
Kritisches Denken - Strategien für bessere Entscheidungen

Upgrade your problem solving skills and optimize business outcomes by applying the critical thinking process.
John Rampton
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If you work for a company or operate your own business or startup, then you know your daily work environment will involve making critical decisions about anything and everything. It’s no easy task, and you don’t want your decisions based on the popular response, colleague pressure, emotion, or your gut. Instead, you want to know how to apply critical thinking to each and every decision you make to ensure better results.

This course provides a deep dive into the concept of critical thinking, its benefits, and the challenges involved in being good at critical thinking. I’ll walk you through the critical thinking process of today’s successful leaders and share my own experiences. In this course, you will:

  • Explore the concept of critical thinking, its value, and how it works.

  • Discover what goes into critical thinking to create effective critical thinking.

  • Determine what stands in the way of critical thinking and how to tear down these barriers.

  • Master critical thinking by understanding its components and processes.

  • Practice what you learn through some fun, hands-on activities, including workshops and an online escape room game.

  • Develop your personal critical thinking action plan.

Here is a little bit about me and my life that most people don’t know. I’m just your average guy that grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah, and I have been an entrepreneur my whole life. My current companies include Calendar and Due. I am involved in numerous other ventures as an investor and advisor. I have spoken all over the world and coached countless entrepreneurs on how to grow their small ideas to billion-dollar businesses. Many of these same entrepreneurs have gone on to sell their companies to Google, eBay, Microsoft, and Adobe. As an online influencer, Entrepreneur Magazine recognized me as one of the top 50 most influential marketers in the World. I was number 2 on the list.

Enroll today to start changing how you make the business decisions that impact your company and career.

CPE (kontinuierliche berufliche Weiterbildung)


  1. Define critical thinking.

  2. List the building blocks of critical thinking.

  3. Explain what the critical thinking process looks like in action.

  4. Identify and understand the potential barriers (both that we create and from other sources) to critical thinking.

  5. Recognize and describe the approaches to critical thinking.

  6. Define external and internal processes you can use to leverage critical thinking.

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