
Salary Negotiation: How to Negotiate a Raise or Promotion

Get paid what you are worth. Awesome salary negotiation tips and training to get a raise or a promotion.
Jim Hopkinson
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* Welcome to the highest rated salary negotiation course on Udemy! * 

A few years back Google did something pretty stunning, surprising every one of their 25,000 employees worldwide by automatically giving them a 10% raise and a $1,000 bonus. 

For the rest of us, it's not that easy. 

Most of us feel underpaid and undervalued at work and want to ask for a raise, but are anxious and don't know how to do it. Or maybe you've got a big performance review coming up, and you want a little help to make your case and get paid what you deserve. 

Fortunately, there are tips and tricks that you can use to negotiate more money. 

Using an easy-to-follow storytelling approach — along with case studies, statistics, templates, and the right amount of humor — this course will change the way you look at negotiation.
In this course you will:

  • Gain the specific skills needed to ask for a raise – in one hour

  • Formulate a winning negotiation game plan

  • Find out the best time to ask for a raise

  • Hear tips you can use starting today

  • Understand negotiation statistics and facts

  • Produce a secret weapon to be persuasive and memorable

  • Create a one-of-a-kind document to secure the highest salary range

You will also receive 9 digital downloads to: 

  • Keep track of your accomplishments

  • Create a digital portfolio to prove your worth

  • Email key contacts to find your true value

  • Present a salary research document to achieve the highest salary

Also see: 

  • How To Negotiate a New Job Offer (Pro)

  • How To Negotiate a New Job Offer (Student)

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