
Ace the Pitch!

Learn how to craft & deliver exceptionally effective presentations that GET RESULTS.
Marta Kagan
329 Studenten eingeschrieben
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Imagine being able to speak in public, hold your audience's attention (no matter who they are), make a persuasive point, convey your ideas with confidence, clarity and conviction—and walk away with the result you want.

THAT is what this course will teach you.

Ace the Pitch was designed to help anyone (no matter your age, background or level of experience) master the ability to communicate, influence, inspire and persuade. 

Drawing from the expertise of the world's most successful speakers, entrepreneurs, sales geniuses, and remarkable leaders, you'll learn exactly how to craft and deliver a compelling, persuasive story that GETS THE YES!

You'll learn:

  • Why 99% of presentations FAIL—and the surprisingly simple thing you can do to ensure yours succeeds.
  • How to craft a compelling story that will have keep your audience captivated—no matter how “dry” your subject-matter may be!
  • The secret “power tools” that remarkable leaders and top-paid speakers use to inspire, influence and persuade their audiences to TAKE ACTION!
  • How to craft a KILLER elevator pitch that sparks interest and gets “the next meeting.”
  • How to present data (even if it's super technical or complicated) in a way that turns those “glazed over” looks into wide-eyed ones that cry “tell me more!” 
  • How to strategically choose words and visuals that your audience CANNOT RESIST!
  • The exact, step-by-step process I used to create several of the MOST VIEWED, MOST DOWNLOADED presentations EVER. (This alone will save you hours of pain and stress!)
  • How to create GORGEOUS, professional-looking slides—even if you have zero design skills.
  • The best tools, hacks, shortcuts, templates and resources for crafting and delivering a presentation or pitch that blows minds (without breaking your back or your bank account).
  • The secret to opening your pitch or presentation LIKE A BOSS—with total confidence (no matter how shy, introverted or nervous you normally are when speaking in public!)
  • The most effective strategies (which I'll DEMONSTRATE in the video lessons) for overcoming pre-pitch jitters, appearing confident (even if you're scared to death), handling difficult questions/mistakes with poise, and walking away feeling like A MILLION BUCKS!

I've spent the past decade plus studying, learning, and mastering the techniques that I'll share with you in this course. And the best part is that I know they work, because they've helped raise over $100Million in venture funding, launch several billion-dollar brands, and generate tens of millions of views on social media.

If you're serious about confidently and easily ACING your next pitch—and EVERY pitch!—this is the course for you.

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Auf jeden Fall! Wenn Sie über eine Internetverbindung verfügen, sind die Kurse auf Udemy jederzeit und auf jedem Gerät verfügbar. Wenn Sie keine Internetverbindung haben, bieten einige Dozenten ihren Studenten auch die Möglichkeit, Kursvorträge herunterzuladen. Das hängt allerdings vom Kursleiter ab, also stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sich mit ihm gut stellen!
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