“Dies ist bei weitem der BESTE Kurs, den ich in Bezug auf Reiki belegt habe. Ich habe Hunderte von Dollar für einen persönlichen Kurs für Reiki I und Reiki II bezahlt, und ehrlich gesagt, habe ich in diesem Kurs von Melissa mehr gelernt als von meinem anderen Lehrer." Maria
“Ich habe einen persönlichen Kurs mit einem Reiki-Meister für diese 2 Grade gemacht und viel Geld dafür bezahlt. Ich kann ehrlich sagen, dass ich in DIESEM Kurs tatsächlich MEHR und auf eine liebevollere, präzisere Weise gelernt habe als bei meinem persönlichen Lehrer." Morgendämmerung
“Ich habe in diesem Kurs so viel mehr gelernt als in einem Kurs, den ich persönlich bei einem anderen Reiki-Meister besucht habe! Es ist wahnsinnig, wie viel Material hier zur Verfügung gestellt wird." Rita V
"Ich habe mehrere Kurse über Udemy belegt. Sie sind zweifellos der beste Lehrer." Betty Jo
“Das war ein unglaublicher Kurs!! Das Reiki-Kursbuch allein ist sein Gewicht in Gold wert und wirklich einfach zu folgen und zu lernen. Ich hatte meinen Reiki-Grad 1 und 2 zuvor in einem persönlichen Workshop gemacht und ich habe ehrlich gesagt mehr in diesem Kurs mit Melissa gelernt." Narelle
"Ich war mir zuerst nicht sicher über die Ferneinstimmung, aber sie war sehr kraftvoll und es gab keinen Zweifel daran, dass ich sie erhalten hatte. Debbie
"Ich würde ihm 100☆ Punkte geben, wenn ich könnte. Dankeschön" Christine
"Für mich war das ein Kurs, der mein Leben verändert hat...sein Kurs ist mehr wert als das, was man bezahlt!" Michael
"Ich wünschte, ich könnte diesem Kurs eine 10-Sterne-Bewertung geben!" Amit
"Wenn Sie einen Reiki-Kurs machen, dann diesen. Es lohnt sich." Joseph
Lernen Sie, wie Sie sich Reiki, die universelle Lebensenergie, zunutze machen können, um sich selbst, Freunde, Familie, Haustiere, andere Menschen, Tiere, Gegenstände und sogar Situationen heilen mit Melissas meistverkauftem Reiki-Kurs! Sie lernen, wie Sie sich um Ihren Geist, Ihren Körper und Ihre Seele kümmern können und wie Sie liebevolle Energie und Fülle in Ihr Leben ziehen!
Dieser Kurs umfasst alle drei Grade des Reiki: Reiki-Grad 1, Reiki-Grad 2 und Meister Niveau. Melissas Kurs ist selbstgesteuert und vollständig digital, das heißt, Sie können so langsam oder so schnell vorgehen, wie Sie möchten. Das Wichtigste dabei ist, dass Sie den Weg wählen, der sich für Sie richtig anfühlt.
Wenn Sie bereit sind, werden Sie über eine Fernverbindung eingestimmt. Chakra-Reinigung & Reiki-Einstimmungszeremonie für alle drei Reiki-Grade.
Von dort aus haben Sie Zugang zu Ihrem Kurshandbuch, das von Melissa geschrieben wurde: Energieheilung durch Reiki (im PDF-Format), sowie die dazugehörige Arbeitsbuch Übungen Buch (PDF), in dem Sie Ihre Übungseinheiten und Erfahrungen festhalten können.
Darüber hinaus gibt Melissa ihren Schülern die besten zusätzlichen Lernmittel an die Hand, z. B: Plakate für jedes Reiki-Symbol (PDF), ein 5 Minuten geführte Meditation (per Videovortrag), Menschliche Chakra-Poster (PDF), Hunde-Chakra-Poster (PDF), und Katzen-Chakra-Poster (PDF) - ganz zu schweigen von einigen Links zu anderen hilfreichen Ressourcen.
Melissas umfassendes Handbuch, das Arbeitsbuch, zusätzliche Bücher und Lernwerkzeuge stellen sicher, dass Sie alles haben, was Sie brauchen, nicht nur um Reiki-Meister zu werden, sondern auch um Meister Ihren Geist, Ihren Körper und Ihre Seele.
Wenn Sie den gesamten Kurs absolviert, alle Vorlesungen durchgearbeitet und bei Bedarf geübt haben, können Sie an meinem Reiki Meister Abschlussprüfung ein schönes Geschenk zu erhalten Usui Reiki Meister Zertifikat (PDF), die auch Ihre Reiki-Linie zeigt!
Einige der zusätzliche Leistungen dieses Kurses sind unter anderem in der Lage geistig wachsen, verbessern Sie Ihre Selbstwertgefühlmehr sein zentriert und ruhig in Ihrem Alltag, erreichen und leben Sie mit einer höheres Energieniveau, Hinweis Synchronizitäten und Überfluss anziehen in Ihr Leben.
Außerdem gibt Melissa einige Tipps und Hinweise für diejenigen, die ihr eigenes Unternehmen gründen wollen Reiki-Geschäft als Ergebnis der Teilnahme an diesem Kurs.
Und schließlich wird Melissa diesen Kurs im Laufe der Zeit um weitere hilfreiche Informationen ergänzen - von denen Sie dann lebenslanger Zugang zu.
Hinweis zur Ausbildung zum Reiki-Lehrer: In diesem Reiki 1 2 + Meisterkurs liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Selbstheilung und der Heilung anderer. Das Unterrichten anderer umfasst so viele andere Elemente, dass es von Melissa Crowhurst in einen weiteren Kurs, den Advanced Reiki Master Teacher Kurs, "aufgeteilt" worden ist. Diejenigen, die andere in Reiki unterrichten und zertifizieren wollen, sollten in Erwägung ziehen, neben diesem Kurs auch den Zusatzkurs Advanced Reiki Master Teacher zu belegen.
Melissa takes you through a quick introduction to the course and outlines what to expect next.
Unless otherwise noted, all video intro/outro music credit: Music for Manatees Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Melissa goes over some essential and important course information, as well as how to contact her for support through your learning journey.
For easy reference during and after your course, download your handbook, Energieheilung durch Reiki via this lecture.
Using Your Handbook, Workbook & Videos Together
To ensure you don't miss anything, in order to get the most out of the course, I recommend you download both the handbook and the workbook (available in the next lecture) and keep them open/out as you view the videos here so you can watch, listen, and read (and practice when prompted) through each section.
Then before you move onto the next section, ensure you review the relevant handbook and/or workbook and/or video so you can soak in everything - and remember to go at your own pace. Then once you feel like you've taken everything in from that section, progress to the next lecture.
Download this exercise workbook to help you practice the various elements as the course progresses.
Using Your Handbook, Workbook & Videos Together
To ensure you don't miss anything, in order to get the most out of the course, I recommend you download both the handbook (available in the previous lecture) and the workbook and keep them open/out as you view the videos here so you can watch, listen, and read (and practice when prompted) through each section.
Then before you move onto the next section, ensure you review the relevant handbook and/or workbook and/or video so you can soak in everything - and remember to go at your own pace. Then once you feel like you've taken everything in from that section, progress to the next lecture.
Melissa, your spiritual trainer and Usui Reiki Master Teacher, tells you a bit more about the journey which led her to you :-)
Video music credit: "For Originz" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
See students' testimonials about their Reiki Attunements from Melissa, as well as their thoughts about her Reiki Master course.
Understand that Reiki energy is the core of who we are.
Understand who can perform this style of energy healing.
Learn about our energy source and who the founding teacher of Reiki healing was.
Realise that the precepts of Reiki are essential for Masters to learn & live by.
In this lecture, Melissa describes the difference she sees in the terminology for healing attunements.
Learn why performing Reiki is called an 'attunement'.
Learn when and how your Reiki attunement will be performed, as well as a note from Melissa about how to use your handbook, workbook and videos to get the most out of the course!
In this lecture, Melissa explains what the Three Pillars of Reiki are and how she refers to them in the course.
Understand that energy healing has many various forms.
A short recap for what you've learned so far about the basics of Reiki.
It's time to do the the required workbook exercises for this section!
My quick 5-minute guided meditation to help relieve any stress - which will then allow you to better focus on learning and absorbing your coursework.
Video Music Credit: Music for Manatees Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons. By Attribution 3.0 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
In this lecture, you'll understand that feeling Reiki will vary depending on your own experience.
In this lecture, you'll learn the steps to stimulate the feeling of Reiki in your hands.
Now you know the steps, it's time to practice the Hand Energy Exercise!
Understand the importance of using your mind's eye when doing Reiki
Melissa answers a frequently asked question in this FAQ lecture.
In this lecture, Melissa discusses the FAQ of not being able to visualise and provides some insights on it.
Recognise the signals of your 'Power Hand'
Let's see if you remember some of the key components to this section!
It's time to do the the required workbook exercises for this section!
Understand the importance of preparing before performing Reiki and letting go of expectations.
In this lecture, Melissa answers the frequently asked question about why we "let go" as healers.
Learn how to 'intend' for attunements.
Learn how to disconnect and protect yourself from negative energy.
In this brief lecture, Melissa adds a few notes to help you with your energetic cleansing.
Be able to replenish your own energy reserves after healings or when you're feeling off-centered.
Learn and understand what a 'Spiritual Detox' is - and how to best manage it.
In this lecture, Melissa clarifies a bit more about detoxing at night as well as defining the difference between a detox and picking up negative energy from someone else.
There were quite a few things covered in this chapter, so let's ensure you caught all the main points!
It's time to do the the required workbook exercises for this section!
We'll learn about the 5 Reiki Symbols and where the true power comes from.
A quick lecture about how to 'activate' the symbols you're about to learn.
Learn the meaning of and how to 'draw' the Cho Ku Rei symbol. This lecture includes a PDF A4 poster, which is downloadable for your future reference.
Melissa shows you how to draw the Power Symbol
Melissa shows you have to draw the Power Symbol in reverse for self-healings.
Learn the meaning of and how to 'draw' the Sei Hei Ki symbol. This lecture includes a PDF A4 poster, which is downloadable for your future reference.
Melissa shows you how to draw the Emotional Symbol
Learn the meaning of and how to 'draw' the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol. This lecture includes a PDF A4 poster, which is downloadable for your future reference.
Melissa shows you how to draw the Distance Symbol
Learn the meaning of and how to 'draw' the Dai Ku Myo symbol. This lecture includes a PDF A4 poster, which is downloadable for your future reference.
Melissa shows you how to draw the Usui Master Symbol
Learn the meaning of and how to 'draw' the Raku symbol. This lecture includes a PDF A4 poster, which is downloadable for your future reference.
Melissa shows you how to draw the Grounding Symbol
Melissa provides a 'quick reference' for students to use to help them decide which symbol to use when doing a session.
These 5 symbols are pretty important, so let's see what you can recall!
It's time to do the the required workbook exercises for this section!
Chakras are an integral part of Reiki, so Melissa introduces them to you in this lecture. Chakra posters (A4 and A3 sizes) are also downloadable in PDF format here for your future reference.
This lecture includes more detail about Chakras, including an easy reference chart.
In this short lecture, Melissa clarifies a few more things about Chakras.
It's time to do the the required workbook exercises for this section!
Learn where and how to place your hands when healing.
Understand the reasons behind using the "Hands Off" method.
Melissa shows your her preferred attunement method: hands-off.
Learn essentials to using the "Hands On" method.
Understand what scanning is and how to use it for yourself and for others.
See how Melissa performs a quick 'scanning' session on her attunee.
*Note, this is a demonstration only and not necessarily indicative of how long a session should last, please refer to the handbook for more detail.
Melissa demonstrates how to scan yourself to identify energy fluctuations.
*Note, this is a demonstration only and not necessarily indicative of how long a session should last, please refer to the handbook for more detail.
In this lecture, Melissa answers a frequently asked question about hovering one's hand over the Crown Chakra.
In this lecture Melissa discusses the possibilities around whether to wear, or not wear, jewellery during a healing session.
It's time to do the the required workbook exercises for this section!
Melissa provides a short introduction to attunements.
Learn, step-by-step, how to perform a General Healing Attunement. You can also download a MP3 version of this lecture to assist in your learning.
Some students have asked me to explain a bit more about this attunement demonstration, so in this short lecture, I explain a few of the things I do in the session :)
Melissa shows you how to do a full attunement from beginning to end.
*Note, this is a demonstration only and not necessarily indicative of how long a session should last, please refer to the handbook for more detail.
Learn how to give your attunement a more specific path to follow.
In this written lecture, Melissa shows you the traditional Reiki hand positions and provides a PDF download for future use.
In this lecture, Melissa demonstrates how to perform a healing session using the traditional Reiki hand positions.
In this lecture, Melissa demonstrates how to perform a healing session modifying the traditional Reiki hand positions to her preferred "hands-off" method.
Self healings ensure Reiki Practitioners are centred, balanced and able to help others.
In this lecture, Melissa demonstrates a self-healing attunement session.
In this lecture, Melissa steps you through the Traditional Reiki Hand positions for self-healing.
Melissa answers a frequently asked question in this FAQ lecture.
In this lecture, Melissa clarifies one of her most frequently asked questions of, "What does something "X" mean in a healing session?"
In this lecture, Melissa answers questions that relate to what the Reiki practitioner feels/senses.
Melissa answers a frequently asked question in this FAQ lecture.
In this lecture, Melissa goes over another FAQ to clarify for students working on others.
In this lecture, Melissa answers some common questions about how to handle clients who might get emotional during or after a session.
In this lecture, Melissa answers FAQ about doing Reiki while pregnant, with expectant mothers, and children.
In this lecture, Melissa discusses a FAQ about working with the very elderly.
In this lecture, Melissa answers questions which are related to Reiki symbol use for a session.
In this lecture, Melissa answers a wide variety of FAQ for healing sessions that aren't a part of the other FAQ topics.
It's time to do the the required workbook exercises for this section!
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