Imagine being able to speak in public, hold your audience's attention (no matter who they are), make a persuasive point, convey your ideas with confidence, clarity and conviction—and walk away with the result you want.
THAT is what this course will teach you.
Ace the Pitch was designed to help anyone (no matter your age, background or level of experience) master the ability to communicate, influence, inspire and persuade.
Drawing from the expertise of the world's most successful speakers, entrepreneurs, sales geniuses, and remarkable leaders, you'll learn exactly how to craft and deliver a compelling, persuasive story that GETS THE YES!
You'll learn:
I've spent the past decade plus studying, learning, and mastering the techniques that I'll share with you in this course. And the best part is that I know they work, because they've helped raise over $100Million in venture funding, launch several billion-dollar brands, and generate tens of millions of views on social media.
If you're serious about confidently and easily ACING your next pitch—and EVERY pitch!—this is the course for you.
In this lesson, I'll explain why 99% of presentations fail... and the surprisingly simple thing you can do to ensure yours succeeds.
In this lesson, we will:
Then you'll put all that delicious insight to work in the Skill Building Exercises!
Simplicity and emotion are the top-secret “power tools” of the world’s greatest speakers and presenters—and in this lesson, I’ll show you how to make them YOURS.
There’s a huge difference between presenting data and giving meaning... Which is why I'm going to show you how to transform any data-heavy slide from a cluttered mess into a powerful tool of persuasion!
Our brains process and recall visual information far more quickly & easily than text. In this lesson, I’ll explain why visuals can be so powerful and show you how to transform boring, cluttered slides into evocative, persuasive ones that make good on the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
Most presentations aren’t presentations—they’re documents, littered with words, logos and labels that confuse the audience and weaken your pitch.
In this lesson, I'll share two powerful ways to transform wordy slides and stories into powerful [and tweetable] sound bites that your audience will gobble up.
In this lesson, I'll show you how to turn your post-it notes/outline/ideas into an awesome storyboard (in PowerPoint!) that lays the groundwork for a legendary presentation.
*Note: Even if you're NOT planning to use slides for your pitch, the storyboarding "process" that I introduce in this video will be immensely valuable—so don't skip it!*
In this lesson, I'll explain how to choose & apply a visual "language" that sets the right mood for your story—and helps build connections with your audience.
After a decade of doing this, I’ve learned a thing or two about how to produce a deck pain-free. I’ll save you from the numerous headaches (and near-disasters) that I’ve had by showing you my exact production process—how to set up your files, how to organize all those images, fonts and stats—and where you can save time along the way. #YOUREWELCOME!
In this lesson, I'll share some simple yet powerful design principles that will make your slides SIZZLE!
In this lesson, I'll share some of the fabulous (& mostly free) tools that I LOVE and use almost every day to create gorgeous slides.
“CRAP” is an acronym you’ll love, because it’s such a simple, powerful way to weave in visual “cues” that lead your audience to YES.
In this lesson, I'll show you how to create a cover slide that makes a FABULOUS first impression.
Learn the tricks I use to ensure that nothing gets lost in translation when I email, print, upload, or share a killer pitch.
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