If you experience stress in your live, regardless of the cause or its intensity, this course is for you.
Chronic stress not only impairs our brain functions whilst we are stressed, but more importantly, it does lasting damage to our brain, as it kills braincells in our hippocampus. this means that, even if we we’re not stressed anymore, the damage will still be there.
Luckily, there is a lot we can do, as we will see in this course.
First we will analyze stress. where it comes from, what it does, the different types of stress, etc
After that, we will go over the 4 different types of dealing with stress. I call them ‘relief strategies' For each of them I will give 10 concrete examples of what we can do to activate the benefits of that strategy. So 10 examples for 4 strategies: that's 40 ways to deal with stress.
But it doesn't end here. you are highly encouraged to leave your own ideas and examples for each of the strategies, so that this course becomes a co-creation where you help define the final outcome. You will be responsible for the “+”, in the “40+ easy ways to deal with stress”.
The Science behind the course…
This highly practical course has been thoroughly researched to bring you the best in brain insights regarding stress.
From brain structures to stress hormones, over survival instincts. We will dive deep in the reasons behind stress and the mechanics at hand
More importantly, we will look at the 4 different strategies to deal with stress, explaining the effectiveness of each and the reason why it works.
Based on research from the UCLA and the NYU, there will be surprising, counter-intuitive insights, which will help you look at stress and how to deal with it, from a completely new perspective.
My personal experience
As an expert in human behavior, I'm regularly asked to give lectures or workshops on stress. It's increasingly an issue. This course was born out of dozens of interactive workshops that I led, where real people just like you sat down and created a personal action plan to help them deal with pressure and stress. It is packed with very concrete things anyone can do to help manage their stress levels. there are so many of them in this course, actually more than 40, as the title kinda gives away, So that you can find what works for you.
But it doesn't end here. you are highly encouraged to leave your own ideas and examples for each of the strategies, so that this course, just as the workshops I lead, become a co-creation where you help define the final outcome of the course. You will be responsible for the “+“, in the “40+ easy ways to deal with stress“.
Manage stress – before it manages you…
Use cognitive relief strategies – and explore the power of your mind
Use physical relief strategies – and let your body speak
Use sensory relief strategies – and fight pain with pleasure
Use emotional relief strategies – and walk a different path to beat stress
And So Much More… such as survival instincts, hormones, brain structures, Peter Pan (really), and so on …
Why do we feel stress? Is there any upside to it? Is all stress the same?
Find out in this lecture...
A small test to find out what stress response you use most often...
Learn how stress impacts us on a physiological level
In this lecture we will explore the reason why disrupting our flow of thoughts can help us manage our stress
10 examples of how to apply the cognitive relief strategies
This is the interactive part of the course: Do you have experience with cognitive relief strategies?
In this lectures we will explore the reason why moving is one of the most effective strategies to deal with stress
10 examples of how to apply the physical relief strategies
This is the interactive part of the course: Do you have experience with physical relief strategies?
In this lecture we will see why some 'me-time' helps to reduce our stress levels
10 examples of how to apply the sensory relief strategies
This is the interactive part of the course: Do you have experience with sensory relief strategies?
In this lecture we will see how this totally new perspective on stress has been ignored until recently, and why it's the most effective strategy of all.
10 examples of how to apply the emotional relief strategies
This is the interactive part of the course: Do you have experience with emotional relief strategies?
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