
Verringern Sie die Zeit, die Ihnen E-Mails stehlen, um die Hälfte

The 7 Keys to E-mail Control gives you back your time and concentration
7 Keys Lösungen
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If you receive lots of e-mail and demands on your time, this course shows you 7 proven ways to get back full control of your e-mail – and create more time for the high value tasks.

·Just using the ‘One-Touch Inbox’ technique can HALVE the time you’d normally take.

·‘Batching’ and other great techniques reduce the stress associated with overload.

·The difference that the times of day when you handle e-mail can make to concentration

The video demos are done in MS Outlook 2010 – but it doesn’t matter which software you use, the course gives you proven techniques to reduce the time spent with e-mail. And you’ll get more mileage out of whatever system you use now.

One third of office workers suffer from ‘e-mail stress’. It’s even been called a plague. We’re not just overwhelmed by the volume of e-mail but we lose focus on the productive activities of our jobs. The ‘7 Keys To E-mail Control’ help you to actually be more focused and to be able to spend time on the things that move your job, and the business, forward.

According to the BBC Money Programme people can spend up to half the working day going through the inbox! But not if you follow the 7 Key principles outlined in this course. You’ll not only shave hours off the time you spend with e-mail, you’ll get precious time and energy back for yourself.

It comes with a workbook which gives you a rapid overview of the 7 Keys and then goes on to explain the theory behind it all – after you’ve made some immediate gains from the 12 short, 5 minute videos.

If it’s important to you or your team to handle e-mail volumes better and faster and with less effort so you can concentrate on the big issues that count, this is the right course for you.

The 7 Keys To E-Mail Control
Outlook Demo
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