 Putting Commercials On Your Car

Another great side hustle is to put advertisements on your car. Many companies are willing to pay people to drive around with ads on their vehicles – so you can make money while going about your daily routine.

The amount you'll get paid depends on the company and type of ad, but it's usually a few hundred dollars each month. Many companies also have requirements for the type of car you have and where you drive, so make sure to read up on that before signing up.

#100 Driving For Uber Or Lyft

If you're looking for a more hands-on hustle, consider driving for Uber or Lyft. Many people make decent money from this side hustle – and the great thing is that you can choose your own hours.

You'll need to meet certain requirements, such as having a valid driver's license and car insurance, but once you're approved you can start driving whenever you want. You can also make extra money by offering additional services like in-car wifi or snacks.

uber driver side hustle idea

#101 Sports Coaching

If you're an avid sports fan, why not make some money on the side by offering your services as a coach? School teams are sometimes in need of some help and recreational sports leagues are often in need of referees and umpires.

Who would have thought that you could be making money playing baseball in your spare time?

#102 Pool Cleaning

Are you good with a hose and a skimmer? Many homeowners are willing to pay someone to keep their pools clean, so it's definitely an option worth considering. Many pool cleaning services require minimal setup and don't need much specialized equipment – just some basic knowledge of the job.

#103 Knife And Tool Sharpening Service

Do you have a knack for sharpening knives and tools? Many people don't know how to do it properly, so offering your services as a knife and tool sharpener could be a great side hustle. All you need is some basic tools and the knowledge of how to sharpen different types of blades.

#104 Sewing Services

Sewing is a great side hustle for those who love to work with fabric and stitching. Many people need alterations or repairs done on their clothing, so this can be a great way to make money on the side. You can either offer your services online or advertise in local outlets like craft stores or tailors.

#105 Child Care Or Caregiving

If you love being around kids, why not offer your services as a childcare provider? Many parents are always in need of someone to look after their children when they can't be there. You could also consider offering your services as a caregiver for elderly people or those who require special attention.

#106 Pressure Washing Houses

After a long winter, pressure washing can be a great way to make some extra money on the side. Many homeowners are willing to pay good money for someone to come and clean up their siding or decks after the cold weather has taken its toll.

It's important to have the right equipment when pressure washing, so make sure you invest in a quality machine before getting started.

If you're willing to invest about $500 in a quality pressure washer, you can charge between $150-$300 per house. Not a bad rate at all.

#107 Car Cleaning Services

If you decide to offer your services as a mobile car cleaner or detailing service, you can make a decent amount of money. Many people don't have the time or energy to properly clean their cars but are willing to pay someone else to do it for them – so this is definitely an option worth considering.

You'll need to invest in some basic cleaning materials and supplies before getting started, such as soap, sponges, towels and a vacuum cleaner. Sporting events, office parks, shopping malls or other places where people come in masses are great places to advertise your services.

#108 Personal Assistant Service

It's not only celebrities or CEOs that are in need of assistants. Many busy professionals are in need of someone to help them with day-to-day tasks, such as errand running, shopping and scheduling.

The great thing is that you can offer your services from home or even the customer's office. You'll need a reliable vehicle, internet access, good organizational skills and an upbeat attitude. But it's a simple side hustle that doesn't require any upfront costs.

#109 Become A Personal Chef

Cooking meals in your customer's kitchen may sound like a lot of work, but it's actually quite simple. Many busy professionals need someone to plan and prepare meals for them – so why not be the one to do it?

You'll need some basic cooking equipment, such as pots, pans and utensils. Many personal chefs also offer grocery shopping services too, so you could charge extra for that. You can find customers online or through word of mouth – just make sure to get references.

Or you could go the other route and cook meals at your own home and deliver them to your clients. If you love cooking, this is definitely an easy way for your to earn extra cash.

takeachef side hustle cooking

#110 Cleaning Service

Almost every business spends money on cleaning services. Many homeowners also like to hire someone to take care of the regular cleaning tasks around their home.

You'll need a vacuum cleaner, mop and other basic cleaning supplies before you get started. Many people are willing to pay quite a bit for a quality job – so make sure you offer competitive rates and do a great job.

#111 Phone & Tablet Repair Service

Cracked screens, dead batteries and other common phone issues can easily be fixed – and this is a great way to make extra money on the side. Many people would rather pay someone else to fix their device than having to buy a new one.

You'll need some basic knowledge of electronics and a few tools before getting started. Many repair shops offer courses on device repair – so if you're serious about this hustle, it could be a great idea to take one of these courses.

#112 Garden Cleaning & Maintenance

The warmer months are a great time to start offering garden cleaning and maintenance services. Many homeowners want their gardens to look beautiful but don't have the time or energy to keep it up themselves – so they'll be willing to pay someone else to do it for them.

You'll need some basic gardening tools, such as a lawn mower, trimmer and leaf blower. Many people also prefer to hire someone who can offer additional services such as landscape design or garden planning.

#113 Pet Grooming

Cutting dogs' nails, getting them a new haircut or removing tangles from their fur – these are all tasks that pet owners don't have time for, but would be willing to pay someone else to do.

If you love animals and have some basic grooming skills, this could be a great way to make extra money on the side. You'll need some basic tools and supplies before getting started, such as clippers, scissors and shampoo. Many pet owners are willing to pay quite a bit for quality grooming services – so make sure you offer competitive rates!

#114 Become A DJ

Do you have a passion for music? Why not turn that into extra cash by becoming a DJ. Many clubs and bars are looking for DJs to fill their dance floors – and this could be your opportunity to get paid while doing something you love.

You'll need some basic equipment such as turntables, speakers and mixers before getting started. Many DJs also offer music production services, so you could charge extra for that too. You can find potential customers online or through word of mouth – just make sure to get references before accepting any gigs.

#115 Be The Handyman

Skilled people who can take care of minor home repairs are always in high demand. Many homeowners don't have the time or skills to do simple maintenance tasks around the house – so they'll gladly pay someone else to do it for them.

You'll need some basic tools and supplies before getting started, such as a drill, screwdrivers and wrenches. Many handymen also offer additional services such as painting and carpentry, so you could charge extra for that too.

#116 Energy Consultant

Teaching people how to save energy and money is a great way to make extra money on the side. Many people want to reduce their energy bills, but don't know where to begin – so providing guidance and advice could be extremely valuable for them.

You'll need some basic knowledge of energy conservation before getting started. Many energy consultants also offer additional services such as installing energy-efficient appliances and home insulation, so you could charge extra for that too.

energy consultant side hustle

#117 Home Inspection Service

Home inspections are a great way to make extra money on the side. Many people want to know the condition of their home before buying or selling it – and that's where you come in.

You'll need some basic knowledge of construction and building codes before getting started. Many home inspectors also offer additional services such as radon testing, mold testing and water quality tests – so you could charge extra for these services.

#118 Mobile Car & Vehicle Mechanic

Fixing cars, motorcycles or other vehicles where they crack – that's what mobile mechanics do. Driving to customers' work places or homes can be a great way to make extra money on the side. Many people don't have time or resources to take their vehicles to traditional repair shops – so they'll gladly pay someone else to do it for them.

#119 Interior Designer

You won't believe how many people have no clue how to decorate their homes. And that's an opportunity for those who are in the know.

Put together a collection of trending items, suggest colors and fabrics that will look good together in the room and offer advice on furniture arrangement. Many homeowners need help with this task – so you could charge for it.

You'll need some basic knowledge of interior design before getting started. Many interior designers also offer additional services such as space planning, lighting design and custom hand-painted artwork.

#120 Home Organization Service

We're collecting more and more stuff with each year we live on this planet. Cluttered garages, basements, bedrooms and other home areas are more common than ever – so offering a home organization service could be a great way to start a side hustle.

#121 Washing / Ironing Service

Just like me, most people I know hate washing and ironing their clothes. And when work, kids, and other activities take over our lives – it can be hard to find the time for laundry.

You can easily earn a few hundred bucks extra each month by offering this type of service to others.

#122 Distribute Flyers In Your Neighborhood

This is one of the oldest hustles in town and it still works. Many local businesses are always looking for people to distribute flyers door to door, so why not put this skill to use?

It may not be the most glamorous job out there, but if you're willing to get outside and pound the pavement – it could easily bring in some extra cash.

#123 Become A Stock Photo Model

When we speak of models, we usually mean the premium-paid top models of the world. But did you know that stock photographers need models for photos desperately?

#124 Photographer / Videographer

This world's longing for more and more content every single minute. But there needs to be someone who has the skills to create these amazing videos that everybody is looking for.

If you're skilled in photography, cinematography, or any other related skill – there's a huge market out there for you.

#125 Personal Trainer

Everyone wants to be fit and healthy, but many don't know where to start. That's why personal trainers are in such high demand these days.

If you have a passion for helping others reach their fitness goals – becoming a personal trainer could be a great side hustle for you. You'll need some basic knowledge of anatomy, exercise science, and nutrition – but once you get started, the extra money you'll make will be well worth it.

#126 Moving Service

When moving, people usually need all the extra help they can get. Many don't have the time or resources to move all their belongings from one location to another – so offering a helping hand could bring you in some nice income.

You can earn more than a pizza and a beer if you offer this service to others.

#127 Kids' Birthday Rental Service

No, this is not meaning you need to dress as a clown. Bouncy castles, trampolines, slides and other kid-sized attractions are all the rage at birthday parties these days. Many parents don't have the space to buy and store them – so they'd gladly pay someone else who does.

If you invest in a few pieces of party equipment, you could easily become a go-to rental service for parents in your local area.

kids birthday party service side hustle business

#128 Design Fashion

If you have an eye for fashion and design, creating custom-made apparel could be a great way to make extra money. Many people are looking for unique pieces that they can't find in stores – so if you're up for the challenge, why not give it a go?

You'll need some basic knowledge of stitching, fabric, and design – but once you get the hang of it, you could easily make a few hundred extra bucks each month.

Platforms like Udemy have some great courses that teach you how to create, market, and sell your own fashion products.

#129 Rent Your Parking Space

Especially if you live in one of the big cities where parking can easily cost you an arm and a leg, this is a great idea to earn money.

All you need to do is put up a sign – and voila, you can easily make $20 or more for each hour someone uses your parking space.

Also, many people rent their driveways for events or special occasions like weddings and birthdays – so if you have an open yard or driveway, be sure to take advantage of it!

#130 Take Part In Clinical Studies

Ok, I admit, this might not be a side hustle for everyone. Many clinical studies are of course looking for specific age groups or those with certain medical conditions – but if you happen to fall into any of these categories, this could be a great way to make some extra money (and sometimes even get free medication).

#131 Organize Local Tours

Local tour guides can make some serious money, especially if there are any popular tourist attractions in your area. Many people prefer to go on guided tours rather than doing it all by themselves – so why not give them what they want?

#132 Flipping Real Estate

No list is complete without this classic – flipping real estate. Many people are attracted to this side hustle due to the potential for big profits in a short amount of time.

But, it's not as easy as it looks. You'll need to do your research and have some capital to start with. But if you can pull it off, you could easily make a nice chunk of change in a matter of weeks.

And it doesn't have to be houses either – you can flip condos, apartments, and even plots of land.

#133 Teaching To Play Instruments

Music is still one of the people's most popular hobbies. Many parents are now encouraging their children to learn a musical instrument – so if you have the skills, why not make some money from it?

You can offer lessons in-person or online, depending on your preference. Many instruments like the guitar and piano are relatively easy to learn – so with a bit of practice and patience, you could easily become a popular teacher in no time!

#134 Invest In Vending Machines

Vending machines are an often overlooked side hustle. Many people don't think of them as a viable investment – but they're actually quite lucrative when done correctly.

You can buy vending machines, stock them with products, and place them in busy public spaces like shopping malls or train stations. Then all you have to do is sit back and wait – you can make a decent passive income just from the machines alone.

Plus, if you manage to get multiple machines in different locations, you can really set up a nice side hustle that requires minimal effort but yields great returns.

#135 Window Cleaning Service

If you live in a place with lots of rain or snow, chances are people will be looking for someone to clean their windows. Many window cleaners charge per window – so if you can get enough clients, this could easily be a great side hustle.

Plus, it's relatively easy to learn how to do it properly – and with the right equipment, you can finish the job in no time.

And of course, don't forget how many people like to keep their windows sparkling clean during the summer months – so if you live in a warmer climate, this could be a great side hustle year-round!

#136 Storage Auctions

We all know this from TV, but anyone can actually participate in storage auctions. Many people don't realize that, when someone fails to pay their rent for a storage unit, the contents are put up for auction.

You can browse websites like and find out where these auctions are taking place near you. Then all you have to do is show up and bid – and if you're lucky, you could walk away with a great deal.

Be sure to do your research before bidding – as some storage units can be filled with junk or hazardous materials. But if all goes well, this could be a great side hustle for the adventurous types!

auction hunters storage auction side hustle

#137 Personal Shopping and Errand Services

Hate running errands? Many people don't have the time to do all their shopping and errands – so why not help them out and make a little extra money in the process? You can offer your services as a personal shopper or even just do grocery runs for busy families.

#138 Party Catering

We all know how much people love to throw parties – so why not make money from them? Many caterers offer their services for special events and occasions, and you can easily set up a side hustle catering small gatherings.

#139 House Sitting Service

Houses need attention too. When people go on vacations or business trips, they want someone to look after their properties. And this someone could be you.

That means basically to live in someone's house while they're away and take care of the place. Many people pay good money for a trustworthy house sitter – so if you want to make some extra cash on the side, this could be a great option.

#140 Painting/Art Lessons

Do you have an artistic bent of mind? Many people are looking to find a new hobby – or brush up their skills on something they already know.

If you're creative and good at painting, drawing or other art forms, why not offer lessons for aspiring artists?

#141 Dance Instruction

Dancing is a universally popular activity – and if you know how to do it well, you could easily offer dance classes or one-on-one lessons. Many people would love to learn from an experienced dancer – so why not make use of your skill?

You can even hold competitions or put together a performance troupe for extra cash. Plus, you'll get to meet new people and have a great time while doing it.

#142 Voice Coach/Singing Lessons

Do you have a great singing voice or an ear for vocal technique? Many people would love to learn how to sing – and a voice coach could be just the person they need.

#143 Massage Therapy

Massage therapy takes skill, but it's not hard to learn the basics. Many people are looking for massage therapists – so why not make some extra money while helping others feel better?

Plus, you can set your own hours and work from home if you choose.

#144 Cleaning Gutters

No one likes this job, but it has to be done every once in a while. Many homeowners don't have the time or ability to clean their own gutters – so why not offer your services and make some extra cash?

#145 Snow Removal

Snow removal is another seasonal job that many people don't have the time or equipment to do. Many homeowners pay good money for someone to clear their sidewalks and driveways – so why not make use of this opportunity?

You can even offer other services like window washing and landscaping if you want to make more money.

#146 Carpet Cleaning

Carpets are a great way to add warmth and style to any home, but they also need regular cleaning. Many people don't like the hassle of doing this themselves – so why not make some extra money by offering carpet cleaning services?

You could even offer steam cleaning for an added touch.

#147 Personalized Gift Basket Maker

Everyone loves to get a gift basket – and if you're creative, why not make personalized ones for special occasions?

gift basket maker side hustle

#148 Woodworking

Do you have an eye for woodwork – and the tools to do it? Some people are looking for someone to help them build custom furniture or accessories – so why not use your skills and make some extra cash?

Plus, you'll get to work with your hands and create something beautiful.

#149 Home Staging

It's a known fact that houses, apartments or condos that are well-staged for pictures or viewings will sell faster. But not all real estate companies do this in-house.

You can offer this service to help get the best price for the property. You'll need an eye for decor and be able to move furniture around quickly – but it could be a great way to make some extra cash.

#150 Mobile Bike Repair

With the rise of E-Bikes and commuters, many people are now relying on their bikes to get around. But not everyone is mechanically inclined – so why not offer mobile bike repair services?

You'll need to be able to diagnose problems quickly and know how to make the necessary repairs – but it could be a great way to make some extra money while staying active. Plus, you could even offer free tune-ups for friends and family.

#151 Freelance Makeup Artist

Are you great at makeup and have a passion for beauty?

You can specialize in bridal, prom or special occasion looks – or even do makeup lessons. Plus, you'll get to meet new people and make them look and feel their best.

#152 Personalized Calligraphy

This may sound a bit weird, but not everyone likes fonts – and many people are looking for someone to hand-letter their cards or invitations.

If you have an eye for design and a steady hand, why not offer to do calligraphy as a side hustle? Many people will pay good money for someone to help them with this special touch.

#153 Homemade Soap/Candle Maker

Organic, homemade soaps and candles are a popular way to show people you care – and you can make some extra cash by selling your own creations.

You'll need the right supplies and the knowledge of how to put them together – but it could be an enjoyable side hustle that pays off in more ways than one.

#154 Flower Arrangement

Weddings, business events or even family gatherings call for beautiful flower arrangements. Many people don't have the time or inclination to make them themselves, so why not offer your services?

You can get creative and help make any occasion more special – and make some extra cash in the process.

#155 Knitting/Crocheting

These old techniques and practices are becoming more and more popular – and people are willing to pay good money for handmade gifts or clothing.

If you know how to knit or crochet, why not offer these services as a side hustle? Many people will be happy to pay for something unique and special.

#156 Costume Rental

This side hustle requires a bit of an upfront investment, but if you know where to look, it can be a great way to make some extra cash.

You can rent out costumes for plays, dance recitals or even Halloween – and get paid for it.

#157 Wedding Officiant

Many couples are now looking for someone to officiate their wedding or other special ceremonies. You'll need to be qualified, but it can be an enjoyable way to make some extra cash while helping others celebrate their special day.

Plus, you get the added bonus of seeing how two people in love commit to each other.

#158 Wine Tasting Events

Are you an expert on wine? Many wineries and restaurants are looking for people to host private or public tastings – and you can get paid for it.

You'll need to know about different vintages, regions, pairings and more – but if you have the knowledge, why not offer your services and make some extra cash?

#159 Scrapbooking

Do you have an eye for design and a knack for scrapbooking? Many people are willing to pay someone to help them create the perfect memory book – and it could be a great way to make some extra cash.

#160 Beekeeping

Honey is a popular and natural sweetener – so why not take up beekeeping as a side hustle? You can get the supplies you need to start your own apiary and learn more about beekeeping in order to provide top-notch products.

#161 Firewood Delivery

With gas costs on the rise, many people are now opting for more economical heating options like firewood.

If you have access to a wooded area and the right tools, why not offer to deliver firewood on the side? Many people will be willing to pay good money for a reliable service.

#162 Christmas Light Installation

With the holidays fast approaching, many homeowners are now looking for someone to help them with their Christmas light installation.

If you have the right tools and know-how, why not offer to install lights as a side hustle? Many people will be happy to pay for your services – and it could turn into a lucrative gig around the holidays.

Christmas light installation side hustle ideas

#163 Buy An Ice Cream Truck

This side hustle will require a bit of an upfront investment, but it could be a great way to make some extra cash during the hot summer months.

Ice cream trucks are often popular in neighborhoods and public spaces – so you could start your own business by purchasing one and selling treats on the go.

The neighborhood kids will love it, and you can make a good profit – plus enjoy some delicious snacks.

#164 Become A Magician

I am not talking about getting your own show in Vegas. I mean, almost everyone loves magicians, right?

There are so many tutorials and cool tricks available right now. So with just a bit of an investment and a few months of learning the hand techniques and how to execute the tricks properly, you can become the star at your child's next birthday party or even at a corporate event and make some extra cash.

#165 Private Investigator

Are you a natural sleuth? Many people are looking for private investigators to help solve cases – and you could be the one they turn to.

You'll need a license, but it can be an exciting side hustle that pays well. Plus, you get the added bonus of helping others find closure or justice in their lives.

#166 Face painting at events

Kids love getting their faces painted with their favorite animal motives or football teams, and you can get paid for it. Many parents look to hire someone to offer this service at their children’s birthday parties or school events.

For this side hustle, you need a bit of creativity as well as some face-painting supplies and techniques. Put your skills to work and make some extra money while spreading the joy of face painting.

#167 Vintage Clothing Reseller

Do you have an eye for vintage fashion?

You can find items at thrift stores, flea markets, and online auctions – then resell them for a profit. Many vintage clothing collectors will be happy to pay for quality items – so you could make a decent income from this side hustle.

#168 Golf Coach

Are you a golf enthusiast? Many people are now looking to improve their game.

You don't need any specific qualifications – but you should have plenty of knowledge about the sport and be able to teach others. If you can prove your worth, then you could make a good income from offering golf lessons on the side.

#169 Gift Wrapping Specialist

There are people like me outside that just can't wrap a gift properly. And while this is not that crucial for a “normal” birthday, it could be a great deal for a special event.

If you're crafty and know how to wrap presents and gifts in a unique and cool way, there are definitely people who'd love to pay you for this type of service. And if you offer a whole-in-one service by buying the gift as well before wrapping it, you can charge even more for it.

#170 Video Game Tournament Organizer

Games like League of Legends or Fifa and Counterstrike attract thousands of gamers. Many of these gamers are more than willing to pay for a chance to compete in tournaments and prove their skill – so take advantage of this opportunity.

If you can organize video game tournaments with prizes, you could make a nice income from them. It's an exciting side hustle that allows you to combine your love of gaming with the chance to make some extra cash.

#171 Coffee Roasting

Coffee fanatics know that freshly-roasted beans make a huge difference in the flavor of their brew. If you're passionate about coffee and roasting, then you can put your skills to work by starting your own business.

You'll need to invest in some equipment, but with the right knowledge and techniques, this could be a rewarding side hustle with plenty of potential for growth.

#172 Escape Room Operator

If you have the creativity to set up puzzles and scenarios, then why not turn it into a business? Many people are looking for fun activities to keep them entertained – and you could provide an escape room service.

Find out if there's a lost place somewhere in your area and turn it into a full-fledged escape room business. You could make a nice income providing this service on the side.

#173 Aquarium Maintenance

If you have a passion for fish and aquariums, then why not make a business out of it? Many people – especially busy professionals – find it difficult to maintain their tanks.

You can offer your services by providing regular maintenance, cleaning the tank, stocking with fish and plants, and helping people get started with setting up an aquarium. This could be a profitable side hustle for you – and it can also be very rewarding.

#174 Personal Concierge

Personal concierge services are becoming increasingly popular as people try to find ways to simplify their lives. Many busy professionals don't have the time or energy to handle all of their daily tasks – so they'll outsource these jobs to you.

You can offer a number of services, such as shopping and errands, restaurant reservations, transportation, and more. Many of these tasks can be handled remotely – so it's a great side hustle that you can do from anywhere.

#175 Solar Panel Installation

With more people looking to reduce their electricity costs, solar panel installation has become an increasingly popular side hustle. Many states and local governments are offering incentives for homeowners who switch to renewable energy sources – so this could be a great business opportunity.

To get started, you'll need to obtain some certifications. Once you have them, you can start offering your services to homeowners in your area. Many of these jobs are relatively simple and can be completed quickly – meaning you can maximize your profits while also helping people reduce their energy costs.

#176 Boat Rental Service

If you live in a city with many canals, rivers, or lakes, then offering boat rental services could be an excellent side hustle. Many people don't own boats but would love to get out on the water for a few hours – so why not provide that service?

You'll need to purchase some quality boats and make sure that they're well-maintained. Once you have them, you can start advertising your services to tourists and locals alike.

And if you don't have the money to buy the boats before renting them, maybe you can offer your services as a rental agent to other boat owners. I mean, what if you could offer other boat owners the opportunity to earn money renting their boats while collecting an overhead for yourself?

#177 Dog Breeding

Are you passionate about dogs? Many people are looking for purebred puppies from reputable breeders – and this could be a great opportunity to make some extra money.

You'll need to do your research and find out the necessary steps for breeding responsibly. Many of these jobs require a lot of patience, but the reward is seeing happy families with their new pets.

And if you don't have the money or space to breed dogs, there are other ways to get involved – like grooming, walking, and sitting. Many people would love to hire someone they can trust with their beloved pet.

#178 Hiking/Backpacking Guide

Are you an avid hiker or backpacker? Many people find it difficult to explore the great outdoors on their own – so why not offer your services as a guide?

You can start by offering day-long trips, then eventually build up to longer treks. Many of these jobs require some certifications and experience, but they can also be quite profitable.

You can either offer your services privately or through a company. Many companies offer courses and guided excursions – so it's worth looking into! This could be an excellent side hustle if you love the outdoors and helping others explore it.

#179 Scuba Diving/Snorkeling Guide

Similar to a hiking and backpacking guide, you can also offer your services as a scuba diving and snorkeling guide. Many people want to explore the depths of the ocean but don't have the right equipment or experience – so why not be their guide?

You'll need some certifications and a license to get started. But once you do, you can start offering your services to tourists or locals looking for a unique experience.

#180 Farmers' Market Vendor

Do you have a green thumb? Many people are looking for fresh produce and locally made products – so why not set up shop at your local farmers' market?

You'll need to do some research to find out the regulations and requirements, but once you're all set up you can start selling your wares. Many of these markets also offer live entertainment and other activities, so you can make it a fun day out for the whole family.

farmer's market vendor side hustle

#181 Craft Beer Brewer

Are you a fan of craft beer? Many people are looking for unique and delicious brews – so why not try your hand at brewing beer from home?

You'll need to do some research on the regulations and laws regarding home brewing, but once you have that taken care of you can start experimenting! Many of these recipes can be found online or in books, so you can start creating your own unique craft beer. Many people would love to try out your creations – and you could even make a career out of it!

#182 Holiday Decorator for Homes/Offices

The holidays are just around the corner – and that means it's time to start decorating! Many people find it difficult to come up with creative and festive decorations for their homes or businesses, so why not offer your services as a holiday decorator?

Passive Income Ideas

By now we have a pretty good idea of the number of ways to make money on the side and supplement your income. But what about making money in a way that doesn’t require so much effort? Many people are looking for passive income ideas – which involve investing your money in order to generate a steady stream of income each month.

#183 Peer-to-Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer lending is a great way to make some passive income. All you have to do is invest your money into a loan and then the lender will pay you back with interest. Many platforms allow you to set up automatic payments, so all you have to do is sit back and collect your monthly payments.

It’s important to do your research and understand the risks associated with this type of investment. But if you’re able to find reliable borrowers, it can be a great way to build up a steady stream of passive income.

#184 Dividend Stocks

Dividend stocks are another great way to generate some passive income. Many companies pay out dividends on a quarterly basis – and all you have to do is invest your money in order to receive those payments.

The amount of income you can make will depend on the size of your investment as well as the dividend rate of the company you’re investing in. But once you have your money invested, you can sit back and collect the dividend payments each quarter.

#185 Invest in Index Funds or ETFs

Index funds and ETFs are another great way to generate some passive income. These investments track a specific index or sector, and your money is invested into different stocks or bonds within that sector. Many of these investments pay out dividends each quarter – so all you have to do is sit back and collect the payments.

#186 Invest in Royalties from Music, Books, or Patents

If you’re looking for a more creative way to generate some passive income, why not invest in royalties from music, books, or patents? Many authors and musicians offer their work for sale – and when someone purchases it, you get paid a percentage of the sale.

You can also look into investing in patents and technologies that have the potential to generate income from licensing fees or royalties. Many inventors and entrepreneurs are looking for investors to help them bring their ideas to life – so if you’re interested in investing in something a bit more creative, this might be the way to go.

#187 Cashback Rewards from Credit Card Purchases

If you’re looking for a simple way to earn some extra money, why not take advantage of the cashback rewards from your credit cards? Many companies offer cashback rewards on purchases – so all you have to do is use your card and then redeem the rewards when they come in.

You can also look into signing up for rewards programs – which give you points for every dollar you spend. Many of these points can be redeemed for cash or other rewards – and all you have to do is shop as usual and reap the rewards!

chase credit card cashback

#188 Invest in Billboards

If you’re looking for a more long-term investment, why not look into investing in billboards? Many companies are willing to pay top dollar for billboard space – so all you have to do is purchase the space and then rent it out to advertisers.

You can usually find great deals on billboard space – and once you have it rented out, all you have to do is sit back and collect the rent payments each month.

#189 Buy an Existing Automated Online Business

If you’re looking for something a bit more passive, why not consider buying an existing automated online business? Many entrepreneurs have already created successful businesses through the internet – and if you purchase one of these businesses, all you have to do is sit back and collect the income each month.

This type of investment can be a bit risky – so it’s important to do your research and make sure you know what you’re getting into. But if you’re able to find a successful business that is already generating steady income, it can be a great way to generate some passive income.

#190 Own Intellectual Property Rights

Owning intellectual property rights can also be a great way to generate some passive income. Many companies are willing to pay top dollar for the rights to use your ideas – so if you have something unique or original that could be profitable, it might be worth looking into.

This type of investment requires more upfront work than some of the other options on this list – but if you’re able to secure the rights to an original idea, it can be a great way to make some passive income.

#191 REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are another great way to generate some passive income. Many investors buy into REITs as a way to diversify their portfolios and collect rental income from properties they own.

The best part about investing in REITs is that you don’t have to be an experienced real estate investor to get started – all you have to do is invest in the REIT and let it do the rest of the work for you!

#192 Owning a Self-Storage Facility

If you’re looking for a way to generate passive income without having to manage too many tenants or properties, why not consider owning a self-storage facility? Many entrepreneurs are finding success in the self-storage business – and all you have to do is purchase the land and then rent out the units.

#193 Investing in Shipping Containers

Investing in shipping containers can be another great way to generate some passive income. Many companies are looking for investors to purchase their shipping containers – and all you have to do is buy the containers and then rent them out.

#194 Owning a Laundromat

Owning a laundromat can be another great way to generate passive income. All you have to do is purchase the equipment, install it, and then let your customers take care of the rest.

The best part about owning a laundromat is that you don’t have to manage any tenants or properties – all you have to do is collect the coins from your customers and that’s it!

#195 Renting out Sports Equipment

People love sports. And they love trying new activities. But what can you do if you don't have the right equipment at hand? All you have to do is purchase the appropriate gear, and then rent it out to those who need it.

This can be a great way to generate some passive income – and it doesn’t require too much work on your part! Plus, sports enthusiasts are always looking for new ways to stay active, so you’ll likely be able to make a killing by offering them access to the equipment they need.

Unusual Side Hustle Ideas

We're almost done with finding 199 awesome side hustles that generate extra income. Now here are 4 more unusual side hustle ideas.

#196 Offer a “rent-a-friend” service for people looking for companionship or someone to attend events with them

Sometimes people need a companion for special occasions or events but don’t have any friends who can attend with them. You can offer your services as a “rent-a-friend” and you can even charge a fee for it!

Renting out your services as a friend is not only easy to do, but it can also be quite profitable. Many people are willing to pay for a friendly face to accompany them in social settings.

#197 Host themed dinner parties in your home

If you’re a fan of entertaining and hosting parties, why not take it up a notch and offer themed dinner parties in your own home? Many people are always looking for unique experiences – so if you can think outside the box and come up with some creative themes, you could be able to generate quite a bit of income from this.

This could also be a great way to meet new people and build relationships with potential customers or clients.

#198 Offer an art therapy service where clients can come paint, draw, or create while also receiving emotional support

Art therapy is becoming increasingly popular as a way to help people express their emotions and work through issues. Many people may not have the time or inclination to attend traditional therapy sessions, but art therapy can be an easy and accessible way for them to get some emotional support.

If you’re creative and know how to use art to help people express their feelings, why not consider offering an art therapy service? This can be a great way for you to make money while also helping others.

#199 Start a podcast about niche topics like conspiracy theories or ghost stories

People get naturally attracted to crazy stories and conspiracy theories. So why not make a podcast about the latest conspiracy theories or ghost stories? Many people would be interested in listening and you can even monetize it by offering ads or sponsorships.

There you have it. The most complete list of 199 awesome side hustles that generate extra income. If you have read it all and are still with me I am sure you found some great inspiration.

Side Hustle FAQ

Q: What side hustles pay the most?

A: Many of the side hustles mentioned above can be very profitable, depending on how much effort and time you are willing to put into it. Some of the highest-paying side hustles include freelancing, consulting, dropshipping, and renting out your services.

Q: What is the easiest side hustle to start?

A: Many of the side hustles mentioned above are relatively easy to start and don’t require too much work or investment. Some of the easiest side hustles include online tutoring, selling handmade items online, blogging, and renting out your services.

Q: What is the cheapest side hustle to start?

A: Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing, Renting out space, Creating an online course, Tutoring and Social Media Management don't cost anything to start.

Q: Which side hustles make side income fast?

A: While building assets like a website, blog, portfolio or online stores can take some time to generate income, there are many side hustles that can help you make money quickly. Some of the fastest ways to make side income include freelancing, consulting and renting out your services.

Q: How do you start a side hustle with no money?

A: Money can be a huge accelerator when starting out. But if you don't have any money to invest, you can start by investing your time instead. Put in the work, learn the necessary skills and you can start a side hustle with no money.


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