Become a Certified Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher and learn how you can perform Crystal Reiki sessions on yourself and others as well as teach Crystal Reiki.
Learn how to perform specifically tailored Crystal Reiki sessions that focus on the intentions you or your client are wanting addressed.
If you find yourself drawn to crystals and their resonance, this course will teach you how to choose crystals to work with specific aspects of the body and mind in your Reiki sessions.
If you find you have a special connection with nature, this course will guide you as you explore some of the most fundamental structures that our world and bodies are built with to deepen that connection and understanding.
If you are wanting to provide a new way of working with your clients in your existing healing practice, this course will give you the tools to do so.
Take your Reiki practice to the next level.
Crystal Reiki is a new branch of Reiki combining the use of crystals with Reiki, universal life force energy. This form of energy healing combines the specific metaphysical healing properties of crystals with Reiki energy, allowing practitioners to tailor each session they perform with the specific intentions the recipient wants to focus on. Crystal Reiki also includes the use of symbols that are incorporated into the sessions which further refine and amplify the Crystal Reiki energy.
Content and Overview
This course is suitable for individuals who have already completed study in Traditional Reiki Levels I and II and will provide the tools to perform specific and focused Crystal Reiki sessions. In this course you will learn about the internal structures of crystals and how that impacts their metaphysical properties. You will also learn about sacred geometry and how to utilize fundamental patterns in your Crystal Reiki sessions.
You will practice selecting crystals based on their known healing properties as well as your intuition and select their placement in a Crystal Reiki session that amplifies the energy.
This course includes scientific theory as well as opportunities for you to practice what you are learning. You will have the chance to share your experiences with a warm community of like-minded individuals. When you have questions, you have one on one support from your Instructor who is here to help you succeed.
You will receive specific Crystal Reiki attunements that will help you to connect on a deep level with crystals and the Crystal Reiki symbols.
What makes this course special?
This course has over 35 lectures that consist of video, audio and written resources with more topics being added each month. You will also receive an 85 page manual you can download for your reference. You have lifetime access to the course materials as well as updates and additional information and there are no deadlines so you can take as much time as you need to work through the course.
You will have resources including certificate templates and a course outline to teach Crystal Reiki to others if you feel called to.
At the end of the course, once you have met the certification requirements you will receive a Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher certificate (emailed pdf file) suitable for display purposes with your clients. These requirements include completing each lecture as well as a course exam to ensure that students with this certification meet a high standard of professional competency.
This course combines science with the metaphysical in a step by step method that will give you the confidence you need to confidently begin your Crystal Reiki practice. Crystal Reiki has a unique resonance that will take your practice and awareness to another level. Follow your heart if this resonates and begin this amazing journey by enrolling now.
Wichtiger Hinweis:
Students who wish to receive certification in this course will receive an attunement which will require that they provide personal information (name, email) when they schedule these attunements. Note: information provided is confidential and only used for the purpose of the attunement ceremony.
You will explore the components of the course and how to successfully navigate your way through it.
You will learn how Crystal Reiki sets itself apart from Traditional Reiki as well as general crystal healing.
You will explore how crystals are formed and how those factors influence the energetic properties of the crystal.
You will learn how crystals have been used for healing since the dawn of ancient civilization.
In this activity you will determine what aspects of your body and life you would like Crystal Reiki to help you with.
You will learn how the different classes of crystal structures have similar metaphysical properties and how you can use crystals within each class.
You will learn how you can choose the most suitable crystals for your Crystal Reiki sessions.
You will familiarize yourself with crystals that contain toxic elements and how they can be handled.
You will learn about how the color of a crystal can be related to its uses in your Crystal Reiki sessions.
You will know how you can cleanse your crystals and which methods to avoid using with specific crystals.
You will explore various ways to store your crystals to ensure they remain in pristine condition.
You will learn various ways to charge your crystals.
You will learn about the benefits of programming your crystals and how to do so.
Based on the priorities you identified in the first section, you will now select crystals to work with those areas of your body and/or life that you would like to see change in.
This meditation will help you to connect and align with your crystals to help you familiarize your understanding of their resonance.
You will learn about the importance of client relations and how you need to refrain from diagnosing and prescribing in your Crystal Reiki sessions.
You will explore ways you can prepare for your Crystal Reiki session including how you select and place your crystals.
You will learn how to perform Crystal Reiki self-treatments.
You will learn how to perform a Crystal Reiki session with others.
You will learn how to incorporate crystals into your Reiki Principles meditation.
This meditation will guide you through a Crystal Reiki self-treatment with a focus on the Reiki principles.
You will learn about the eight sacred Crystal Reiki symbols and the properties they are associated with.
You will learn how the Crystal Reiki symbols can be used as a foundation for your crystal layouts in your Crystal Reiki sessions.
You will learn how to construct a Crystal Reiki grid for your Crystal Reiki sessions.
You will learn how to select crystals for your Crystal Reiki grids.
You will learn about additional elements you can add to your Crystal Reiki grids.
This meditation will guide you as you activate a Crystal Reiki grid.
You will learn how to perform Crystal Reiki sessions with a focus on the chakras as placements for your crystals when working with various intentions.
You will learn how to assess the energy in your home and how to use Crystal Reiki to address any energetic imbalances.
You will learn ways you can perform Crystal Reiki with animals.
You will learn about crystals you can use in your Crystal Reiki sessions to enhance feelings of safety and peace.
You will explore various Crystal Reiki grids you can use when working with specific intentions and imbalances.
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